Quest: Mates

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 38: Mates

Chapter 38 - Mates

Goku lay back on the furs, listening to Vegeta purr in his sleep. His prince’s head was pillowed on his shoulder, their legs and tails tangled together. Goku’s arms were around Vegeta, one hand gently stroking his hair.

He smiled softly to himself as he realized his prince’s hair was still down – just for him. It was silly how happy that little thing made him. It just made him feel more special than he could express. No one else got to see this happy, playful side of his prince.

He repressed a shudder as he realized how close he had come to losing that. Sure, Vegeta had over-reacted – violently – but Goku had known how unstable the bond was and still he had pushed him. But he knew with certainty something like that would never happen again. Vegeta trusted him.

He smiled, his joy so strong it was almost a pain. Vegeta trusted him. Goku had felt his prince’s fear and frustration raging through the bond. It had been all he could do not to respond to it himself; only Piccolo’s help with controlling it through meditation made him able to withstand the painful emotions. Even so, there had been a time when it was almost too much – Vegeta’s suffering nearly made him falter, ending the trial.

It had taken over an hour for Vegeta to finally begin to relax and many more long and difficult ones for his prince to work through and defeat his memories of the past. The entire time, Goku had struggled to remain calm, feeling everything Vegeta was experiencing even as he did his best to block his reaction through the bond. Because of their link, he knew just how difficult the experience had been. The lizard had made Vegeta’s life hell and his prince had never really dealt with it or accepted it – he had just kept it all inside and blamed himself.

But then– How do you describe when a person changes in an instant? Epiphany wasn’t a strong enough word. He had felt it and heard it and even tasted it when Vegeta’s world began to reorganize itself. It was like… cascades – first one little idea shifted. It toppled another and another in seeming slow motion. Goku had actually held his breath when it started. He experienced it with Vegeta – saw the cliff and knew what it meant. There was an instant when Vegeta could have recoiled – pulled back. He didn’t though. Goku had a mental image of Vegeta leaning forward, arms outstretched, allowing himself to fall. Wind rushed by his ears as he plummeted through the air in Vegeta’s mind. And he was there beside his prince, keeping him safe as he fell, ready to catch him.

It was a sobering and thrilling experience, burning Goku to the core as he realized just what he had gained and how responsible he had to be with Vegeta’s trust. Now that he had it, even the slightest hint of betrayal by him would destroy his prince. It was his duty to protect Vegeta from everyone, including himself.

Goku could feel Vegeta waking up as he shifted slightly. The entire week had been emotionally and physically exhausting, so he had been more than willing to let his prince rest. After Vegeta had passed out he had gently removed the blindfold and restraints but had left on the cuffs after hesitating a moment. Unless Vegeta was awake to control the surge when they were removed there was a possibility of hurting one or both of them with his ki.

He saw Vegeta looking at the cuffs and touched his wrists, “You can take those off, Vegeta. They aren’t locked. I just didn’t want the spike to wake you.”

::Not yet.:: “Thank you, Kakorr,” he said softly. ::…for forgiving me.::

Goku smiled and held him closer. Vegeta actually seemed to be calm – totally at peace with himself for the first time in his life. “It’s okay, Vegeta. I just pushed you too hard when you weren’t ready.”

Vegeta breathed deeply. “Do you feel like this all of the time?”

“Kind of. At least sometimes – but you seem to be calmer than I have ever been. Are you sure you are okay with those on?”

Vegeta glanced at the cuffs again, and then back up at Goku. He couldn’t get over the peaceful, happy expression on his prince’s face.

::I wonder if there has ever been another fool as lucky as I am?:: Vegeta asked.

Goku laughed happily. He considered teasing Vegeta about being a baka, but his trust was too new. ::We’ve both been fortunate fools, Makoto.::

“Kakorr,” Vegeta began hesitantly. Goku wondered what was wrong – some of Vegeta’s calmness had vanished, but he didn’t know why. “If you were still willing… to mate… maybe we could try to go to the past again. We… we could… we could ask…”

Goku heard the hurt and hope in Vegeta’s question and part of him hated to have to refuse to return to the past. He would have liked to go himself and spend more time with Rouba. In hindsight, she made so much sense and had been a huge help. But it wasn’t safe anymore. The Kais were after Vegeta and in the past he was vulnerable. Goku refused to let his prince risk his life unnecessarily.

“I’m sorry, Vegeta. We can’t go back.”

“Alright,” Vegeta whispered, seeming to slump in his arms.

Goku brushed his tail reassuringly against Vegeta’s cheek, barely containing his happiness. They could be mated now.

“We don’t need to, though.” Vegeta looked at him doubtfully. Goku smiled and put his hands on the cuffs. “Please take these off. You don’t need them anymore.” He felt his prince control his ki, working to prevent it from flaring wildly. Vegeta didn’t resist, just watching him as he carefully removed them and began to gently massage his wrists. “It’s okay, Vegeta. Everything will work out, I promise.”

He had felt guilty for having kept this secret for so long, but Rouba was right – this way Vegeta completed the test to keep them together, not so they could mate. But now…

Goku brushed his tail over Vegeta’s face and kissed him lightly before rising to get something from his case. “Stay there. I have something for you.”

Vegeta looked at him with a strange mix of happiness and sorrow, upsetting Goku slightly. He was obviously grateful to Goku for forgiving him, but it was tinged with regret. Did his prince really doubt himself that much, thinking he would change his mind about mating? After everything they had gone through together?

He returned and kneeled before his prince. Vegeta just looked at him, his dark blue eyes bright in the firelight. “Close you eyes and hold out your hands,” he said with a barely repressed laugh. To his great pleasure, Vegeta didn’t hesitate.

“What are the rules?” Vegeta asked softly, tail gliding slowly over the furs.

Goku chuckled. “No rules. I have a present for you.” He placed the leather case in Vegeta’s outstretched palms. “Keep your eyes closed for a minute. You’ll know when you can open them.” Vegeta nodded, his fingertips studying the case. “Smell it.”

Goku watched with anticipation as he slowly brought it to his nose. Almost instantly Vegeta’s tail stilled and his breath caught.

“Rouba?” he asked in a very small voice. He scented it again. “Rouba,” he repeated with more confidence. Vegeta opened his eyes and stared at him in wonder.

He hadn’t seen a case like this in years. Not since he was a boy. Not since Rouba… “What is this, Kakorr?” he whispered.

Kakorr grinned back at him, his tail flicking in eager anticipation. “Open it.”

Vegeta’s hands were suddenly shaking as he fumbled with the laces and straps. What had he done? What had Kakorr done?

The package seemed to be impossible to open until it suddenly unrolled, spilling its contents on the fur in front of him. Kakorr was just watching him, smiling broadly as Vegeta studied what was spread before him.

He picked up one of several cloth bags and confirmed it held the herb its carefully printed label said it contained. Kakorr picked up a thin roll of paper and gently unrolled it before holding it out to him.

“What’s this?” Vegeta asked.

Kakorr grinned. “Sakka said he was going to draw a picture of us. This is it.”

Vegeta looked at it and began to tremble. This wasn’t possible. He had seen this picture before. “The boy was teasing you, Kakorr,” he protested, not able to tear his eyes away. “This isn’t really us. He must have copied it.”

Kakorr looked at him in confusion. “I don’t think he copied it, Vegeta. I watched him draw a couple of other pictures including a rough draft of this. It is us. See? That’s you – your hair is down and that’s the vest you were wearing.”

Vegeta’s heart lurched. Little things started making sense. Could it be? “Did you-?” he began, stopping when his voice failed him for a moment. “Did you tell him about us? How we met? About Frieza?”

“Yeah, I guess so. Some. But I didn’t use his name.” Kakorr brushed his tail over his wrist. “Vegeta, what is it? Is something wrong?” he asked worriedly.

“You called him lizard, didn’t you? He took that – changed it… Sekieki…” he said to himself.

“Vegeta – please – talk to me. Tell me. What is it?”

How could he have missed it? How could he have been so blind? Of course he could sympathize with Chikara…

“Kakorr,” he whispered, touching the drawing with his fingertips. “I’ve seen this picture before.” It was slightly different from what he remembered, but obviously by the same artist. “This…this is from the book. This is Kikon and Chikara.”

“What-?” Kakorr stared at him, wide-eyed. “But it’s us…”

Vegeta looked at the picture again, remembering. This couldn’t be – this wasn’t possible – but so much fit. The characters’ histories, their appearance… the attack on the jihibiki… He stared at Kakorr in wonder. “It’s us, Kakorr. The book is about us.”

“You mean we…?”

“Yes. We are Kikon and Chikara.” It was so clear to him now – that was why they went back to that particular moment in time. He had been drawn to Kakorr from the instant he saw him. They were meant to be together. “She knew,” he said, voice shaking. “Rouba knew. She remembered. Kakorr…” He didn’t know what to say – how to express the joy and loss battling inside, threatening to overwhelm him.

::Rouba loved you, Vegeta. She must have given you the book so you would have something to hold on to.::

Vegeta smiled softly and studied the drawing, tail gliding over the furs as he purred in contentment. Kakorr twined their tails together and bent low over the picture until their heads were touching.

“We’re going to hang this over the fireplace, right?” Kakorr chuckled.

Vegeta grinned at the old joke. “We don’t have a fireplace, Kakorr.”

“This time I will ask Bulma for one.”

“Hmmmm,” Vegeta purred and finally looked at the other items surrounding them. “What other magic have you managed, Kakorr?”

Kakorr laughed, “Maybe you are the one who made this all happen, my prince.” He gently took the drawing from Vegeta’s hands, carefully rolling it back up. “You haven’t even opened up the best thing yet.”

Vegeta held his breath when Kakorr put a thick ceremonial scroll in his hands, rich with the scents of herbs and blood. Rouba had handled this – he could feel her ki in the dark strokes written on it.

“Kakorr…” he began, disbelieving.

“I’m sorry I had to keep this from you, Vegeta,” Kakorr apologized. “I didn’t want to, but Rouba…”

Vegeta grimaced in understanding. “She can be- could be- very insistent.” He ran gentle fingers over the leather surface. “Is this…? Can we…?”

Kakorr smiled; his purr a roar that filled the den. “That’s everything we need to know to be mated, Vegeta. She knew we could do it. We’re ready.”


Goku grinned, watching a smiling Vegeta finish the last of his preparations.

As they read Rouba’s instructions, they realized they weren’t quite ready. There were about two days remaining of planning and meditation. Even at this stage it wasn’t something done lightly.

Goku – incapable of stopping his purrs – had IT’d to their friends and family, warning them of possible changes in their ki without telling them what was happening.

Piccolo had figured it out though and just smirked, congratulating them. Goku was so happy he hugged the Namek in gratitude much to Piccolo’s consternation. He promised to keep a lookout for anyone that would interfere with their mating, much to Goku’s relief. That done, he went hunting.

Vegeta for his part had followed Rouba’s instructions and gone foraging for Earth’s equivalent of herbs she recommended. He had finished his hunt only an hour or so ago, arriving at this location Goku had chosen with leaves and twigs still in his hair.

Goku chuckled, fully aware he was staring at his prince with the love-struck wide eyes of a school girl. It didn’t matter. After all this time fighting to stay together soon nothing in the universe short of death could tear them apart. As he continued watching he realized Vegeta was humming to himself, tail swaying in time, as he crushed the pungent leaves.

“What’s the song?” he asked, grinning as Vegeta blushed and then smiled at being caught.

“Don’t know,” Vegeta said, carefully placing the dish on the furs Goku waited on. “I’m not even sure of the words – just remember the melody. Rouba used to hum it while I studied.”

His prince bent over him, tangling his fingers in his hair and brushing their lips together. Goku moaned at the touch and Vegeta instantly took advantage, sliding his tongue past sharp teeth to taste him. Goku reluctantly pushed him away with a groan.

“Not yet, Vegeta.”

Vegeta dropped to his knees on the fur, tangling their tails together. “I know – no sex until after we are mated,” he complained. “It is going to be damned hard to resist with you looking like that.”

Goku smirked. He understood the problem – he was going through it as well. Mating was for the mind and spirit – the body’s needs had to wait. But seeing Vegeta standing there – sitting there wearing nothing but the coin around his neck made even temporary abstinence nearly impossible.

He reached over and gently removed the leaves from Vegeta’s hair. “Lose a fight with a tree?”

Vegeta chuckled, “The last plant was so deep in the undergrowth I didn’t think I was ever going to get to it without blasting them.”

Goku nodded. One of the requirements for their preparations was doing so without ki – they could fly there, but the collection of ingredients had to be done with their own hands. The idea of Vegeta searching for plants amused him; he sent his prince an image of him picking daisies.

“Baka,” Vegeta grinned. “Are we ready to start?”

Goku glanced around. The fog was thick over the grass surrounding them, lifting slightly as the sun began to rise. It felt like they were in their own world here, surrounded by trees and mist, the air glowing as the light reflected around them.


++Remember children, this is old magic – older than this planet – older than our blood. It will take many long hours and requires your total concentration. The ritual honors and calls upon long-forgotten powers. It requires your faith and gives you strength.

Vegeta smiled and moved so they were sitting face to face, the insides of their left knees touching, tails twined and resting over their legs. They had to block much of their bond during this, but even so he could feel Kakorr’s joy. Vegeta couldn’t remember ever feeling this happy. All doubt was gone. Kakorr would be his mate.

During the days of preparation he had considered and discarded hundreds of declarations – vows. How could he express in just a few sentences just what Kakorr meant to him? No words were enough.

“Son of Bardock - Son Goku… Kakarott… Kakorr…” he said, reciting his many names in Saiyan, hoping Kakorr could hear everything he couldn’t express. He had been the first to ask before; the ritual demanded he be the first to ask again. “I ask you to be my mate. To be my strength and let me be yours. To stand beside me. To protect me as I protect you. To join our blood and our lives. Will you let me love you as you deserve?”

Kakorr smiled and purred deeply as he gave his answer. “Vegeta… Makoto… My Prince… I accept your offer to be your mate. I will be your strength and you will be mine. I will stand with you always. I will protect you as you protect me. Our blood and our lives will be one. I will love you as you love me.”

Vegeta purred his response and picked up a piece of fur that Kakorr had been placed nearby. Kakorr watched him, his eyes following his hands’ movement. Vegeta marveled at the strength beneath the fur as he lovingly rubbed it over Kakorr’s skin, carefully preparing it. He continued his task, gently continuing upward until he had passed the pelt over his shoulder and neck.

++The first to ask shall be the first to mark and the first to belong.

Vegeta buried his nose in the fur, inhaling the scent of his future mate. Root and leaf, earth and air. He set the hide down and picked up a bowl of the crushed herbs he had brought mixed with the blood of the animals Kakorr had hunted. With a touch he coaxed Kakorr into position, making it easier for Vegeta to paint his first mark on his future mate. Vegeta looked into his eyes, smiling in happiness, his purrs filling the air.

He wondered what symbol Kakorr had chosen to wear – what symbolized him to his Kakorr? He had struggled himself trying to decide the one mark that stood for everything Kakorr was to him.

Kakorr smiled at him, his dark chocolate eyes shining, and touched his cheek.

Vegeta closed his eyes and breathed in his scent, purring at the touch, before returning the gesture. After a moment he remembered the blood was drying and he had a task to perform.

He drew back slightly, picked up the bowl again and dipped his finger in the mixture, charging it with his ki. He wasn’t exactly sure how this worked. Rouba’s instructions said the ritual would help them use the mixture to focus on what their mate was to them.

++While you mark your mate, let your souls touch as you sing their praises in your heart – your hands and ki will follow.

He passed his energized finger over Kakorr’s shoulder, noticing how the muscles in his arm danced at the touch. Kakorr’s purring changed tone, becoming soft and dream-like as he stroked on the dark paste over pale skin. He applied delicate lines and broad strokes, crossing and re-crossing, gently touching him with ki as he considered all of the things he loved about Kakorr. Vegeta could feel their minds brushing together, Kakorr accepting and embracing him; emotions ghosting through without words.

Strength. Patience. Kindness. Gentleness. Skill. Honor. Forgiveness. Steadfast. Comforting. Understanding. Kakorr was solid and supportive. Overflowing with life. Enthusiastic. Happy. Generous. He gave of himself totally. Loyal. Trusting. He smiled to himself as he realized he hadn’t even considered appearance. The broad chest, the soft fur of his tail, the light in his eyes. The way he smelled. Like the forest they lived in – rich greens and browns, cool damp earth and bright green leaves.

Vegeta finally became aware he had stopped moving his hand and paused in his thoughts. He let his fingers rest on Kakorr’s arm and studied his handiwork. Kakorr was covered in dark paste from the left side of his neck, down the curve of his shoulder, to his bicep. Vegeta wondered what purpose the mixture served and how this magic would work.

Kakorr kissed him lightly, taking the bowl out of his hands. “My turn.”

Vegeta was slightly bemused as Kakorr gently took his left arm, turning him so he had better access. He could see Kakorr’s ki shifting and writhing under the dark mixture on his skin, occasionally bursting through in tiny rays. He brushed his tail over Kakorr’s arm, gasping at the charge of ki that raced through him at the touch.

It didn’t hurt – he could tell that…feel that. Kakorr was enjoying the sensation and Vegeta was eager to feel it for himself.

The fur in Kakorr’s hand rubbing over his skin made his tail bristle in pleasure. Sensitive. So very sensitive. The touch wasn’t sexual, it was…loving.

His eyes slid closed and he released a breath of a purr when Kakorr’s fingers touched him. The first sensation was coolness and moisture, which gradually became gentle warmth. He smiled to himself as his ki responded to Kakorr’s thoughts, pulsing and rippling, making his skin pleasurably hot.

Kakorr’s hands were soft and loving as they spread the thick heated mixture over him, delicately gliding up the back of his neck. Vegeta tried to concentrate on his thoughts of Kakorr, wanting to choose the one word or symbol that described him best. It was difficult – Kakorr meant so much to him. He couldn’t hear the words but he could feel Kakorr’s passion and wondered if anyone had ever experienced this much love.

Vegeta was so wrapped up in the sensations he didn’t even realize Kakorr had stopped until a thumb was brushed across his lips. He sighed as he realized hours after they began, the first marking was complete.

“It’s time, Vegeta,” Kakorr whispered, eyes wide with barely concealed anxiety.

Vegeta felt a shiver pass through him. This was the difficult part of their mating.

++Your enemies have used you – used your blood – used your hearts – used your minds. It is a tender trap, so gentle and pleasant you never realized you were caught. Before you can be truly joined you must free yourself and stand alone. You will resist leaving this prison because captivity is easier, but you must. You must break free of the bond the Kais have laid upon you.

It was something he had never truly considered, but it was true. Their bond was due to the Kais. They could have resisted it after the fusion failed, forcing it to weaken until it meant nothing. But they hadn’t. Kakorr had sought him out and he had let him – encouraged him. And now it made them both vulnerable. Rouba’s notes indicated she believed the Kais could rip the bond free at will, destroying both Saiyans in the process.

Vegeta had growled angrily when he read that. Why did his enemies keep abusing Saiyan bonds? How could they be so dishonorable, polluting something so basic to their species? To rip a bond apart was to cause suffering. He had felt it when his race was exterminated, and again when Radditz had died.

He hated to think of the agony the involuntary destruction of this bond would cause. He didn’t know why the Kais hadn’t done it yet, but knew if it happened when they weren’t prepared Kakorr and he would die in madness.

Even moments like this, where their contact was kept to a minimum, controlling what they sent and felt, made him anxious and uncomfortable. How would he bear being without Kakorr’s warm presence in his mind – even if it was only temporary?

“We can do this, Kakorr,” he said reassuringly. He had to believe it was true. This was the last, most difficult step. “We will be true mates. Saiyan mates.”

Kakorr nodded slowly, already preparing his mind. Even without the potion Rouba had sent ingredients for, Vegeta could feel Kakorr pulling back, pulling tendrils of himself away. It was all Vegeta could do not to protest, but he restrained himself, beginning to draw himself out of Kakorr.

Vegeta took the two goblets they had placed near at hand, giving one to Kakorr. He took one more look at the chocolate eyes, bright in the noon sun, reminding himself the separation was only temporary, and downed the bitter potion in one swallow.

Pain. Agony. Loneliness. He heard himself whimper, and then cry out in loss as he felt Kakorr’s soul being ripped from him. He nearly reached out for it, wanting to hold it, draw it back and keep Kakorr with him always. Kakorr’s cries were as loud and as pain-filled as his own when Vegeta began drawing himself from him. He felt cruel as he ruthlessly wrenched them apart, trying to ignore the ache, reminding himself this suffering now would protect Kakorr later. Kakorr’s spirit encircled him, trying to keep him trapped, but Vegeta slipped from the embrace with a mournful cry. He had to be strong and resist his wants and needs for both of their sakes. With an anguished scream he ripped the last traces of their bond apart.

Vegeta panted and heaved, sucking at air that just didn’t seem to want to come. Alone. He was dying alone and lonely. If they didn’t form a new bond he wouldn’t be able to survive this isolation. He searched inside himself for Kakorr and nothing was there but memories. He couldn’t feel his purrs rolling through his blood, couldn’t feel him curled around his heart, couldn’t hear him in his mind. Had he ever been so abandoned before? So bereft? So totally lost? His heart and voice wailed his solitude. How could he survive even this short time without Kakorr’s companionship?

Vegeta finally opened his eyes to look at Kakorr through a mist of grief. Kakorr was weeping openly, repeating his name over and over, begging for him to come back. Vegeta gasped in sorrow, his breath tearing him apart. Were they truly free of the bond? Was there a touch, a hint remaining of Kakorr within him? Had he shredded Kakorr’s pure heart, ripping himself free of that warmth?

“Kakorr,” he croaked, his voice raw from screaming his torment.

Kakorr looked at him with wild eyes, and Vegeta saw then what the Kais would have done to him. Kakorr was never meant to be alone – they would have destroyed him.

“You’re gone,” Kakorr whispered. “I can’t find you. Vegeta,” he sobbed, “I can’t find you.”

“Shhhh Kakorr,” he purred, stroking tears from that soft cheek. “It’s okay. I’m coming back. You’re coming back. We won’t be alone ever again.”

Kakorr’s arm’s were around him, crushing them together in a desperate attempt to reassure himself Vegeta was still there. Vegeta purred against him, trying to quiet the shudders passing through both of their bodies.

“Almost there, Kakorr. We are almost there,” he whispered in his ear. “Calm down and we will finish this. Then nothing in the universe will keep us apart.”

After long painful minutes, Kakorr was calm enough to continue. He drew back and looked at Vegeta with stoic determination. “I’m ready.”

He smiled and kissed Kakorr lightly before resting a hand on the painted shoulder. Vegeta concentrated again on why he loved Kakorr and why he wanted to be with him. Slowly he began to let ki trickle through his fingers, feeding him. Kakorr instantly absorbed it, blending it with his own without thinking.

As Kakorr’s ki began to shift, he placed his own hand on Vegeta’s arm, repeating the process. Vegeta shivered at the pleasant sensation of ki warming him, filling him; he could taste Kakorr’s energy through his skin.

Vegeta groaned with happiness when he felt his own ki coming back to him through Kakorr, nearly chuckling when Kakorr made a similar sound. They had never shared ki quite like this before, absorbing and returning it over and over in a slow, lazy circle, changing the color and flavor of it until he couldn’t recognize any of the ki as his alone. It was theirs – their ki was changing into a shared, combined power that burned with its intensity.

++When the time comes, you will see a glow indicating where you should place your second mark. The brightness will vary with your kis, but even at low levels it will be visible.

“Please Vegeta,” Kakorr groaned, their power spiking with each word. It seemed to be pouring out of an area on their shoulders, ki erupting from their bodies, covering them in a rolling flood of energy. “Now. Do it now.”

Vegeta bent over the glow, feeling the ki pouring into his mouth. He hesitated a moment, but when Kakorr made another plaintive cry he clamped down over the glowing area, sharp teeth breaking through skin until blood began to flow.

Kakorr’s gasp quickly became a deep growling purr Vegeta could feel through to his bones.

He drank Kakorr’s blood for the first time, marveling at the taste. Rich. Hot. Copper and honey. He would have liked to drink his mate for hours, but knew he shouldn’t. Vegeta regretfully began to draw back when Kakorr’s hand suddenly pressed tightly against the back of his head, forcing him to remain in place.

“More,” Kakorr breathed, “Take more.”

Vegeta was no longer capable of refusing. He wanted Kakorr. Needed all of him. He growled hungrily and buried his teeth deeper into his mate.

As the blood filled his mouth he felt something else with it – some essence – some energy that flowed into him. He hadn’t felt anything like this when he shared blood with Radditz. He didn’t know what it was, but he never wanted it to stop. He growled and bit harder, trying to get more of that feeling. In that instant, something intangible snapped and suddenly Kakorr was pouring through him.

Kakorr’s spirit – his heart – his soul rushed into him, filling him, claiming him. Kakorr was everywhere – in the pounding of his heart and the flow of blood through his veins. He gave himself up to Kakorr in that moment, finally feeling whole and complete. Kakorr’s blood and heart claimed him, telling him he would always belong to his mate, safe and loved.

Vegeta lifted his head, and licking the last traces of blood from his lips, looked at Kakorr in wonder. He could feel him – hear him – everywhere. Kakorr was liquid inside him, filling him to overflowing.

His own mark was beginning to burn, ki boiling out of it so furiously it ached. He understood Kakorr’s desperation to be bitten now. Vegeta needed Kakorr’s mouth on him, draining away the building pressure of blood, ki and self. He was too full – and only Kakorr could save him.

“Kakorr,” he begged, tangling his fingers in messy spikes. He tugged slightly, trying to guide his mouth to where he needed it most. Kakorr didn’t hesitate, lowering his head and burying his teeth in Vegeta’s shoulder.

Vegeta howled at the flood of sensations. He could feel himself rippling, his barriers faltering before he forced them all down, pouring himself into Kakorr. His self, his memories, his love were all gifts to his mate.

Kakorr’s mouth was gentle on him, his tongue dipping and gliding through the thick blood. Vegeta had never felt anything like it. This wasn’t like the biyaku where his blood only ignited passion. Now he was claiming Kakorr with his own blood – making him his.

++The sharing of blood is the final acceptance of this bond. You have given your entire self. The reward is belonging to your mate.

Vegeta purred happily and bent back to Kakorr’s mark, joining with his mate in drinking blood with long, lazy licks.

He grinned like a fool when they raised their heads in unison and leaned in for a kiss. Kakorr was aggressive, trying to ferret out the last traces of blood in Vegeta’s mouth with his tongue.

Finally they just sat in the fading light of early dusk, staring at each other, smiling. Vegeta chuckled when he realized he could see the results of their new ki in Kakorr’s now golden eyes. Their shared ki fluxed around them, responding effortlessly to every look and gesture. He could feel Kakorr as a strong, calm, stable presence in his mind. He was there – always with him, a part of him.

::We did it, Vegeta.::

He couldn’t stop grinning. ::Mates. Saiyan mates.::

Kakorr laughed and lifted his shoulder. ::Does that mean we can take this off now?:: he asked, indicating the now dried mixture on his arm. ::It’s starting to itch.::

Vegeta shrugged. ::I don’t see why not. I don’t even understand what it was for.::

Kakorr picked up another pelt he had prepared and handed it to Vegeta. ::Rouba liked ritual. Maybe it was just to help us focus.::

Vegeta nodded. He felt strangely peaceful and didn’t feel the need to question anything Rouba said. After all, she had given them this amazing bond. He began to pass the fur over Kakorr’s arm and paused. Magic. Her instructions said this was old magic. He removed a little more of the dark mixture and smirked.

“Now we know what she meant by first mark,” he said, removing the last traces. ::Look what we did, Kakorr.::

Around his muscled bicep, up over the curve of his shoulder and trailing up the side of his neck, Kakorr was tattooed. A massive tree with twisting roots grew up and around his arm, filled with rich green leaves. Vegeta passed his fingers over it, marveling, making Kakorr gasp. This was Kakorr. He smiled to himself when he saw what was carved into the trunk – a glowing bright red image of the royal crest.

::You chose the symbol of my house?:: he asked in wonder. His mate wore his family’s mark… He announced to the world he was a proud member of the royal house.

::Did I do something wrong?::

Vegeta smiled. ::No, you did everything just right.::

“I wonder how you are marked,” Kakorr said, taking the fur from him.

Vegeta twisted his head to watch his own mark revealed. How did Kakorr see him?

“This is— I did this?” Kakorr stammered.

Vegeta took a shocked breath. A burning dragon. He wore a dragon, long tail coiled around his arm several times. It was deep, blood red, surrounded by flames licking up his neck.

Kakorr suddenly chuckled. “You couldn’t make up your mind, could you?”

Vegeta growled at being caught in such an obvious thing. Entwined with the flames were nearly a dozen symbols – most of them Saiyan. Patience. Trust. Love. Strength. Everything Kakorr was to him. “Is it my fault my mate is difficult to describe?”

Kakorr laughed.

Vegeta grinned. His mate laughed.


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