A Song for Winter: New Fur Color

Chapter 32: New Fur Color

    All William wanted was a couple more layers of protective spells weaved into his armor. It would’ve been a simple request for the original casters of the current enchantments but unfortunately, they were slain with the rest of William’s clan. This meant he had to find someone to try to interweave their enchantments into the existing ones. William should’ve never trusted that cocky fennec girl. She was more than confident that she could do the spell work perfectly fine without inspecting the existing enchantments. Everything was going fine at first then the fennec girl lost concentration; distracted by something shiny that passed by the window. The resulting magic explosion kicked up a dust cloud that blocked out all sight.


    Once all the dust settled, William did a quick check to make sure all of his parts were where they should be. Everything was where it should be but William’s normally gray and white fur was now a shade of cobalt blue. He was beyond furious at the fennec wizard who had seemed to vanish in the magical explosion. Looking around what was left of the arcane study William failed to find any sort of magical cleaner to fix his fur color problem. Angrily William wrapped himself in his cloak covering up all the blue fur and left to find a solution to this issue.


    Managing to sneak back to his house without his new blue fur being spotted William quickly shut the door behind himself. Julia, his seven-year-old half lynx half arctic folf daughter, immediately ran up to greet her father with a big hug. William’s blue fur stunned Julia at first but after a moment she declared her love for her father’s new look. He told her not to get used to it as it wasn’t staying before closing himself in his bedroom. Several hours and three dozen different incantations later and the blue fur wasn’t showing any sign of disappearing. Swearing loudly William decided to try one last-ditch effort.


    Running down to the fjord with a bucket in hand, William stripped off his clothes before leaping into the frigid waters. Chilled to the bones, he grabbed the soap and sponge from the bucket and started trying to scrub the blue out of his fur with this more mundane approach. Despite his best efforts, the blue coloring wasn’t going anywhere. Sitting there in the water William briefly considered just shaving all the blue fur off but nixed the idea because of how long it would take to regrow all the shaved fur. Swimming back towards shore William found the fennec wizard that was the cause of this blue fur predicament waiting for him. As William toweled off and pulled his pants on the fennec girl apologized profusely for her spells backfiring like they did making him blue and teleporting her out of town. Carving a series of interlocking rune circles in the ground the fennec spellcaster motioned for William to stand in the center of them. Several tense moments of runic chanting later another spell exploded kicking up another dust cloud. This time William found that his fur was back to its normal color when the dust settled. Grateful for this ordeal to be over William forgave the fennec girl and secretly vowed to never let her spell work anywhere near him again.

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