Quest: Joining

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 17: Joining

Chapter 17 - Joining

Vegeta smirked as Kakorr purred and held him tighter. He had almost been right. He felt so charged he didn't feel like he needed to sleep. Kakorr, on the other hand...his lover had been exhausted after hours of lovemaking.

He coiled his tail around Kakorr's cock and began to stroke and tease it erect. His hand trailed over the beautifully muscled body that was pressed against him.

"Vegeta," Kakorr chuckled against his shoulder, now fully awake, "You are insatiable."

He growled in agreement and rolled Kakorr on his back, kneeling between his thighs. He couldn't get enough of his lover. He couldn't remember ever feeling this hungry, this passionate, this...

::Kinky is the term you are looking for at the moment. Just what are you planning on doing with your ki this time?:: Kakorr smirked at him, coiling his tail around his already hard cock.

Vegeta sent a whisper of ki over Kakorr as light as mist. His lover trembled and whimpered, wrapping his legs around him.

::Have I given you a reason to complain?:: he purred.

::Never:: "But I won't be able to dance at the wedding at this rate," he grinned.

"So we'll get you a senzu. Hush Kakorr - I plan on ravishing you again." His ki danced over his lover, making Kakorr shiver and whimper. Vegeta positioned the head of his cock at Kakorr's entrance and slowly slid in, moaning as he buried himself in heat, holding his lover tightly as he shuddered at being filled.

"GodS..." Kakorr groaned, clutching bruisingly at his shoulders. "Vegeta...GodS..."

Vegeta slid out until just the head of his erection was still in his lover before thrusting again, this time increasing the force of his thrust with his ki. Kakorr made a wordless cry of pleasure, using his legs and tail to draw him in deeper, encouraging him to repeat his stroke.

Their kis spiked and flared around them, until felt he could melt from the intensity of his passion. Kakorr was gasping for breath as Vegeta sent another pulse of ki through his lover with each thrust. He could barely contain his power, Kakorr's fingers clawing at his back as he ascended.

"Kakorrrr," he growled, burying his hand in the messy black spikes, pulling Kakorr's open, panting lips to his, pouring more ki into his mouth with his tongue. Kakorr was toppling over the chasm into ecstasy, his attempts to say his name deteriorating into a breathy, 'ee... gee... gee'. As Vegeta came, he coiled his tail around his lover's erection, filling him with his seed and even more ki, shoving him over the edge. Kakorr screamed into his mouth as he came - and passed out.

Vegeta took a heaving breath as he quickly examined his lover. He was fine - but...he smirked...he had actually made Kakorr pass out during sex. Ki fetish - hell, Kakorr was a ki slut. Not that it was a bad thing. He had begged Vegeta for more all night.

He staggered into the bathroom to fill the tub. He doubted his lover would be able to stand up in the shower yet. As the room began to fill with steam he looked at himself in the mirror and grinned. He was a mess - even some of his hair had flopped down to give him bangs he hadn't had since childhood. He pushed some strands back up but they refused to stay put and fell down again. He shrugged.

Right now he didn't care - he was much too happy. The sensation was not one he was overly familiar with, but one Kakorr knew well. He wondered absently if the emotion was something he had gotten through their bond or if it was his own. He hoped it was his own - the bond was always shifting and changing and he wanted to keep this new feeling.

He returned to the bedroom and sat in his chair, studying his lover as the tub filled. So much had happened to him - he felt so different. Was this - this strength, this confidence, this contentment - were these all things Frieza had taken from him? Was he so changed because Frieza was gone from his mind? He didn't think so - at least not totally. He was looking at the reason.

Kakorr loved him. It was still an amazing thing. A man he had tried to kill... had sworn to destroy... had hurt in ways no one else ever had... loved him. He wouldn't have believed he ever deserved such affection. Kakorr insisted he wasn't an evil person - although he had done many evil things. Kakorr had waited for him, giving him time to change - to lose much of his anger and hatred - and fear. How much of his life had been guided by fear? How many had died? How many battles had he recklessly entered - all because he didn't want others to think he was weak or afraid?

Maybe...maybe he should thank Frieza. The lizard had indirectly given him this gift of Kakorr's total love and acceptance. If he hadn't been resisting the brainwashing he wouldn't have been so seemingly cold and unfeeling towards the woman. But he had, and she had left him. Kakorr had accepted him though, seeing what she couldn't.

What he told Kakorr - it hadn't been a lie or an exaggeration. He was a magnificent Saiyan. Always able to rise above; overcome any enemy, drawing on vast, untapped resources of power. Vegeta didn't believe he had reached his limit yet - while he might be vastly stronger than Kakorr at the moment, somehow he would catch up and possibly even surpass him again. If he truly did gain power from his friends, Kakorr's kind, outgoing nature would make him unstoppable.

And yet...he felt safe with him. Totally cared for and protected. It shouldn't have been possible. In Vegeta's world, the strong always took advantage of the weak - he had never realized Frieza made him weak on purpose. Now that he was strong, he wanted Kakorr to feel just as safe with him even as he gave his lover as much pleasure as he could. He swore he would never hurt Kakorr again.

Being with Kakorr had given him so much. He had never realized before how dead he was inside until he compared himself to his lover. Kakorr He thrived on people, on friends, on those little things Vegeta had always thought were foolish. Vegeta smiled to himself, remembering an entire day spent fishing - not that they caught any fish. Instead they just sat, hardly talking, enjoying each other's company, watching the birds fly overhead and the play of light on the water. He had been annoyed and bored at first - shouldn't they be doing something? But Kakorr had showed him what he saw and how it felt through their bond. He had eventually relented, not wanting to make Kakorr unhappy. It had been an amazing day - he hadn't experienced his normal worries and doubts - he had just...lived.

And the picnic? Once he got over his initial shock he had actually started to enjoy himself. Those people really did seem to be concerned about him. Kakorr's wo- Chichi and Rezu behaved like they were his friends. Even Yamcha, once he realized Vegeta wasn't going to kill him, spoke civilly. Everyone there treated him someone they actually wanted to be around. And Kakorr insisted he had nothing to do with it - this was something Vegeta had done on his own. When? How? He wasn't sure if Kakorr was right - he had always thought only Piccolo was his friend. But it felt...good. He liked the idea of having friends. Maybe he didn't trust them like Kakorr did, but yesterday except for some gentle teasing they didn't laugh at him, didn't make fun of him, didn't watch him waiting for him to screw up or fail - instead they acted like they wanted him to succeed. He was complimented - complimented! - on his skills, his ki, his strength. He didn't know how to react. Nothing like that had ever happened before. He...he liked it. He wanted more.

His lover mumbled something and shifted as he started to rouse. Vegeta rose and went to sit beside him on the bed, trailing his fingers lovingly through messy black spikes. "Time to get up, Kakorr."

He grinned as wide brown eyes gazed at him in adoration. A huge smile crossed Kakorr's face. "Mornin' 'Geta!" he chirped, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him off balance so he was sprawled over the broad chest. Kakorr was hugging him so tightly he couldn't spare much breath to complain about the nickname. "I love you sooooo much!" Kakorr sang.

Vegeta chuckled and tried in vain to squirm free. "I love you too, Kakorr. But it would be nice to be able to breathe."

The crushing bear hug loosened slightly and Kakorr looked contrite. "Sorry Veggie."

Vegeta frowned. He despised that name, and Kakorr knew it - and why. It was something Zarbon and Dodoria would call him when they wanted him to feel beaten. "Kakorr..." he said slowly, "Why did you call me that?"

"'Cos...'cos..." his eyes got wide and worried. "I'm sorry Veg-Vegeta. I didn't mean it. I forgot. Are you mad at me?"

"No - but don't-"

"Good," Kakorr interrupted, "'Cos if you was mad then maybe we couldn't fuck like that again and I really, really, really liked that."

Vegeta inhaled sharply and rose up on his hands to stare at him. His vocabulary and behavior were strange. "Kakorr..." he said with concern, "Are you alright?"

"Yep!" Kakorr giggled, coiling his tail tightly around his thigh and his legs around his waist. "I feel great!"

Vegeta looked at him dubiously, and decided to keep a close eye on him. "Okay Kakorr. You have to let me go now."

He released his grip with a whine. "Why?"

"It is time to get up," he said, standing up. "Come on, I've got a bath ready."

Kakorr held up his arms with a cheesy grin. "Carry me."

His mouth fell open. "What?" he asked, when he could finally speak. What was wrong? He studied his lover with concern - he had been fine when he woke up this morning. Had he somehow hurt him with his ki when they made love? He examined him through their bond - Kakorr seemed a bit...giddy? Blissfully happy? His ki was slightly off; higher than normal, but that was probably because he had willingly taken as much power as Vegeta could pump into him. He laughed as he finally realized what was wrong and scooped his lover off the bed. "Okay, you big baka, I'll carry you." Vegeta deposited him in the tub, still chuckling. Drunk. Kakorr was drunk. Kakorr was drunk on his ki.


Perfect. Life was perfect. Goku couldn't stop smiling. When he put his arm around his prince, Vegeta made a half-hearted growl of protest before relaxing against him and coiling his chestnut tail around Goku's arm.

They had barely made it to the ceremony on time. He purred at the memory. Last night had been wonderful - amazing. Maybe they had overdone it a bit. He had been pretty lightheaded and then unhappy when Vegeta finally insisted he had release some of the ki he had absorbed in order to sober up. He hadn't wanted to - his prince was an addiction - but Vegeta reminded him how upset Chichi would be if he missed the wedding. But GodS he felt so good!

-The blessing of Air be upon this couple.
-Air is the quick change, hard to catch,
-The wind that blows through life.
-Throw yourself onto it, and let it bear you up.

-The blessing of Fire be upon this couple.
-Fire burns away all that is impure.
-It is the passion that drew you together
-And the hearth flame that will keep your home happy.

-The blessing of Water be upon this couple.
-Water is the womb, the essence of life.
-It is the slow change, gracefully dancing.
-Rest in its flow, and let it hold you.

-The blessing of Earth be upon this couple.
-Earth is stability, solidity, existence.
-It is cold and dark and empty.
-But out of darkness, comes light
-Out of cold, comes life
-Out of the empty days, comes love
-And out of these three, comes happiness.

He watched the Priestess bind the red satin cord around Chichi and Rezu's wrists and grinned. Chichi was so happy she was glowing. He was glad she had found Rezu - he had never seen her this radiant.

::Why are they getting tied up?:: Vegeta wondered. ::I thought they wanted to do this.::

::They do. This is a Handfasting, and the cord is a symbol of them tying themselves together.:: He hadn't realized before today Vegeta had never been to a wedding of any type in his life. It would never happen under Freiza's control, and since he had been living on Earth - well, he hadn't been welcome at Krillin's.

::And the broom?::

::I had to ask Chi about that. She says it is to sweep away all impurities and bad luck. The last part of the ceremony will be them stepping over the broom. Then they will be officially married.::

Goku felt so much...longing...coming from his prince but didn't understand why. He reached for one of his hands and squeezed it tightly, pleased yet again that Vegeta didn't wear his gloves anymore except when sparring. His prince didn't pull away, but turned to look up at him with a hunger that made Goku's heart ache. ::Makoto...are you okay?:: Vegeta nodded and turned to continue watching, tip of his tail flicking.

The Priestess passed a goblet to the women, which they took turns drinking from, giving whispered responses to ritual questions.

::Shouldn't this be private? Why are there so many people?::

::The ceremony is held for friends and family to celebrate with them. They sort of act as witnesses.::

Vegeta was silent, brow furrowed, as he absorbed this.

The Priestess removed the cord and passed it to them. Chichi and Rezu stood and faced each other, holding hands, and recited their vows together.

-I take you to my hand
-At the rising of the moon
-The setting of the stars
-To love and to honor
-Through all that may come,
-Through all our life together.

Goku could feel Vegeta's curiosity. ::They are exchanging rings. The finger they are putting it on is associated with the heart, so wearing the ring is like keeping them close to your heart.::

::You knew all of this?::

Goku grinned. ::Me? No. Heck, I thought marriage was food. Chi explained it all to me. She and Rezu spent months designing the ceremony and deciding what symbols to use.::

::This-this is necessary to be...mated?::

He was kind of surprised at Vegeta's curiosity. He rarely expressed any interest in human customs. But Vegeta...there was something buried deep below the surface of their bond but it was blocked too much for him to identify it. ::No - none of this is. It is just...well, I guess rituals and symbols make them feel more married. I don't really understand, but Chi thought it was really important.::

-In all our lives,
-May we be reborn in the same time and at the same place
-That we may meet, and know, and remember, and love again.

Chichi and Rezu stepped across the broom hand-in-hand and kissed to loud applause.

::Radditz told me...he had been on planets where the couple had sex with some of the witnesses.::

::Really? I don't think Chi would like-:: He grinned. ::On second thought, maybe she would. There may be some cultures on Earth that do that, but we don't. This is just a celebration. People just dance and drink and-::

::Eat?:: Vegeta smirked.


::Good. I'm hungry.::


"Wow Dad," Gohan smiled as Goku escorted Bulma from the dance floor, "I didn't know you knew how to dance."

Yamcha laughed as Bulma took her seat at his side. "Yeah, Goku. When did you learn? You're making the rest of us look bad."

"I saw it on TV. It looked pretty easy," Goku said, sitting down next to his prince and smiling as Vegeta curled their tails together. He had also watched from Otherworld when he got bored, but he really hadn't tried before. It was really simple to him, but his dance partners seemed to like it.

Roshi chuckled. "That sounds like Goku. See something once and he can do it as if he had been studying for years. Just like my Kamehameha."

::His Kamehameha?:: Vegeta asked.

::Master Roshi created it. I saw him use it when I was a kid.:: He felt his surprise. The attack had become so much his trademark, Vegeta probably thought he had developed it.

"So how do you do it, Goku?" Bulma asked.

"I don't doesn't seem much different from a kata," Goku said between bites. He had felt Vegeta's eyes on him and kept sending his prince images of the type of dancing they could do in private. Vegeta's smirking response was purely pornographic and made it difficult to concentrate on his dance partner.

"So Vegeta," Bulma grinned, "When are we going to see you on the dance floor?"

Vegeta glared at her, "Never. I don't dance, woman."

Bulma snickered. "Too bad. Bet Goku would like it. Big strong Saiyan...sweeping you off your feet... I guess you'll never know what you are missing."

Goku grinned at her and playfully growled at his friend for picking on his prince.

"Hey," she said, "No fair. I can't do that."

"No," Vegeta smirked. "All you can do is bark like a little yappy dog."

"Woof," she laughed.

Goku smiled and nodded towards the dance floor. "Who is that with Dende? They seem pretty friendly." The Guardian had his arms around a petite girl with green hair, wearing a filmy black dress and army boots.

"That's my cousin," Videl said. "Carmen. I told her all about Dende and she wanted to meet him."

"All?" Gohan choked, wide-eyed.

"All - especially the antennae," she smirked.

Gohan groaned and blushed. "Do we have to talk about this here?"

"Hey, you were the one who freaked out." She turned to Bulma. "Dende has a crush on Gohan. Bet Carmen distracts him."

Bulma giggled as Gohan turned even redder before hiding his face. "Her hair matches him."

"This week," Videl said. "Last week it was red, the week before purple, and before that...let's"

"I thought Nameks weren't interested in sex - asexual," Yamcha said.

Videl laughed. "Bisexual is more like it if Dende is anything to go by."

"Can we please change the subject?" Gohan pleaded, voice muffled by his arms around his head.

"Gohan!" Goten said, climbing into his brother's lap and snagging food from his plate.

"Saved," Gohan muttered, to Tien's amused chuckle. "Hey Squirt. You two staying out of trouble?"

"Is that even possible?" Yamcha asked as a grinning Dende and giggling Carmen joined them.

"We're gonna make you keep your promise," Goten said, tail knocking over a nearly empty glass.

"What did you promise, Gohan?" Goku asked, picking up Goten and depositing the squirming boy in the chair beside him. Goten promptly stood on the seat so he could look him in the eye.

"He's gonna teach us how to use his sword!" Trunks said proudly, climbing up next to his friend. "It's gonna be cool!"

Bulma emitted a little moan of concern.

"If you behave yourselves, I will," Gohan said, pulling his plate out of Trunks reach.

Goku blinked in surprise. He had forgotten his son even had such a weapon. But it brought up something he had been curious about for years.

::Vegeta. Do you own a sword?::

::No. Of course not. Why would I need one?::

::It's just that...well I always wondered where Mirai got his weapon from...::

Vegeta looked at him, slightly startled. He had thought it strange that his quasi-son from the future was armed. Perhaps the sword was a constant reminder of his mentor. He spent a moment wondering what had happened to Mirai in his own time. ::You think your boy...?::

::Well, Gohan was his teacher in the future...::

"With your ki, why would you need a sword, boy?" Vegeta demanded. It still made no sense. A Saiyan - even a demi-Saiyan - who knew how to use their ki would rarely need a weapon. It wouldn't be more effective than their own power.

"I was just a kid when I got it - four or five. Piccolo made it for me - he's modified it some as I've gotten older. I used it when he dropped me in the wilderness for training," Gohan shrugged.

Vegeta nodded in understanding. The brat had been an untrained child with no fighting skills - he needed the additional advantage a weapon provided.

"Oh man. I remember that. I thought Chichi was going to have a heart attack," Bulma said. "Goku dead and Gohan kidnapped. Even now if you remind her she'll get pissed at Piccolo."

"Well, you can't really blame her," Yamcha said. "Things looked really bad-" He broke off and looked across the table at Vegeta who was studying him. "Umm..."

"I was on my way?" Vegeta asked. He could feel the sudden tension at the table through Kakorr, but he really was interested. Had he made a mistake? Were they still angry about his coming even though it was years ago?

He was slightly annoyed at himself for being grateful when Kakorr laughed. Since when had he cared what others thought?

"Yeah. The idea of more, even stronger Saiyans scared the crap out of us." ::It's okay, Vegeta.::

"Of course," Vegeta smirked. "And you were right to do so."

"Oh please," Bulma groaned.

"So what did you do to prepare for me? When we fought, your ki was high for ningen. How did you do it?"'re not trying to start anything, are you?::

::No. I'm actually curious. No one has ever mentioned this around me before.:: Maybe he did care what they thought, after all. He wasn't used to the idea of friends and didn't know how to talk to them. Was this topic still taboo after all this time?

::There's no reason you shouldn't know - everyone trained really hard because of you.:: He was actually relieved when Kakorr smiled at him and answered out loud. "I worked with King Kai," Kakorr said, looping their tails together. "Gohan was with Piccolo, and these guys," he indicated Yamcha, Tien and Chaozu, "trained with Kami and Mr. Popo."

"Fat lot of good it did us," Yamcha muttered. "First we nearly get killed by Saiyans in the past in that room Mr. Popo sticks us in, then we die for real."

"You fought well for a ningen," Vegeta said. "The Saibamen were not easy opponents." Yamcha sputtered in surprise before thanking him for the compliment. "You should be glad you fought them. They are good practice for dealing with the woman."

He couldn't help but smirk as the woman yapped at him, outraged.


Vegeta watched with a sense of contentment as Kakorr moved around the dance floor. Chichi and Rezu had come over, dragging everyone at the table out to dance. He growled at the women and they left him alone, but Kakorr laughed and joined the crowd. Now he was in the middle of a line of guests, laughing and singing, doing strange moves in time to loud music. His lover was happy; meeting new people with an ease Vegeta envied.

::Vegeta...are you sure you don't mind?::

::You know you won't get me out there, Kakorr. Go ahead and enjoy yourself.:: He had let Kakorr hold him during the ceremony, but that hadn't been so...obvious. Now that they were at the party he wasn't as relaxed as he had been at the picnic. He didn't know who half of these people were.

"Why aren't you out there Shorty?" The Namek was in a corner, doing his best to be unobtrusive - which amused Vegeta. How could you miss a giant green alien with pointy ears?

"Waiting for you to show me how."

Piccolo snorted. "Yeah. That will happen."

"Maybe we should get Gohan to drag you out there," Vegeta chuckled. His friend had a soft spot for the brat, but luckily for the Namek he rarely took advantage of it.

"Not even Gohan could make me do that," he said, nodding at the crowd, Goku managing to tower over them all. "Aren't you jealous, Matchstick?"

"Of what? That?" he chuckled, indicating Kakorr sweeping yet another guest across the floor. "Why should I be? We're bonded, although I wish..." He felt that ache again. He knew Kakorr had sensed it during the ceremony, although he didn't understand what it was. Vegeta had ruthlessly blocked his desire to be mated, but now the longing was there in force.

"You wish he was your mate," Piccolo said quietly.


"Have you asked him?"

"Not yet - I will. It's just...I can't believe I am really free of the lizard. Soon though. If we can't...if Kakorr wants it I will, I don't want to have to just settle for a ningen marriage - our bond is stronger than that." Now that he was cured he wanted them to complete their bond, but no one had come up with a method yet.

"You know he won't care about the how. He just wants to be with you. You are a lucky man, Vegeta. Not many people find their soul-mate," Piccolo said, watching the dance floor.

He turned and looked at his friend, trying to understand what was going on behind those dark eyes. Was it possible - was the Namek lonely? And his teasing had just rubbed that fact in? He almost scratched the back of his head, stopping himself as he recognized this ability to register these emotions coming through their bond from Kakorr.

They watched in silence as Kakorr changed partners.

"Piccolo..." he said, struggling with the unfamiliar words, "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me - for us."

The Namek turned to him, raising an eye ridge in surprise. "You aren't going to hug me too, are you?"

He chuckled. "No. I wasn't planning on it. Why? Did you want me to?"

"Hell no."

"Actually...I wanted to apologize for that. I never realized how much it bothered you before."

"Bothered me? What in the hell are you talking about, Shorty?" Piccolo said defensively.

"Look Namek. I'm not blind or stupid. Something is really getting to you. You don't have to tell me-"

"It's none of your damn business!"

Vegeta sighed. He had hit a very sore subject. "I know. But if I can help... You've been in my head, Piccolo. You know what my life was like - you know more about me than anyone else - probably even Kakorr. I can never repay my debt to you."

Now it was the Namek's turn to sigh. "I'm just- I don't even understand myself, okay?"

He waited a few minutes and chuckled. "Hey Greenbean..." he said, "Why don't you go to New Namek for a visit? Find yourself a boyfriend."

"Hey -" Piccolo protested. "I thought you were going to lay off."

"I thought it didn't bother you," he grinned.

"Asshole," the Namek smirked.

They watched in comfortable silence as the party continued, Goten and Trunks leading some other children under the rows of tables in a dessert-raiding party. Gohan shouted 'Truten' once before being dragged away to a shadowed corner by Videl.

"Really - why would I want to go there?" Piccolo finally asked.

"To meet some other Nameks?" he suggested.

"Have you forgotten the two stooges stuck in my head? And Dende," he snapped.

"I mean living, breathing ones - and not the brat. It has to be a pain in the ass dealing with those two. Hell, I'm surprised they haven't made you schizo," he joked.

"At least Nail hasn't been as much of a pest lately, and Kami has been blissfully silent. I wonder if blocking the Kais wore him out."

"I see the brat has a new friend," he said, indicating the girl now clinging to the young Namek. Vegeta noticed Piccolo avoided his suggestion, but wouldn't push him on it. He had said what he needed to - his friend knew he could count on him. "Maybe he'll leave you alone."

"Dende? He's actually been pretty good lately. He's trying to figure out what the Kais were up to."

Vegeta sighed. "I'm hoping for some time until their next attack."

"We'll see. Whatever they are planning has probably been in place for ages."

"I doubt the idiots will leave well enough alone. I'm sure they are going to do something stupid that will make me have to kill them."

The wedding is based on a Handfasting ritual, usually seen as Pagan. (Although I added some stuff of my own.) I quoted directly from the book, 'The Pagan Family' by Ceisiwr Serith. Wish I could write something as nice. I would probably use something similar if I ever would/could get married. (Not really an issue, though.)

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