PDARPG MISC: Portal Posi - posable crayons - 291 words

Chapter 16: Portal Posi - posable crayons - 291 words

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it.



"Weren't you supposed to be the idiot one?"


Caspian couldn't help his automatic reaction of widening eyes and profuse blinking. He turned to the yokai, who stood beside him with her arms crossed on her chest. "What?"


"I heard her call you one - multiple times." Ryuko gestured at the Dinakian a little further away in front of them, who yelled profanities at Posi and her mechanical cobra. "However, the only idiot I see here is, quite frankly, her. If we're not counting this Pos-ee."


"Posi," Caspian corrected her without thinking.


"That's what I said."


"I heard that you crayon-tattooed green goblin!" Hiisi marched straight at the waterfall spirit like an unstoppable steam roller - until Caspian rushed to stop her fuming advance.


"You're being ridiculous," the shifter tried to calm the Dinakian down without much luck. He wasn't good with words, and with Hiisi, there were very few words that could've been considered the right ones.


"I'm being completely reasonable!"


She, in fact, wasn't reasonable. She kept claiming that people like Posi gave her own people a bad name - despite the painfully prevalent fact, that she didn't let anyone call her a snake. Not even Caspian. Especially not Caspian. It seemed like Hiisi was certain that she could maul some sense into the portal scientist's thick Thath skull with just screaming at her.


And how long she had screamed. Caspian had left her to her own devices the previous day, only to come back to see - and hear - her still ranting and raving at the mech and its pilot.


Ryuko let out a short sigh at the sight of two bickering creatures. Sometimes people didn't make sense to her - but on the other hand, she probably wasn't alone with such a feeling.

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