PDARPG MISC: Crystal Wyrm - sunshine for the wicked - 258 words

Chapter 8: Crystal Wyrm - sunshine for the wicked - 258 words

8. Draw or write your characters doing summer activities in the winter-like setting of Lyra.





Hiisi raised her brow at the eternal's intonation, and sat up in the deck chair. She lowered her sunglasses along her muzzle to see him unobstructed. "Not warm enough, but, you know."


She enjoyed sunbathing, but it required a certain amount of, well, sunlight. Lyra seemed to barely have any, and when it did, clouds got there first with their overabundance of greed.


Caspian groaned, his flailing hand gestures overdramatic. "Is anything good enough for you?"

"You have a desert in your ship," the Dinakian argued, and stood up.

"Multiple, actually," Caspian corrected her matter-of-factly, fidgeting with his fingers absent-mindedly. Hiisi shook her head and snarled, her reaction vexed.

"Whatever - why can't we just go there, anyway?"

"Becaaause," the Athos stretched the word as he inefficiently circled the deck chair to stand on the other side of the Dinakian. "That's not how it works." He pointed at the sky, trying to bring Hiisi's attention to the giant serpent soaring among the clouds. It weaved past the Starsong Mountains' numerous peaks like it was some sort of fun sport. "There's that thing - and apparently this stuff is helping- I have no idea how, or why, but I don't make the rules."


Hiisi turned her once more narrowed gaze to the eternal. She crossed her arms, and her tail whisked from side to side half-lazily like a one of a harried feline's. "How in the Scales of our Elders do sunbathing and volleyball help with a dragon?"

"I dunno," Caspian shrugged exaggeratedly, "I said I don't make the rules."

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