Quest: Good Day

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 2: Good Day

Chapter 2 - Good Day

Vegeta threw a punch at Piccolo's head, not surprised when the Namek blocked his attack. He took advantage of the opening the block created and jabbed the Namek in the ribs, smirking when his opponent grunted on impact.

Piccolo swung one of his long legs around, but he easily evaded it, taking advantage of his smaller size, slipping under the kick and landing a devastating blow that sent his opponent tumbling to the ground.

"Ow! Fuck Vegeta! That was dirty!" Piccolo complained, climbing to his feet.

Vegeta hovered several inches above the ground so he was eye-level with the Namek. "Winning is not dirty," he said with a smirk.

"Arrogant bastard," he muttered.

"That's Prince Bastard to you, Elf-boy," he laughed. He sighed and sat on a nearby rock, watching his friend try in vain to wipe the dirt and mud off his clothes. "That was a good workout."

Piccolo gave up trying to clean the dirt off and manufactured new clothes.

"Can't you do anything but purple? You look like a fucking eggplant."

"What, the king of the spandex wedgie tries to act like he knows something about fashion?" Piccolo growled, sitting next to him.

"Kakorr likes my training uniform," he said with a smirk.

"We are talking about a person whose wardrobe used to consist mostly of orange. Goku is not known for his fashion sense. He likes you, you idiot, not your clothes."

"True," Vegeta purred. "I'm glad he only wears the orange when training now. Jeans show off his ass more..."

"Damn it, Vegeta, that is way too much information."

Vegeta just grinned.

Piccolo shook his head. "You are obnoxiously cheerful today. You've been doing better lately." He had seen Vegeta almost daily for the past two months, training exclusively with him when the prince was still worried about hurting Goku. At least that concern was gone, and the two Saiyans sparred again, taking some of the pressure off of him.

Vegeta hesitated before answering. "Good days, bad days."

"Today is a good day?"

"Yes," he said with a grin, remembering Kakorr's pleased laugh as he crawled out from under the rubble that used to be their bathroom.

"How's Goku?"

"Destructive," Vegeta smirked.

"What in the hell were you two up to last night and this morning anyway?"

"Do you really want to know?"

Piccolo groaned. "Probably not. I already regret the question."

Vegeta laughed, "Kakorr wanted Demolition Saiyan Sex."

"Stop! Don't tell me!"

"We blew up the bedroom and the bathroom."

"You destroyed another house...?"

"It was the old house. Kakorr and the kids are putting up the new one today before training."

"You're a bad influence, Vegeta," Piccolo grinned. "You're corrupting Goku."

"Me? Hell, compared to him I am as pure as the proverbial driven snow."

"Surrre, Matchstick. You - pure."

"He's a pervert. You should hear what he came up with last night," he chuckled, remembering how Kakorr sounded when he was at level three.

"I don't want to know," Piccolo protested, holding up his hands as if to ward off any images.

"Some of his suggestions..." Vegeta continued to torment his friend.

"Damn it, Vegeta. Stop. I don't hear you complaining, anyway."

Vegeta smirked. He loved to make the Namek squirm - it was so easy to do.

"Hell no. I sometimes wonder whom I have to thank for his little kinks. I owe them."

Piccolo shook his head. "Look Vegeta, I'm glad you are doing so well. But I really, really, really don't want to know what you two do."

"Jealous. Maybe we could get a nice stalk of celery for you to date."


Vegeta smirked and leaned back on his elbows, closing his eyes. It was a beautiful day and he was learning to appreciate them because of Kakorr's bond influence. He had never really noticed before how good the sun felt.

Piccolo studied his friend's peaceful face. Vegeta had come a long way since that horrible day. He thought a lot of it was due to Goku - although Vegeta probably wasn't aware how different he was. He was still Vegeta - proud, arrogant, aggressive Prince of Saiyans - but softer somehow. The biggest change seemed to be his willingness to accept help. He still couldn't ask for it, but rarely refused it when it was offered.

"Have you ever thought maybe Goku is doing it on purpose? Deliberately pushing you?" he said thoughtfully.

Vegeta laughed. "Of course he is - I'm not stupid."

"You two are so strange sometimes," Piccolo said, shaking his head.

"He's...I won't hurt him like that just convince me," Vegeta said quietly.

Piccolo turned his head to look at him questioningly, but remained silent.

"With Kakorr...I can actually...relax...enjoy..." he whispered.

He knew of course. He had known it the first time Kakorr asked for him make love to him. Kakorr trusted him, even if he didn't trust himself. Then he had felt the pressure - the need to live up to that trust. Now he finally knew he could. Since then, he had many opportunities, but he never once hurt Kakorr. He wasn't sure anyone else was safe with him - hell, he knew they weren't - but Kakorr was. There was no logical reason - the brainwashing was still there.

"It sounds like he is deliberately putting himself in your hands...quit snickering you hentai, you know what I mean...relying on you to keep him safe." He paused, uncomfortable and incredibly embarrassed at Vegeta's laugh.

"You are a bastard, you know that, don't you?" Piccolo finally burst out when Vegeta's laughter didn't stop.

"You should see your face. I didn't know Nameks could blush. You're purple!"

"Oh GodS - You are getting more and more like him every day," Piccolo complained, trying to hide his grin. "I didn't even know you knew how to laugh."

"Of course I know how, you idiot. I just didn't have a reason to before. Because of Kakorr I do."


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