
Tag type: Official tag
  • Cover for Style Quest

    Style Quest

    Follow the Clydesdale tailor, Varick, on his quest to become a renown stylist throughout the portal network.

    Last updated Jun 14, 2024
    Total Chapters 65
  • Cover for jacklyn raven bio

    jacklyn raven bio

    here his my dark elfs bio (i hope its readable. sorry for bad. sorry for bad screen shot lol)

    Last updated Jun 3, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Finn's Character Profile

    Finn's Character Profile

    The character profile for my dragon rider, Finn.

    Last updated May 30, 2023
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for Nova Bio

    Nova Bio

    Character submission for Nova

    Last updated May 23, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Kirazi's Written Description

    Kirazi's Written Description

    Kirazi's Written Description!

    Last updated May 22, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Mousen!


    Meet Mousen, a boisterous rodent who likes fighting almost as much as she likes flirting. A regular tomboy whose life changes when she meets a dragon named Tilor... 

    Last updated Apr 13, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Aniketos' Biography

    Aniketos' Biography

    Character Name: Aniketos

    Character Age: 26

    Character Species: Centaur

    Hair color: Black/Bay

    Eye color: Black

    Last updated Apr 4, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Wolf Within

    The Wolf Within

    A day (or two) in the life of Seff Stark, a wolf facing a new world along with her own demons.

    Last updated Mar 21, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Key Items

    Key Items

    Introducing Marché, a role-playing nerd if ever there was one.

    Last updated Mar 16, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Yeist wakes up.

    Yeist wakes up.

    Age: indeterminate.

    Race: False Dragon

    Gender: Male, Female.

    Yeist is a living, breathing collection of flesh and blood, shaped to resemble the outer-form of a dragon. The multi-slitted, horizontal eye-slots bear several Irises from tentacles that lay beneath the skin, acting as the actual eyes. His mouth lacks a lower-jaw. The upper jaw  is intact, though the mounds of flesh trailing down to his neck are all connected as a huge "pathway" of various tentacles. He may touch a creature and inject parts of himself inside in an attempt to consume the creature and bring it into his body. Fully doing so grants him that creature's knowledge, memories, and feelings. Yeist has done this so much, in fact, that he's lost the image of what his original self should be, though his body remembers and constantly tries to reshape/keep the original draconic form.

                                                                       Breath of "life":
    Yeist can breathe out "leeches" that will attempt to consume any amount of flesh they come into contact with. If a leech attaches to something, it would be several days before any amount of flesh is consumes as the leech attempts to break down the biomatter, though more leeches stuch to a particular thing would speed up the process.

                                                                        Limb extension:
    Since his limbs are made up of hundreds of pieces of himself, he can reach roughly fifty-feet in a given direction, though any force applied at such a distance would be almost microscopic as it would take a lot of biomatter to actually reach such a distance. More realistically he could reach twenty-five feet and have the strength of an average human. He could form both legs into a singular mass to make a "spring" to launch himself in the air. He could form extra wings(besides his normal two-tattered ones) to create more lift to fly upwards faster.

    Strength: 2-7
    Depending on the distance to whatever he's attempting to lift, touch, grab, etc. Yeist's strength could vary. Close-up objects are almost never a problem for such a beast as he, though anything outside of his immediate vicinity would prove to be a struggle to affect.

    Agility: 5
    He's assimilated a lot of average people, and hasn't figured out any way to move quicker than... a slow sprint or a fast jog.

    Speed: 6
    Movement is not the easiest thing when your body won't cooperate with you, though Yeist is unsure if his body is even really "his body". Perhaps the people he's become one with are fighting him subconsicously.

    Tactics: 2
    With so many conflicting thoughts on what to do, Yeist finds it more comfortable to agree to do nothing and end any confusion or pain.

    Skill: 2
    Yeist can hardly control a lot of his body in a conscious way, let alone try to formulate any kinds of manuvers or ways to fight someone outside of his instinctual want to grab and hold onto someone/something.

    Bio: Yeist was once a proud dragon. He can't remember exactly where, what, why, or how, but he knows it. Perhaps buried deep within the finest recesses of whatever counts as his brain, her brain? His brain? All he knew was that he'd managed to gain such an insane amount of knowledge from two people, perhaps more would give him what he needed. His rather un-wieldy arms were finally held straight. He ravaged old towns with few villagers to defend or even notify others. "none" were left behind. They all travelled alongside, or more accurately inside of Yeist. Their lives, their experiences, some holding kind and others spewing dreadfully angry words. He seeks to rectify the damage he's caused, though he wouldn't even know where to begin. His mouth waters every time he walks into a town. The lone streetcorners look so nice and dark, the perfect place to set up an ambush for another meal, another piece of information, another meatbag-shaped-pie. The worst part of it was the aching and growing consciousness that told him he needed to stop. He wanted to stop... but something kept him going. Will he keep on his silent rampage or tone down into a vigilante of the night?

    Last updated Feb 23, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Don Dalv Blackhand Bio

    Don Dalv Blackhand Bio

    Don Dalv Blackhand Character Submission Bio - Apologies if I get something wrong here. It's a little confusing for my small brain.

    Last updated Jan 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Kulau's Biography

    Kulau's Biography

    Biography and Overview of Kulau, my character.

    Last updated Dec 22, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Danex's Biography

    Danex's Biography

    Danex the dark mage pixie.

    Last updated Nov 17, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Danex's Biography

    Danex's Biography

    Danex the dark mage pixie.

    Last updated Nov 17, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Ballad of Cassius Basolus

    The Ballad of Cassius Basolus

    An Introduction to the history of the halfling entertainer Cassius Basolus, and how he came to be a lone traveler bereft of friends and family, heart broken, but undaunted. 

    Last updated Nov 12, 2022
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Grimoire (Tenko) Biography

    Grimoire (Tenko) Biography

    Last updated Oct 1, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Raiju Biography

    Raiju Biography

    Last updated Aug 31, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Perra Dystero Bio

    Perra Dystero Bio

    Chracter Name: Perra Dystero

    Chapter: 1

    Last updated Feb 26, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Danovan Biography

    Danovan Biography

    A biography of Danovan the Gnoll

    Last updated Jan 24, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Yellain Icescars Biography

    Yellain Icescars Biography

    Last updated Jan 8, 2022
    Total Chapters 1