
Tag type: Official tag
  • Cover for Dreams of Blue Roses

    Dreams of Blue Roses

    Lissa Ardellian dreams of nothing more than becoming a Knight of the Blue Rose. However, despite Aldea's egalitarian society, the circumstances of her birth make it difficult to achieve that dream. Only when she leaves her home behind does she take her first step to knighthood. 

    Last updated Jun 22, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Style Quest

    Style Quest

    Follow the Clydesdale tailor, Varick, on his quest to become a renown stylist throughout the portal network.

    Last updated Jun 14, 2024
    Total Chapters 65
  • Cover for Fayen's Travelouge

    Fayen's Travelouge

    Stories from the worlds that Fayen visits.

    Last updated Mar 8, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Tome of Istornim

    Tome of Istornim

    CHARACTER: Istornim Baenrat'tar
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about a very charming Executioner who knows his way around people. He serves his city with pride and finds himself in all sorts of different situations due to his pretty special occupation...

    Last updated Feb 29, 2024
    Total Chapters 5
  • Cover for Glass shatters like stars die

    Glass shatters like stars die

    The story of Glass Shimmer.  A nervous wreck at most times, and a bit of a coward the rest.  He finds himself suddenly forced out into the great worlds beyond his own.  Unsure where they are, or how to get back home, they are pushed into new experiences.

    Generally a feel-good adventure, often filled with panic, wholesome vibes, and interesting places.  May dip into darker topics occasionally, but will tag those chapters as such then.  (also maybe fluffy romance at some point cuz I like that.) 

    Pain as well as combat will be in the story.

    Last updated Feb 28, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Tome of Ain

    Tome of Ain

    CHARACTER: Ain A.K.A. "Yi'athrogdhisz"
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about Ain, an eldritch entity, one, curious enough to spend his time along mortals. Mostly to cause mischief, so he can have a good laugh and expand his knowledge and experiences.

    Last updated Feb 25, 2024
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for Castimeria


    Villages across Castimeria host flower festivals on a cascading basis-- there’s always one going on somewhere. A plethora of market stalls woven with blooms pop up almost overnight and time seems to stand still as the entire community comes together for a joyful time of celebration and lighthearted competition. Draw or write your character attending a flower festival. Your piece must include your character and a marketplace decked with flowers.

    Last updated Feb 15, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for A Collection

    A Collection

    #74 It's dangerous to go alone! Show your character helping another character on an adventure, whether by giving them a sword before they go exploring on their own, giving them information, patching them up or just going with them.

    Last updated Feb 15, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Beyond the Stream

    Beyond the Stream

    Resident water nymph Avalon looks beyond her precious waters in search of adventure and fulfillment. After years of loneliness, she searches for something her waters cannot provide... companionship and new beginnings. 

    Last updated Feb 12, 2024
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for Friends Don't Go Alone

    Friends Don't Go Alone

    Henry wants to go portal searcing and Stella tags along.

    Last updated Dec 19, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for When The Party's Over

    When The Party's Over

    The poor young Little Wick now travels alone. The Coven is now without a leader. What brought her here, she wonders? She thinks back on the last party she had with the other Coven members to remember...

    Last updated Jun 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Stick To The Wicks And Lakes You're Used To!

    Stick To The Wicks And Lakes You're Used To!

    Leslie Everlake's request is fulfilled by a rather eager child-scarecrow-thing. He wonders if she can truly fulfill his request, or if she's merely full of hot air. Regardless, he shall see this through. Perhaps this fledgeling could prove herself after all.

    Last updated Jun 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Avethian Temple

    The Avethian Temple

    Rowen Anderson is secretive youth who now begins his first steps as an adventurer. His mission, to explore the legendary Avethian Temple from which no one has returned alive. Rowen's journey to discover the past will lay out his journey's future.

    Last updated Feb 1, 2023
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for A Holiday Story

    A Holiday Story

    A little short story I threw together while in the spirit of the Holidays

    Last updated Dec 30, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Songs of Reamere

    Songs of Reamere

    Written chapters featuring Khione and her rider Indra

    Last updated May 26, 2022
    Total Chapters 4