Quest: Sunset

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 5: Sunset

Chapter 5 - Sunset

Goku grinned as the boys flew off. Chichi was going to kill him. Even though they had gone for a swim after training, the kids had managed to get dirty again. Goten and Trunks' little 'gross each other out with fish-guts' war hadn't helped, either. He meant to make them clean up before going home, but they were having so much fun he kind of forgot.

He took a quick swim to clean himself - Vegeta was in an exceptionally good mood, but even so he wouldn't want Goku to show up smelling like dead fish. He started to wipe away the dirt on his own face and winced. Gotenks had gotten in a solid hit and he was now sporting a shiner. Vegeta was never going to let him hear the end of it.

He searched for Vegeta's ki and smiled as he found it. Goku felt a burst of pride because he knew he - and their bond - was the cause of Vegeta's happiness. Tomorrow he would talk to Vegeta again about Trunks and how they could remove Frieza's brainwashing. Today, his prince was relaxed and content; he was not going to ruin the good mood over something they couldn't solve yet.

He vanished and reappeared several feet away from Vegeta - and yelped in surprise as he began to fall. He quickly recovered and flew back up the cliff-face, blushing in embarrassment as his prince roared with laughter.

"It's not funny Vegeta," he complained petulantly.

"You should have seen your face, Kakorr. You looked like one of those cartoons the brats watch where the wolf chases the bird," Vegeta chuckled.

"Coyote and roadrunner," Goku muttered. "You could have warned me you were sitting on the edge of a cliff." He walked a few feet away, pouting.

Vegeta turned and looked back over his shoulder with a grin. "And miss the show?"

Goku gave a wry grin. It was kind of funny, now that he thought about it. And it made Vegeta laugh. "We're not going home, I see," he said, taking in the futon mattress that had absolutely no business being there. He smirked. The prince did like his comfort, and Vegeta's tail was swaying happily. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

Vegeta gracefully rose to his feet, the bronze skin of his bare chest darker in the light of the setting sun. Goku grinned. Two could play that game. He removed his own shirt, wanting to feel the electrifying heat of his prince's bare skin against his. Vegeta pulled him down on the cushion so they were seated, backs against the rock. A chestnut tail looped around his waist and his prince let himself by enveloped by loving arms. Goku purred in contentment when Vegeta rested his head on his shoulder, continuing to watch the evening sky.

"I was watching the sunset. It's so red tonight - reminds me of home. I was remembering the night Radditz snuck me out of the palace," Vegeta said, voice softened by a purr. He felt Kakorr's answering purr and smiled to himself.

"Should I be jealous?" Kakorr asked, but he could tell it was playful - his lover was not bothered.

"I don't think so Kakorr. It was before Fr- I was little more than a cub. I frequently heard drums at night from the nearby woods. I badgered him constantly to tell me what was going on. He decided to show me."

He was too young to understand what was really going on, but it seemed so exciting and mysterious. The last sun was setting when they arrived. Radditz insisted they had to remain unseen - if anyone discovered the young prince was out of the palace, there would be no end to the trouble he would be in. Vegeta had promised - he didn't want his friend to get punished.

There were bonfires blazing, throwing strange shadows, concealing and revealing moving figures. He heard a single drum, beaten softly with a slowly increasing tempo. The figures started covering themselves with something...'Mud' Radditz whispered, tail thrashing. And then more drums began sounding, and his heart seemed to beat and pulse in time with their pounding vibrations. He hardly noticed when the people starting moving and dancing. All he was aware of was the deep pulsing rhythm, his tail sweeping in time.

"There was one drum I remember most of all. It was huge - nearly the size of a ningen car. And when they hit it...I could feel it in my chest, through my bones... I couldn't breathe. It was...amazing," Vegeta murmured, covering Kakorr's hand with his own as it spread over his chest as if he could feel the vibrations of his memories.

He never found out what the drums were for, but even now he remembered how the sound called out to something in him. At one point Radditz had to hold onto his tail to keep him from going down to join them - he hadn't even realized he had moved; he just wanted to be closer to that sound.

He shifted, trying to get more of his body in contact with Kakorr's, enjoying the feel of muscles against him, heat surrounding him, and the knowledge that with Kakorr he was safe. He wished again he knew more of his race's customs and rituals. He wanted to know why those drums had pounded, and how he could get them to beat for him. He wanted to know the things Radditz hadn't been able to teach him, like bonding and m-.

"I wish I could remember, Vegeta," Kakorr said sadly. He had picked up some of his regret through their bond.

Vegeta sat up so he could look into Kakorr's eyes. "You wouldn't have known Kakorr. I think it was some kind of initiation - and we weren't old enough to understand."

He grinned then, deliberately distracting Kakorr, wanting to stay away from a topic that bothered him. He would worry tomorrow. Tonight he wanted to enjoy the touch of his lover. He brushed his fingertips over a bruise on his lover's face. "You let one of the brats hit you."

"Gotenks," Kakorr mumbled sheepishly.

"Baka," he said with a smirk. At least Kakorr had the decency to be embarrassed.

"Hey," Kakorr complained. "Piccolo taught them a new-"

Vegeta sat up and straddled Kakorr's lap, sliding his fingers into dark locks and silencing his protests, studying him with an intense gaze. He had been waiting impatiently for Kakorr for what felt like hours and all he wanted to do was touch him and be held. He could feel Kakorr's growing hardness against his own and moved just enough to make his lover give a breathy sigh.

He leaned closer and pressed their lips together, swallowing Kakorr's sigh, sliding his tongue into a welcoming mouth. Vegeta let one hand trail down until it was splayed over his lover's broad chest, heart beating under his palm. He purred as strong arms surrounded him. His. Kakorr was his.

::Always. And you are mine, Makoto.::

He broke their kiss to gasp in pleasure as Kakorr's ki pulsed through them both, reinforcing the pulse under his hand. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back when Kakorr began to stroke his tail with one hand, the other supporting him as he shivered.

Goku ached at the beauty of his prince, thrilled yet again at how much trust Vegeta put in him. Few had seen this side of him: open, responsive, even playful. He gazed back when glittering black eyes met his, answering Vegeta's smirk with his own. Vegeta's tail swayed behind him, taunting him, daring him to do something.

He smiled and captured the prince's face, drawing him near so he could taste the fire of his lips. Vegeta leaned into the kiss, demanding more, crushing their bodies even closer together. He could feel Vegeta's ki pulsing with his own, their hearts seeming to beat together until he felt even if his own stopped, he could survive on Vegeta's.

His fingers traced up and down his prince's back. Vegeta's skin was so much smoother now in places, some of the scars from his years of torture gone as a result of Dende's healing. He almost missed them - he loved how they made his prince uniquely beautiful. But he was glad they were gone - with them went years of pain. Vegeta was stronger as a result and his movement was liquid now. Every time he touched his prince, he re-learned his body, finding newly sensitive areas to tease, no longer covered by brands of pain.

His mouth seemed to take control of his body when Vegeta took the heat of his lips away, making him lean forward, not willing to give up that contact. When Vegeta issued his challenge he groaned in complaint, already hungry for the taste of his prince.

::You're going to lose this time, Kakorr.::

Jet black eyes watched him as his palms pressed against sculpted muscle, hands cherishing solid fire. Vegeta's fingers were threaded through his hair, curling and uncurling, gently pulling and stroking his dark strands. He couldn't tear his eyes away from his prince, hypnotized by the hunger in his gaze. Even now he was amazed how much Vegeta wanted him, trusted him - loved him. He didn't know it was possible to be loved with such an intensity and passion.

"Kakorrrr," Vegeta demanded, grinding them together, tormenting Goku with the lack of flesh he could touch. He slid his hands past the waistband of Vegeta's jeans, fingertips brushing against his hips and growled in frustration. He wanted them off now.

Vegeta grinned and flicked his tail out of reach. He could feel how much Kakorr needed to touch him, to taste him. Kakorr's breathing was already ragged and he was deliberately making it worse on his lover. His own hands were gliding over the solid chest, trailing sparks of ki as they traced an erratic path over and around pebbled nipples.

Kakorr's control was already tenuous - Vegeta was sure he would win this round...although there really was no loser. It was a game. Who was going to break first, and who could resist tasting the other longer? He licked his lips, watching Kakorr hungrily following the path with his eyes. Kakorr's black tail was already coiled around his arm, fur bristling in time with his purrs.

Vegeta smirked. He wanted his lover to break this time. He wanted Kakorr to be on him, over him, in him. He would have to do something soon, though. Kakorr's fingers were gliding over the base of his tail and he couldn't help but shudder and groan in reaction. He purred loudly. He was the master of strategy - he would win this battle.

::You know you want me, Kakorrrrr.::

Goku groaned. Vegeta even purred in his thoughts. Vegeta's electric fingers traced a path from his navel up to his chest, spending a much too short moment rolling and pulling his nipples. He could barely breathe, wanting nothing more than to capture that smirking, delicious mouth.

::Is losing so bad?::

Vegeta was smirking at him. Goku could hear it in his head. He moaned as his prince's fingers grazed over his cheek. No, there was nothing wrong with losing - he liked the prize for losing - but he hated having so little control compared to Vegeta. He was shaking and growling in frustration. His fingers had tightened in the waistband of Vegeta's pants and he could feel the fabric giving way. Vegeta's response was that damned, erotic, carnal purr that he wanted to devour.

"Vegetaaa..." he whimpered when Vegeta sent a wave of ki through his tail, straight to his aching, confined cock. He could see the tip of his prince's tongue between his lips again, teasing and promising. He was going to give in - he knew it. And then Vegeta was going to smirk at him and wrap his legs around him, crushing them together, and he was going to... He groaned. GodS, he loved losing.

Goku grinned, knowing the battle was over - knowing Vegeta knew it - just waiting to see how his prince was going to push him over the edge. Vegeta's fingers traced a tormenting path over his face, and his mouth opened as he panted, trying not to capture them as they brushed over his lips. He couldn't resist any longer and slid his tongue around them, sucking them into his hungry mouth. As soon as he did, Vegeta groaned and flared his ki, and they were both naked, their clothes burned away by the prince.

Goku growled his delight and pressed his prince's back to the cushion, grinding their erections together.

"I lose," he purred.

"I win," Vegeta answered, wrapping his arms around Kakorr's head, crushing their lips together, opening for Kakorr's insistent tongue. He was gasping for air when his lover pulled away with a growl, diving back immediately to lick and suck on his neck and ears, teeth grazing him in his frantic hunger. Kakorr had held back longer than he ever had and now was frenzied as he licked and kissed and tasted his body. Vegeta was already writhing and gasping when Kakorr began to tease his nipples with teeth and tongue.

He could hear Kakorr in his head, chanting, ::Mine. My prince. Mine.:: Vegeta's tail began to thump against the ground to the beat of his possession until Kakorr's tongue dipped into his navel and his back arched from the cushion.

Kakorr's mouth never stopped, sliding over his sweating skin, breathing heat over the moisture left by his tongue, teeth biting only to be soothed by gentle lips before the torment started again. Vegeta knew he was making sounds, but whether they were demands for more or pleas for less he wasn't sure.

Kakorr's tail was dancing over his body now, teasing him where his mouth could no longer reach. Fur was brushing against his nipples, tickling the sensitive nubs until he was writhing to escape, but Kakorr's strong hands on his hips kept him trapped.

"Kakorr..." he pleaded, shaking and breathless.

Goku smiled. His prince was beautiful like this, trembling with passion. He slowly kissed his way up Vegeta's inner thigh, the musky scent intoxicating. The heat and ki seeped into his blood like fire. His prince burned him - seared his fingers, ignited his tongue, melted the flesh from his bones. He would do anything for his prince - live for him, bleed for him, die for him.

He captured the thrashing chestnut tail and licked it once, purring at the sound of pleasure Vegeta made. His own cock was aching, but first he meant to award his prince his prize.

Keeping hold of his prince's tail, he wrapped his hand around Vegeta's erection. As soon as the chestnut fur touched the sensitive skin, Vegeta gave a needy whine. Goku growled with pleasure at the sounds his prince was making and slowly dragged his tongue over his cock and tail before wrapping his mouth around both.

Vegeta nearly screamed at the sensation. Kakorr's mouth was moisture and heat, his tongue everywhere at once. The fur on his tail was rippling as Kakorr licked and sucked on it, twirling and sliding it over the head of his cock, teasing him until he was panting, breathless.

::Kakorrrrr...:: he begged.

Kakorr was purring around his cock and tail and he struggled desperately to thrust up into the heat of his lover's mouth. Kakorr kept him pinned as he moaned his complaint, sliding down and swallowing him whole. The head of his cock rubbed against the roof of Kakorr's mouth as he bobbed his head, growling against him as his balls tightened. Teeth lightly grazed his tail and he screamed his release, curling up to bury his hands in dark spikes.

He shakily tried to steady his breathing as Kakorr's tongue cleaned him of his seed. Vegeta's tail tried to escape to curl around his lover, but Kakorr would not release it. Instead he brought it to his mouth sucking and lapping his essence away until Vegeta was hard again.

::Kakorr, I think you lost on purpose.:: he thought with a smirk. When they were touching, mind speech through their bond was almost perfect. And they were most definitely touching. Kakorr was stretched out over him and beside him, grinding their erections together as he swallowed Vegeta's tongue.

::Would I do that?:: Kakorr laughed, licking his neck.

::Yes, you would. I know your oral fetish.::

::Look who's talking,:: he chuckled, moving his head.

Vegeta smirked and tugged lightly on a lock of hair that had fallen in Kakorr's eyes. Yes, he liked hair.

"Maybe I should wear a wig," Kakorr teased, tail flicking.

"Don't you dare - but maybe we could do this at level three...not tonight, though."

Goku grinned. Every time they made love at level three property was damaged, and Bulma screamed at the repair bills.

"Kakorrrrr," Vegeta purred, wrapping his legs around him, drawing his head closer so he could lick his lips. "I've gotten my prize...when are you going to take yours?"

Goku purred in response, tail sliding between them to tease the entrance of his prize - his prince. Vegeta groaned into his mouth as he sent his tail snaking around his renewed erection, coiling and bristling over heavy sacs, before wrapping around a trembling thigh.

Goku hesitated a moment, considering Vegeta's possible reaction, before he changed positions. He shifted and rolled Vegeta onto his stomach, sitting straddling his thighs. He wasn't surprised when his prince tensed for a heartbeat, a tiny shiver of fear passing through him - and then it was gone and Vegeta was relaxed and purring again. He knew most of the animals that had raped his prince had attacked him from behind. Bit by bit he wanted to give Vegeta back the pleasure they had taken from him.

::Makoto?:: He purred, leaning over his prince's back, licking the sweat from the back of his neck. He knew he didn't have to explain - Vegeta would tell him if he wasn't ready.

::Yes, Kakorrrrr...make love to me.::

Goku used his tail to reach for the oil Vegeta had left conveniently placed. Apparently Vegeta had not had any doubts of who would win the game. He grinned and began spreading oil over his prince's back, massaging muscles that were no longer bundles of agony.

He was aching, hard and needy, wanting to be buried deep inside his prince, but he also wanted this to last as long as possible. He continued stroking the burning skin, fingers gliding over the curve of Vegeta's beautiful ass, dripping oil so it slid down his cleft. Still he refrained from sliding into the tempting heat, although it was becoming nearly impossible not to. Part of his prize for losing was the sounds Vegeta was making as he begged for him, writhing and twisting to get some friction on his cock.

When he finally slipped his fingers inside, Vegeta let a hungry, aching moan escape. He twisted and slid his fingers in a slow, maddening pace, growling when his prince raised his ass up, thrusting back against his hand, whimpering and demanding more.

Goku couldn't wait any longer, trembling with barely maintained control. He held onto Vegeta's hips and slid his aching cock into heat, burying himself to the hilt in one thrust. He shuddered, trying to force himself to remain still as his prince adjusted, fighting to keep his own ki under control as Vegeta's spiraled around them.

Vegeta growled at him, pushing back trying to get Kakorr to move. He heard Kakorr's answering growl and hissed in pleasure as his lover pulled back before filling him again. Kakorr was bent low over his back, burning his flesh with his moaning breath and kisses. He could tell Kakorr was holding back, reigning in his ki, trying not to hurt him. It wasn't enough - he wanted more. He trusted Kakorr and wanted him to use his strength. Just like Kakorr sometimes needed, he wanted to be overpowered and overwhelmed knowing he was safe.


He groaned in pleasure as Kakorr finally let himself go and raised his ki, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. Vegeta shook his head, trembling at the pleasure, making a sound that was nearly a wail. Kakorr curled his arm around him, holding him close, and wrapped his hand around his cock, pumping him in time with his pounding. He felt himself tightening and Kakorr raised his ki higher, stretching him even more. Vegeta couldn't hold out any longer and came shuddering and crying out in ecstasy. At nearly the same instant he heard Kakorr, all control gone, screaming out his name as he came.

Goku collapsed on top of Vegeta, knowing he was crushing him, but totally unable to move. He was almost grateful when Vegeta grunted and rolled him off. His prince had enough strength to crawl over and curl up next to him. Goku just wrapped and arm around him and looked up at the stars, still gasping for breath.

Vegeta gave a tired chuckle and turned his head to kiss him before resting his head on his shoulder.

"Hell of a good day," the prince mumbled drowsily. Goku didn't hear him. He was already asleep.


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