A Song for Winter: Eventide Campaign 1

Chapter 17: Eventide Campaign 1

    It had been just over a week since William’s battle with the Bloodfang war party that left him missing his right eye. He was still trapped on this planet that the natives referred to as Eventide, and every day he was stuck here was another day he was separated from his daughter, Jaina. A daughter that he had just found out was still alive moments before he had to send her through a portal for her own safety. Now back at full strength having exhausted all other options William decided to finally register with the Adventurers’ Guild to see if they could help him get off this axis-locked planet. He hated the idea of having to deal with the guild and their rules but it was his absolute last option.


    As William made his way from the dirty little inn he had been staying at towards the Adventurers’ Guildhall he could see that the annual Firefall festival was starting up. This was the time of year when the orbit of the planet entered into the remains of some sort of ancient space battle whose debris, still enchanted with unstable magics, would rain down on the planet. Vendors had already set up stalls trying to hawk pieces of twisted metal, claiming them to be capable of various magical effects. Pushing his way through the crowd, William ignored all of this as he continued on his way. Once free of the sea of bodies William found that a small metal cog had attached itself to one of his spats. Picking up the cog caused a sudden whirlwind to surround the folf. William drew his sword as he spun around to fight whoever was trying to attack him but there was no one there. Looking back at the cog he could sense some sort of arcane enchantment on the small metal piece and just vaguely hear some notes of the Wintersong. Whatever this thing was it was feeding on and using his own magic. Tucking the cog away in a pocket William made a mental note to investigate whatever this thing was later. 


    After waiting in line for hours and filling out a pile of paperwork, William was now a registered member of the Adventurers’ Guild. However, this got him no closer to getting off this planet as everyone that could force open a portal wasn’t willing to this close to a fire fall. William let out a low growl as he stalked towards the door when large bursts of earth and ice magic rocked the guildhall. Whistling a few notes whilst drawing his witch knife William tried to push through the crowd only to arrive in time to see the fight between an arrogant-looking elf and a red she-demon being broken up by a guild guard. As the muscular red she-demon strode by with her spiraling horns held high and wings folded against her back, she motioned for William to follow her outside. Not being a fan of demons, William was hesitant to follow her at first but she looked like she might know how to open a portal. After following the demoness for a bit William found himself seated across from her at the streetside table of a local tavern.


    “My name is Izre,” the red demon introduced herself, “and unless there’s another one-eyed folf running around I think you might just be the person I need to help me find my ways to a ruin site. Unless of course, the local rumors about you are just hearsay.”


    “The rumors are true enough,” William told her, “and my name is William. Now tell me exactly why you need my help getting to some old ruins. I don’t exactly trust demons after what happened to my family.”


    Izre explained over a meal that despite her appearances she was actually more of a scholar than a fighter. She wanted to study the area around where the last firefall was to see if she could figure out a way to study the ancient corrupt magic that fell with the debris every year. As the meal wound down she offered to pay William any treasure they found if he took her up on her offer. William told her that all he wanted was a way off this planet which Izre said she could probably make happen when the job was finished. As Izre got up to leave she handed William a card for a local inn, Gatrie's Bed and Breakfast while telling him to go get a room on her before walking away while reminding him to consider her offer. William already knew he was going to accept her offer but decided to get a good night’s sleep at Gatrie’s before giving Izre her answer.

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