Quest: Proposal

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 20: Proposal

Chapter 20 - Proposal

Vegeta clung to his lover, legs wrapped tightly around his waist and shivered in reaction as Kakorr sent a warm wave of ki over him. Kakorr's gentle hands caressed his back and sides, a comforting purr rumbling from his chest.

He sighed as Kakorr slid out of him, shifting until they were comfortably pressed together. "Kakorrrrr," he purred, tongue gliding over his throat, tasting him. He had never before made love so playfully, laughing and joking nearly the entire time.

There had been a moment of panic when he thought he wasn't in full control of himself, but he relaxed again when he realized he was slightly ki-drunk himself - just as Kakorr had been. His ki had gone up yet again and his body hadn't adjusted to it yet. Once he accepted that, he was fine - he was safe with Kakorr.

::I love you, Vegeta.::

Vegeta leaned back in the circle of Kakorr's arms so he could look into his brown eyes. He wondered yet again what in the hell he had done right - there was no way he deserved a lover as good, as loving. Did Kakorr even realize every time he said the name he was really saying 'I love Kakarott'?

"Of course I knew," Kakorr said, smiling and kissing him. ::Did you think I would miss something like that? Even Baka means 'I love you'.::

He grinned when Kakorr took his face in his hands and looked at him. Sometimes his lover would do that - just stop and stare at him. At first he had been uncomfortable at the scrutiny, but had eventually realized Kakorr was thinking much the same as he did - how did they get to this point?

"Oh wow," Kakorr whispered.

Vegeta raised his eyebrows. Wow?

"They're beautiful," Kakorr murmured, awestruck.


Gentle fingertips feathered over his eyes.

"It's because of your ki," he said softly. "It's so high."

"Kakorr...what is it?" he asked hesitantly, opening them again. He had never seen this type of reaction before. Normally his lover looked at him a few moments before kissing the breath out of him.

"Your eyes - they're blue," he smiled.

"Blue?" He was startled - he knew they changed when ascended, but why now?

::Not like that. They're...they're still really dark - you would have to get close to see the difference. But they're almost...sapphire, I guess.::

He was confused and not sure if he should be worried. What was happening to him?

"I think it is because your ki keeps rising - it is almost like it is... seeping out. I wonder if they will stay that way?" ::I hope so.::

He was still stunned at the revelation when Kakorr laughed and toppled them onto their sides, holding him in a crushing hug, rolling them until they were hopelessly tangled in the blankets.

::Baka.:: He grinned and attacked Kakorr's mouth now that he was trapped and had no escape.

Sometimes he was afraid this happiness was just an illusion - that Frieza had really won and had given him this fantasy only to rip it away. He had to keep telling himself the lizard could never have imagined anything as perfect as this. Besides, the lizard would have left him with the knowledge of how to make Kakorr his mate, because ripping that from him would have been even crueler.

"You're doing it again," Kakorr said softly.

"Doing what?"

"You want something - you want it so much it hurts. You felt it at the wedding, too. Tell me Vegeta - you know I will do anything for you."

Vegeta couldn't help himself - he suddenly became nervous... frustrated. He had meant to ask Kakorr earlier, but he didn't want to interrupt their play. He had waited for so long... postponing... foolishly hoping for a miraculous answer - how could he offer Kakorr something he might never be able to deliver? He was sure of Kakorr's answer, but would not being able to complete their bond be fair to him?

He pulled free from the blankets and walked a few steps away before stopping, tail flicking unhappily in the cool morning air.

"Makoto?" Kakorr said softly.

"It wasn't going to be like this...I had a was going to be - I don't know...a climax," Vegeta muttered, half to himself. "You're so sentimental...I wanted you to remember it as something special. I wanted to know how... a gift... not just - not just a promise..."

He felt Kakorr move closer. ::It's okay, Vegeta.:: "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Vegeta growled. "You don't understand. I want to. I want- fucking lizard!" If the bastard hadn't destroyed his home, he would know how. He would know if the stories were true. He would know how to finally have something he had wanted most of his life.

He sighed when Kakorr wrapped a blanket around him. They knew from experience how his nightmares got worse when he got too cold. Kakorr stayed close and he leaned back against the strong chest and comforting arms holding him.

"He took everything," Vegeta whispered.

He listened to Kakorr's soothing purr and struggled to order his scattered thoughts.

Vegeta finally growled, annoyed with himself, and turned in the circle of strong arms surrounding him so he could look up at Kakorr's face. "I have fucked this up so much. I should have said something sooner."

Kakorr smiled at him. "You really had a speech? For me?"

He made a wry grin. "Yes. But it sounds stupid now." ::Sit down, Kakorr.::

Vegeta sat down beside his lover, Kakorr's strong arms drawing him close. A few years ago, he wouldn't have believed anyone would hold him like this, let alone him looking forward to it. Kakorr pulled the blankets around them both - always taking care of him. He surrounded Vegeta with loving warmth and he could feel him purr.

He couldn't believe how much he had screwed this whole thing up. Kakorr probably thought he was going to bring up something bad - Vegeta could feel how tense and worried he was. He had been waiting for the right moment, and when Kakorr had asked him his first thought had been about not knowing how. The Nameks had not found anything yet - maybe they never would.

"It's alright, Kakorr," he finally began, "There's no impending disaster, or anything like that. I just..." He hesitated, no longer sure how to start.

::I'm listening. Take your time.::

He shook his head ruefully. Patient Kakorr. If it had been him, he would have been demanding an immediate explanation. "I need to explain some things first." He took a breath and curled his tail around Kakorr's waist.

"Home...on Vegeta-sei... I was young, and I probably missed a lot... but I know there was something like ningens' marriage..." Rambling. He was rambling. "I think it was basically a contract, much in the way marriage is. Easily formed, easily broken."

Too easily, he thought. After his mother's death, his father had paired with others - usually women. He would call his court as witness, engage in some ritual, and they would be a couple. His father would be happy and 'in love' for a while before tiring of his latest and sending them away. No one could hold his father's interest for long - he scowled - not even his own son.

::I'll never tire of you, Makoto.::

He smiled softly at Kakorr before continuing. "Some were stronger - something like a pack bond. Partly formed by a sharing of blood. Still breakable, but they had more mental contact. The could be any size, but the common sizes were two, three or four members. They ensured the cubs would be protected if something happened to one of the parents - which happened a lot during Frieza's time."

"There were some other types - some stronger than others. But...there was supposed to be one special bond - permanent, unbreakable...when two soul-mates found each other." He heard Kakorr's sudden intake of air and the arms around him tightened slightly.

"According to the legends it wasn't something done lightly - if the pair weren't truly soul-mates... if they weren't and they were lucky nothing would happen. If they weren't lucky... they could die from a bond gone wrong. Few would risk it." In one story he had read, one of the pair had gone insane - unable to escape from the constant mental onslaught. She finally had to be killed. Her intended mate never spoke again.

"Radditz always said it was just a fairy tale - a legend. Something to tell cubs. According to him, even without the danger, the idea of a Saiyan deliberately tying themselves to another - knowing they would die if their mate was not reasonable. He insisted it was nothing more than a fantasy - it would never happen."

He sighed and burrowed deeper into Kakorr's arms. "But I knew he was wrong. I met a mated pair when I was very young - they came to court one day. Something about them attracted me - I don't know what."

He wondered if it was jealousy - knowing no matter what happened they would always have someone. They never had to worry about being alone - and they always knew they were loved.

"Radditz didn't see them - I couldn't make him understand. Being mated wasn't a weakness - it made them stronger. They just...I don't know how to describe it. They were perfect together. Like...they knew no matter what, their mate would be there."

"When Frieza..." He paused and swallowed and tried again.

"I only asked Radditz about mating one more time after the lizard. He got furious. Told me to stop asking such childish questions. Frieza would never allow it." Only recently had he realized how afraid Radditz was for him. If the lizard had known how much he wanted it his desire would have been used against him.

He felt the hot tears burning his eyes. He had survived for so long by telling himself he couldn't miss what he never had, but now he knew how much he had lied to himself.

"And was gone. Everyone was gone. All I had left was Radditz - and even though I loved him...he wasn't the one. And since there were no didn't matter anymore that I didn't know how. It might as well have been a legend. I would never have a true mate."


He knew Kakorr felt it - he couldn't block it. He couldn't hide this hollow, aching need for something he could never have.

"It didn't matter - I tried to tell myself it didn't matter. Even when I first met you and felt something I still don't understand. But after the fusion - after everything we've gone through... I can't bear the thought we would ever be apart."

"I've done horrible things - I don't deserve you. I will never comprehend how you can forgive me and still love me. I would understand - I wouldn't even blame you if you refused - if I'm wrong it could be dangerous, even fatal. But I need you Kakorr - more than I have ever needed anyone in my life. And - maybe someday... Until then...I can only tell you...promise you..."

Kakorr cupped his face in his hand, stilling his frantic explanations with a thumb over his lips. "Shhh...We will find a way."

He shivered and pressed closer to Kakorr. Why did he keep talking? Every word he said made it sound as if he didn't want to be mated. But he had to be as honest as possible; he couldn't let Kakorr agree without understanding the risks... He tried to explain again before Kakorr stopped him again.

"Makoto - I do understand." ::There is no danger. We are meant to be together.::

Kakorr was looking at him with a soft smile and a desperate spark of hope passed through him. Kakorr could always achieve the impossible - maybe there was a way after all.

"Yes Vegeta - I will be your mate."


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