PDARPG MISC: Crystal Wyrm - pool noodle - 311 words

Chapter 9: Crystal Wyrm - pool noodle - 311 words

8. Draw or write your characters doing summer activities in the winter-like setting of Lyra.



Hiisi inhaled as deep as she could. She held her breath for a bit, and then let the air out in an annoyed sigh. She sat on the white crystal dust with legs crossed, and she leaned her face into her hand. With the other, she held a hose, that poured water into an inflatable pool next to her.


A growl made its way out from between the Dinakian's scaled lips. Just thinking about that walking glow stick made her blood boil. Sure, he didn't make the rules, but it didn't explain idiocy. The reptile glanced at her side.


There was a perfectly good lake right there. What was wrong with it to not use it? Was it too cold to? Hiisi tested the water that came from the hose with her finger.

Nope. Couldn't be a coldness thing. The stuff that she was filling the pool for hatchlings was absolutely freezing by itself. A sudden scream out of nowhere pulled her attention.


Speaking of that glow stick, Caspian ran and stumbled his way to the Dinakian.

"Okay, get up. Move, move, move!" He urged Hiisi, and pulled her up from the dust-filled replacement of a beach. The saurian was just about to spit insults at him, when she noticed something large approaching.


In the direction where the eternal had come from, the Crystal Wyrm bulldozed everything in its way. It flew so low that the crystallized scales on its belly occasionally scraped the ground that dashed by beneath them.


"What did you do?!" Hiisi demanded to know, but there was no time. Caspian turned her around, and started to push her forward.

"I'll explain later."

"No you won't!" The Dinakian responded when she finally gave in, and started to run.

"Nothing gets past you, huh?" The Athos jokingly mocked her, but got no response. Perhaps, it was for the best.

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