Style Quest: Plaisiss on Fire

Chapter 63: Plaisiss on Fire

As he stepped from the portal, Varick took in the view of the grassy plains of Plaisiss. This place was green and serene like he heard Requinest was. He was too young to remember much of his home world when the planet fell to invasion. If the mahogany Clydesdale ever bought a retirement house, this is where he’d put it. That was assuming there was a place on this planet that allowed for such a thing. 
Remembering the posted warnings about getting lost in the fields, Varick planted a needle with a locator spell thread near the portal. Picking a direction, the blonde horse walked down a nearby path, looking for signs of other civilization. As he followed the route, the grass switched from healthy green to dead brown. Up ahead, locals were cutting the long strands, tying them into bundles, and stacking. A large human man with short blue hair waved Varick over to them as he stacked a set of bundles.
“Hey, are you one of those guild guys wandering around these days?” the person asked as the equine tailor approached. Sweat glistened from the man’s brow as his muscles strained against his colorful work clothes.
“Yes, hi, my name is Varick. I’m a tailor and enchanter that works out of the guild,” the brown Clydesdale introduced himself, offering his hand. He hoped the man wasn’t about to ask him to fight a monster or something. There had been too much fighting lately, and I could use a break from it. “How can I help you?”
“Gabrio,” the blue-haired human firmly shook Varick’s hand. “A tailor, you say? Well, that changes my question. I was gonna ask if you could fight a strange beast that’s been causing trouble, but can you weave clothes from dried grass?”
“I sure can, and I can enchant them so they don’t fall apart,” Varick smiled as he responded. He could probably fight whatever this strange beast was, but he was happy he didn’t need to when there were clothes to be made. “Although I do have to ask about compensation,” he said.
“No need for any of that fancy magic business. None of the clothes you will be making will need to last beyond tonight and you will be paid for each completed garment,” Gabrio explained as he pointed to a group of Plasiss natives nearby. “They’ll show you what needs to be woven.”
With a nod, Varick set off to join the group of weavers making clothing. The needed clothes were easy enough to make, but there was a lot to make. With the weavers down a few members, they were more than grateful for the extra hands. Using his expert training and a bit of magic, Varick could easily mass-produce the clothing made of the dried grass. In hours, the blonde horse had created the entire needed stock and was helping dye them. Bright colors and images of the plate-covered bison-like animals native to the planet were popular requests to augment the woven clothes.
Once all the clothes were woven and dyed, Varick received praise for completing the task with much time to spare. Using the goodwill he earned, the mahogany Clydesdale set up shop and started selling some of the merchandise he brought. He didn’t manage to sell much, but the gold he made from weaving was more than made up for that. Night fell, casting its dark shadows across the grasslands. Once the stars came out, it was nearly pitch black out without any sort of city lights. 
“Come now Varick get changed and come to the fire pit unless you’re afraid of the flames,” Gabrio called as he walked past the horse wearing brightly dyed woven clothes.
Varick gave a little laugh at that comment. His new friend didn’t know the equine tailor was a fire caster and very unafraid of flames. Quickly, Varick changed into a woven outfit before rushing over to the fire pit. A large fire erupted from the pit as the blonde horse reached the area. Flames ignited the nearby dry grass, burning through it instantly and spreading rapidly. All the natives in their highly flammable woven clothes were unbothered as the fires raced towards them. The fires engulfed the woven garments, burning them away and leaving the wearer naked and unharmed. 
“Wait is this some sort of metaphor for burning away the past year and starting the new one fresh,” Varick asked as his woven clothes went up in flames. He could feel the heat of the fire, but as his clothes burned to charred ash, he remained unburnt and naked.
“That’s exactly it,” Gabrio laughs as the music and dancing start. With a motion, the blue-haired man invited the tailor to join in, but Varick waved it off. He needed to get home and file a report about the festival. After changing into his regular clothes, the Clydesdale followed his tracking spell across the dark grasslands to the portal. Upon returning home, his green-furred snow leopard partner was waiting for them with an envelope.
“Varick! Your test results came back! Wait, why do you smell like smoke?” Raine greets them as their eyes sparkle a bit. They are in a feminine form, wearing a T-shirt and sweats with paint all over them. Raine must have finished painting as their husband came in.
“Fire and rebirth festival,” Varick explained, tearing the envelope open. He quickly read it before angrily igniting it with blue and purple flames. “Sorry, looks like the alternate conception plan won’t work. Archdruid says its too dangerous with my magical essence.”
“Darn. I guess it’s time to think adoption, then,” the green leopard said, looking slightly disappointed but hopeful. “Maybe we can adopt Kaytlyn!”
“No, we aren’t doing that. I know you two are best friends, but that’s a bad idea,” Varick shook his head. “I’m sure we can find a child that we can give a good family. Besides, your sugar budget is high enough as it is. We aren't adding a seccond sugar addict to the house.”


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