A Song for Winter: Fancy Suit

Chapter 27: Fancy Suit

    William didn’t want to do this job at all. Playing bodyguard for treasure hunters traipsing across dangerous terrain was one thing but being head of security for a wedding was something completely different. The idea of needing security for a wedding to start with was a confusing concept for William. What kind of groom couldn’t defend their mate from any would-be marauders or bandits? After some monetary convincing and some promises of potential leads for how to find his missing daughter, William finally accepted the job. He still wasn’t thrilled about the fact that he would be required to wear a suit with no room for all of his weapons.


    After an exhausting afternoon at a tailor, William had a suit for his security gig at the wedding. The suit was black from the tie to the pants except for the white undershirt. William had a special sheathe sewn into the inside of the jacket to hold his talisman dagger so he wasn’t completely unarmed. Along with that, he had the tie lined with a special flexible metal that hardened with kinetic force. So even though he had to wear an incredibly uncomfortably hot suit for a day he was prepared to fight if he had to.


    The sun beat down hard on the day of the wedding as William organized the rest of the security detail into a roughly cohesive team. William checked invites before passing the guests off to the ushers for seating before the ceremony started. Posting up under a nearby tree as the ceremony started when a white-haired muscular human radiating impressive amounts of fire magic approached the wedding chapel.  William stepped in the path of this human only to be knocked aside effortlessly. Throwing off his jacket, drawing his witch knife in the process, while shouting at his aggressor. 


    “Stand down child,” the old human demanded, “this isn’t a matter for the short-lived.”


    “Probably not but I haven’t been paid yet and I don’t take kindly to being pushed around,” William growled, flipping his witch knife into a reverse grip in his right hand.


    A smirk spread across the white-haired human’s face followed by a growl as he grew larger and changed forms revealing that he wasn’t a human at all. He was a red-scaled dragon of gargantuan proportions. Fire leaped from the dragon’s throat but with a quick whistle, William created a vacuum bubble around himself protecting him from the flames. Well mostly protecting him as the pants sustained some singeing. Dodging claws and teeth William got some small cuts in here and there but nothing substantial. Growing angry the dragon lashed out with its tail enwrapping William as it took off into the sky.


    Thinking fast he worked his right hand free brandishing the witch knife while whistling a string of notes from the Winter Song. A massive vacuum bubble formed around the dragon’s wings essentially rendering them useless. Just as quickly as they had arisen into the sky William and the dragon were now falling. Stabbing the dragon’s tail, William forced it to loosen enough for him to work himself free. Releasing the vacuum bubble spell William wrapped his tie around his fist while whistling a few notes to add momentum to his descent. First, the dragon hit the ground with a ground-shaking thud. Then, William slammed into the dragon’s chest with the kinetic metal tie wrapped around his fist. With the dragon incapacitated the wedding proceeded uninterrupted with the dragon being hauled away by the local authorities. William’s new suit was in tatters around him but he didn’t mind since he never liked dressing up fancy anyways.

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