A Song for Winter: Favorite Color - Blue

Chapter 12: Favorite Color - Blue

    William’s earliest memories were of his mother’s blue eyes. In the light, her eyes shone the same color of blue as new ice. Those eyes always comforted William when he was young and made the world feel calmer. When William’s mother, Katherine Wintersong, would sing him lullabies at night he would look into those ice-blue eyes and feel at peace. Something about the color of her eyes made everything alright in the world. That became the color of comfort for William whenever he saw it he thought of those calming eyes of his mother and felt better. Luckily for him, he grew up in the frigid north so there were plenty of opportunities to find that ice-blue all around him.


    When Clan Drakonas marched into battle they decorated their bodies with dark blue body paint. Ranging from just slathering it across their body to making intricately detailed designs each member of the clan wore the blue paint. Once William was old enough to start combat training with his father, Odin Drackonas, he was also taught how to properly decorate himself for battle. The dark blue paint became symbolic of the thrill of battle and honor for William. Drawing his paint-covered fingers across his face making blue claw marks that he traced down his neck before decorating the rest of his body with various runes forever making that shade of blue a symbol of victory and honor.


    Upon hearing the wonderful news that his wife, Julia, was pregnant, William immediately assumed that they were going to have a boy. With this notion stuck in his head, he traveled many miles and miles to the east to obtain the most wonderful softest sky blue, baby blanket for his soon-to-be newborn child. Fate intervened however and gifted William and Julia with a baby girl who they named Jaina. Despite not being a boy they still wrapped their new child in the sky blue blanket. As Jaina grew that blanket became her favorite to the point where she couldn’t sleep without it. The blanket became frayed, stained, and torn over the years as Jaina used it as her safety blanket, a cloak, a teething toy, or a picnic table. Every time he saw that shade of blue William was always reminded of his dear daughter.


    On the night William lost everything all his favorite shades of blue came together in all the wrong ways to tear him apart in all the wrong ways. Those ice-blue eyes of Katherine that had always brought him comfort were filled with pain and anguish as she wove one last spell to surround her son in a protective wall of primeval ice. Blue war paint decorating Odin’s body was ruined as blood flowed across it from his multiple wounds as he fought tooth and nail till his body was destroyed to protect Katherine while she wove her spell.  A scrap of a burned sky blue blanket was all William needed to believe his daughter was dead, thoroughly shattering him on the inside. Shades of blue bring back terrible memories for William but also remind him of a time when his world wasn’t shattered.

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