PDARPG MISC: Crystal Wyrm - home electronics - 403 words

Chapter 5: Crystal Wyrm - home electronics - 403 words

7. Your character’s weapon breaks! They must construct a makeshift weapon from what they have around them– crystals! Draw or write about your character and the crystal weapon they build themselves in the heat of the battle.



Damora breathed out a sigh of relief, and leaned onto her knees with her hands. A cavern opening this small would be safe enough to recover. The Wyrm wouldn't be able to fit through it.


The half demon ran her fingers gently over a crystal cluster on the uneven wall. Damora scoffed, a smile cautiously tugging the corners of her mouth. Weapons were made for use, but her kit had fallen unusable quite a lot quicker than she would've liked - and it gave her an idea. These crystals were sharp naturally. It wouldn't take much to construct a temp-




Involuntarily, Damora let out a yelp. The crude interruption between one thought and the next nearly made her jump.

"Icarus!" She seethed at the wyfex - at least that's what she thought he was called. Dropped it a few times, this one. His attitude was a perfect example of don't you know who I am.


Icarus barely reacted to his name being spoken. Only for a blink of an eye, he seemed to stop - but instantly after, the wyfex picked up another large crystal. He hurled it out of the cavern, just like the previous one. "And your uncle's a flatfish!"


The half dragon grumbled something unintelligible into her palms, as she slid her hands down her face in frustration. This guy. It was a miracle in the first place that Damora got him dragged off the field to avoid both of them getting squished like bugs. Icarus didn't even seem to have a weapon to begin with. It was a bit odd for him to jump head first into battle because of it, she thought. Considering his temper that was clearly thinner than the diameter of a hair, she was pleased about her achievement on the dragging out of danger front.


Whether it was feasible for her nerves to be stuck in a cavern with this whatever-he-was, was a whole different thing. Damora backed up to keep her distance from the flailing wyfex. She then sat down, and quietly watched as Icarus threw one crystal after the other out the cavern. He spit insults at the Crystal Wyrm with each and every throw - not very creative insults, but insults nevertheless. She could only hope that he'd get tired soon enough.


Yes, it was a way to use those crystals as a weapon - albeit, not a good one at that.

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