Style Quest: Pride in Drakethorpe

Chapter 19: Pride in Drakethorpe

Varick was quite the sight as he walked down the streets of Drakethorpe. The mahogany Clydesdale’s vest was blue, his undershirt magenta, pants purple, with a tie that was a swirling combination of all three colors. It was pride time in Drakethorpe, and as a bisexual, he wouldn’t miss the annual celebration. In Varick’s right hand was a brick painted to match the horse’s outfit. When he walked into his parent’s store Kaytlyn, his little sister, ran out to greet him. She wore a blue and white shirt with a pink skirt.


    “Are you not going to use your flames,” the fennec asked when she saw her brother. Varick laughed and channeled a little fire magic into setting his mane and tail ablaze with blue and purple flames. Kaytlyn laughed and cheered as now her brother’s look was complete.


    “No flames inside,” Varick and Kaytlyn’s mom chastised as she came around the corner into the room. Varick rolled his eyes but killed the fire lest he incurs his mom’s wrath. “Now, both of you come here so I can make sure you are presentable.” Varick’s parents were incredibly supportive of him when he came out as bi. They didn’t even question it because it didn’t matter. He was still their child, no matter what. The Clydesdale parents didn’t even think twice when Varick asked if they would adopt Kaytlyn to save her from the terror she faced at the orphanage.


    “When have I ever been anything but presentable,” Varick started to laugh but stopped when he saw the look on his mother’s face.


    “Humor your mother, please,” the older female Clydesdale requested. Varick smiled and kneeled before his mother, who painted the bi flag on both sides of her son’s muzzle. “There we go, much better; now move it’s Kaytlyn’s turn.” Kaytlyn had a little trouble staying still as her mom painted the trans flag on either side of her daughter’s muzzle. “Alright, you two go have fun and be safe.” With that, their mom kissed each of them on the cheek and sent them out.


    “So, what’s with the brick,” Kaytlyn asked as her brother led her out of the store. Varick looked at the item in his hand and gave a small smile.


    “I’ll tell you later after the parade,” the Clydesdale told his sister as they found a spot on the parade route. Drakethorpe’s Pride Parade grew larger each year, making this year’s the biggest yet. All kinds of people from all over the world and the portal network came out to celebrate. Usually, Varick joined the musicians marching in the event, but this year, he had been too busy traveling and missed his chance to register. Kaytlyn noticed many others, both in the parade and on the sidelines, also had decorated bricks. The small tan fennec was getting antsy and wanted to know what all the bricks were for.


   “Please tell me what the bricks are for,” Kaytlyn begged as Varick led her through the carnival set up after the parade. All the food stalls, goods merchants, and games had signs proclaiming that all proceeds go to the “Love Rebuilds Project.”


    “Drakethorpe has always welcomed the LGBTQIA+ community because Warking William would not stand for intolerance of any kind,” the mahogany Clydesdale explained as he led his sister down the street. “However, that wasn’t the case everywhere, and in some places, it still isn’t. Our community was actively discriminated against, beaten, jailed for just being who they were born to be, and sometimes unfortunately killed.” Jaina Drackonas, captain of the guard, stood in Varick’s path as he and others with bricks began approaching her. “Legend has it that on some far-off place, the first pride was a riot with bricks thrown at the police as people who wished no harm on anyone just tried to defend themselves.”


    “Wait, you’re not going to throw a brick at Jaina, are you,” Kaytlyn asked, concerned and scared. “She’s nice and a good customer of the shop.” Varick slightly laughed as Jaina parted ways to let everyone through to a construction site.


    “No, we don’t throw our bricks anymore,” Varick explained, showing Kaytlyn that he had painted the name, Devlin. “Each year, we decorate our bricks with the names of those we lost too soon to intolerance and use them to build something for the community so that we never forget them. This year all the money from the Love Rebuilds Project and our bricks are building a community center. I sincerely hope that you never have to lay a brick.” With his brick place, Varick took Kaytlyn to enjoy the rest of the day at the carnival.

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