PDARPG MISC: Portal Posi - rreeee - 249 words

Chapter 17: Portal Posi - rreeee - 249 words

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it.



"People like you give us a bad name! You hear me!?"


Kyy stared at the serpentine woman raging and foaming at the humongous, mechanical cobra. He could hear Posi's deranged cackling every time Hiisi took a small break to take a breath - before continuing to spit insults and - probably fabricated - facts at the delusional Thath.


The young man had heard of someone like this from Caspian - Hiisi, was it? What was she doing here in the middle of the night, anyway? How did her lungs even keep up with all that screaming?


"I don't think that's going to work," Kyy approached the Dinakian carefully. Hiisi fell silent and turned to him. Her eyes overflowed with annoyance.


"I decide what works and what doesn't."


"Has it worked so far?"


Hiisi opened her jaw, inhaled, and raised her index finger - before taking all of those steps back. Her muzzle crinkled, and she crossed her arms, pouting. "By the toenails of our Elders, you have a point," she cursed under her breath. Hiisi didn't like being wrong - not after she had put so much effort and energy into something. Even though she did see how silly and pointless her endeavor was, it didn't erase the fact that she had wasted her time.


Kyy brought his hands closer together, leaning to the side slightly. "Maybe you should rest."


The way Hiisi lifted her fiery stare to Kyy made him flinch. The Dinakian huffed, and quickly walked past him.

Hopefully that was a yes.

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