Style Quest: Return of El Caballo Rubio

Chapter 65: Return of El Caballo Rubio

The Masked Federation or Wrestlers was having a fundraiser for needy children, so they called on Varick to guest star at a main event match. More accurately, they called for El Caballo Rubio to return to the ring to fight a mystery combatant. It had been a while since the mahogany Clydesdale had stepped into the ring, but he was happy to flex his muscles for his fans. Plus, there was a rumor of a new up-and-comer in the amateur circuit going by the name La Felina Hada, who had been talking smack about taking down Varick. He couldn’t stand by and let that challenge go uncontested.


Varick sat in the locker room, getting geared up for his match. He had arrived at the arena in his blue and purple flame-patterned mask. Black spandex pants covered in sparkling blue and purple sequins and a bare chest completed the luchador costume. After an awkward pat down to ensure he hadn’t secretly any weapons anywhere on his person, El Caballo Rubio was ready to fight after a quick interview. On his way out to the announcer booth to give the fans a treat.


“Once again, everyone, I am Matthias, your ringside announcer, joined today by my special cohost La Felina Hada.” The red squirrel spoke into the microphone before turning to his left. Raine sat there in one of their muscular feline forms. The green-furred snow leopard wore a green and blue fey-inspired crop top and booty shorts that looked like they came directly off the rack and augmented with markers. Completing the costume was a pair of butterfly wings and a matching winged mask.


“Thank you again for inviting me to sit in with you today,” La Felina Hada smiled as they both turned to Varick. “Some say you are out of practice and outdated, El Caballo Rubio. Those people are me but how do you plan to prove the accusations wrong?”


 “I would first ask my detractors where they bought their cheap outfit because it clearly wasn’t made by Varick’s Tailoring and Enchanting where only the best clothing, wrestling or otherwise, are made,” the masked horse snorted, recognizing his partner immediately.


“You wanna go right now blondi-locks,” Raine shouted, slamming their hands on the desk as they jumped to their feet. “I’ll have you caught up in Sugar Crash before the bell stops ringing.”


“Temper, temper,” Varick tsked as he jumped to his feet, ready to fight. “Does being green fill you with an indescribable urge to smash?”


“Whoa! As much as the fans would love to see that, let’s save that for another night,” Matthias jumps up between the two. “El Caballo Rubio head on down to the special oversized ring for the main event.”


Varick says a phrase in  Requinest as if it were an insult, but he just said I love you to Raine before faking a storm off. The crowd was on their feet, cheering as El Caballo Rubio strutted down the walkway to the oversized wrestling ring. He stopped halfway there to do a backflip for extra applause. He was eating up the attention as the blonde horse climbed into the arena. A steal cage shot up around the perimeter that crackled with lightning magic. 


“Who is this opponent that is so bold as to fight me in my signature match,” El Caballo Rubio demanded as he looked around the empty ring. 


“I believe it is me that asks the questions,” a large white sphinx answered as it flapped its way down to the opposite side of the cage. A pale mane and tail spilled from this rather large-nosed creature with a lion-esque body and large hawk wings. Something about this beast looked familiar, but Varick couldn’t quite place it. “For I am Dee Sphinx!”


“Well then, am I to solve a riddle to win this match,”  the equine luchador laughed as he strutted about the ring.  “I thought this was a wrestling match.”


“The only riddle I have for you is what is black, blue, and trampled all over,” Dee retorted with a huff. “Give up? The answer is you!”


The white sphinx charged El Caballo Rubio with blinding speed as the bell rang. Varick tried to dodge but got clipped and sent careening toward the electric cage. With a quick recovery flip, the horse luchador managed to avoid getting shocked, much to the displeasure of La Felina Hada. Dee Sphinx didn’t waste any time coming back around for another pass, but El Caballo Rubio was ready for him this time. Timing it perfectly, Varick slid between the sphinx’s legs and landed a driving kick on its left back leg. Usually, a kick like that would topple most opponents, but this one stayed on its feet. This bout would not be an easy fight for the fan favorite.


“At this rate, it doesn’t look like El Caballo Rubio is going to get much room to maneuver, much less set up for a finisher,” Matthias announced from his booth as the white sphinx tried to double front-stomp his opponent. Varick narrowly dodged the attack as his stamina ran down from this prolonged fight. 


“Good. This has-been needs to be knocked down a few pegs,” La Felina Hada snorted as they watched the horse luchador get pinned under a massive paw. Immediately, they jump up, cheering. “Finish him!”


“Another riddle for you. What happens when you reach the end of a dead-end street,” Dee Sphinx laughed as he held his opponent close to his chest and flapped into the air. Once above the cage, the pale flying Leonid flipped upside down and started hurtling himself and El Caballo Rubio towards the mat. “U-turn!”


“Not if you blaze your own path,” Varick growled as he broke free at the last moment. Leaping free, the Clydesdale backflips out of the way as the sphinx crashes into the ring. Not wasting a second, El Caballo Rubio climbed the lightning-enhanced cage, ignoring the pain coursing through him as he reached his perch. Flapping his arms, the equine luchador signaled for his signature move.


“At least Snake-pire isnt here to-,” El Felina Hada started to scoff but was cut off by their cohost.


“In his place I’ll call it! LIGHT THE BEACONS AND SAY YOUR PRAYS! HERE COMES THE MESSENGER OF THE GODS, BURNING PEGASUS,” Matthias shouted in his regular cohost’s place.


Flaming blue and purple wings erupted from El Caballo Rubio as he leaped from the top of the cage. A backflip into a 540-degree twist sent Varick into a knee dive into his white sphinx opponent. Dee was barely getting to his feet when he was struck by the attack. The sphinx was too large to roll into the regular pin maneuver, so El Caballo Rubio used the momentum to force his opponent into the electric cage. 


“Full Throttle,” the Clydesdale luchador shouted as he used his shoulders to hold the dazed sphinx against the lightning cage. After a moment, El Caballo Rubio drops the pale hawk-winged lion to the mat before pulling him into a makeshift pin.


“There we have it, El Caballo Rubio is once again our champion,” Matthias announced as the cage around the ring came crashing down. 


“Whatever, I could’ve done that in half the time,” La Felina Hada rolled their eyes as the champion was led out of the arena to a roaring crowd.

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