Quest: Happily

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 46: Happily

Sequel to Maintaining
By Pixelgoddess

Summary: Maintaining sequel. Frieza has caused some incredible issues for the Saiyans to overcome, but they are trying. What will it take for them to finally become mates? Yaoi, Yuri. Goku x Vegeta, Chichi x Rezu (OC)
Disclaimer: If I owned it, don’t you think there would have been more decent girls to write about?
Warnings: *snickers* Whaddya got? Sex. Rape and its aftermath. Violence. Death. Bad words. Gay marriage. Krillin-bashing. Dyke Chichi. Straight Gohan. Confused Dende. Smart-ass Piccolo. I think that covers it – for now.

Chapter 46 - Happily

Vegeta leaned back against his mate, echoing the rumbling purrs against his back. Kakorr had gotten tired of the sterile Lookout, bringing them to sit by a peaceful waterfall. He was gently brushing his fingers over the dragon on Vegeta’s arm, his touch calming. Vegeta sighed in contentment and coiled their tails together.

Even though Kakorr had physically healed quickly, he had stayed in their room on The Lookout for days, unwilling or unable to face anyone. Except for Vegeta, Piccolo and Dende were the only ones he would allow in. Kakorr had lost more than a friend; Vegeta hated that his mate’s heart had been wounded so deeply. Even more than grieving for the monk, Kakorr wept for a lost innocence he didn’t even know he had.

Vegeta had held him for long hours, wondering if his mate’s capacity to trust was damaged forever by the acts of former friends. Now that Kakorr had started to teach him how to trust others, Vegeta never wanted his mate to lose that ability. Vegeta no longer believed it was a weakness; he had come to appreciate the courage it took. Kakorr’s ability to trust was mark of bravery.

Other than praise and comfort Kakorr, he didn’t know what else he could do to help his mate. The ache Kakorr felt was like nothing he had ever experienced before. All Vegeta could do was repeat what Kakorr used to tell him when the pain felt like it was too much to bear – ‘Give it time. It won’t always feel like this.’

At least Kakorr was willing to acknowledge how much he was suffering and let Vegeta try to help him. Piccolo refused to admit he was grieving, but his anger made it evident to any who knew the truth about what had happened. Unfortunately, few did, so except for Kakorr, Dende, and himself, the other temporary residents of The Lookout stayed out of his way to avoid his rage.

The Namek needed some outlet and found it in hunting.

He didn’t speak any more than was necessary, his black eyes hard and glittering every time he informed Vegeta he had found another Kai. A few had been off-planet, but the Namek tracked down their kis with a chillingly single-minded determination. Vegeta had brought Piccolo with him the first time, but the Namek’s vengeful, pre-meditated slaughter had shocked even him in its bloody wrath. It didn’t help that the first one he had located was on Namek, attempting to collect their dragonballs to bring back the Kais. Fortunately, no Nameks had been killed, but Piccolo insisted it was just a matter of time.

Even though he understood the cause, he was unwilling to be a participant in the ruin of his friend’s soul. Vegeta bitterly acknowledged the blood on his own hands – what was one more race after all of the others he had butchered? It was bad enough he had to go back to killing; he didn’t want Piccolo to return to the evil creature he had been and refused to allow the Namek to accompany him after that.

Vegeta didn’t tell his mate what he was doing – even though he was positive Kakorr knew. The topic was carefully avoided each time he left the sullen Namek to watch over his family while he tracked the Kais down and assassinated them. He felt filthy and blood-stained every time he returned, even if he never physically laid a hand on them. He swore he wasn’t going to repeat Frieza and the Kais’ mistake with the Saiyan race and leave survivors.

After several stressful days, he determined it was safe enough for their sons to collect the dragonballs. Mentally, Kakorr was in no condition to participate and Vegeta was unwilling to leave his side for an extended period. It was the women’s suggestion to send the boys and after some consideration, he agreed. If there were any major problems, he could reach them instantly now.

When they had returned nearly a week later, filthy and triumphant Kakorr had cheered for them along with the others waiting at The Lookout. He had felt a surge of pride in his sons – they had handled the difficult task without any outside help. He smirked inwardly when he realized his nod of approval and quiet ‘Good job’, made them glow with more satisfaction than loud praise from anyone else.

The reunions were more emotional – and surprising – than he had expected.

They had been shocked when 18 had appeared at The Lookout, her daughter in her arms. No one had even thought to check on Krillin’s family, and the idea that the monk had actually killed them as well was sickening. If there had ever been any question about bringing him back, that had answered it. 18 was furious – not at them, but at her dead husband. ‘If you dare bring him back,’ she warned, ‘I swear I will kill him again.’ She hadn’t said another word, flying off with Marron. There was a long uncomfortable silence, Kakorr clutching his hand almost painfully, as they considered what could have driven Krillin to murder his own family.

“Even at my worst, I would never have done something like that,” he had muttered, remembering bitterly what he had gone through to protect Trunks and Bulma.

Bulma had not left Chichi’s side for more than a few minutes since arriving at The Lookout days ago, calming and reassuring her that her wife would return. Vegeta had been concerned the baby or Chichi had been injured in some way and insisted she let the Guardian heal them both. He was greatly relieved when Dende had checked on the baby, confirming Tama was healthy. Chichi was bruised, but it was nothing major and quickly healed. Vegeta had kept a careful eye on their kis, determined not to let any more harm come to his family. He caught himself smiling and called himself a sap when Rezu had finally appeared; Chichi had rushed forward, throwing herself into her wife’s arms with relieved sobs.

Piccolo and Nail stunned everyone – especially Piccolo. Vegeta could only smirk at the expression on his friend’s face. He knew Piccolo hadn’t expected Nail’s return, believing him to have been dead too long. Vegeta had held a long, private discussion with Dende, and through the Guardian, Muri, trying to figure out a method of bringing Nail back. It turned out to be easier than expected; the fusion had happened before Nail had died.

The wish had been carefully worded to give Nail a body of his own. If they wanted to, they could fuse again, but he didn’t think it was likely. Especially after Nail had tightly looped his arms around Piccolo and kissed the breath out of him. Piccolo had turned deep purple and tried to resist for a moment before relaxing to the inevitable and kissing him back, much to Vegeta’s amusement and Gohan’s shock.

Vegeta couldn’t help but laugh at the expressions on everyone’s faces as Nail proceeded to go around The Lookout, kissing and hugging anyone who didn’t avoid him fast enough. Bulma had blushed and eeped at the Namek’s towering presence, while Yamcha had accepted the contact with polite good grace, slightly raising his standing in Vegeta’s eyes. Chichi seemed rather bemused by the Namek’s attentions, while Dende ended up grinning foolishly. Goten and Trunks had darted away, proclaiming ‘Namek cooties’, which made the prince chuckle. Nail had started towards his mate, but a deep, vicious growl warned him off. Not surprisingly, Gohan had seemed both stunned and thoughtful, especially when Piccolo had dragged the other Namek away, cursing at him.

::I don’t think he ever thought of Piccolo that way before,:: Kakorr said, ::I hope it doesn’t cause problems for them.::

Vegeta shrugged. ::I wouldn’t worry about it. His role as mentor is too important to Piccolo – he’d never do anything to risk damaging it – even if Gohan cornered him and tried to kiss him… although I wouldn’t be too surprised in Nail manages to trip the boy at least once.::

::From the looks of it, Nail is a good kisser.::

::You can find out if you want to, Kakorr – but I doubt our bond will let you enjoy it,:: Vegeta laughed.

Kakorr purred, ::I don’t want to kiss anyone but you, Makoto.::

::Sap,:: Vegeta chuckled. ::Piccolo is going to have his hands full with Nail; I’m sure he will be blushing a hell of a lot more often now.::

Kakorr leaned over his shoulder for a kiss. ::I’m just glad Piccolo is happy – even if he will never admit it.::

::He needs to lighten up. If I did it, so can he,:: Vegeta purred as Kakorr’s arms tightened around him.

He didn’t know what impact the death of the Kais would have on Otherworld, and he realized he didn’t care, as long as they could no longer threaten his family. Maybe someday they would meet again in hell, but he refused to worry about it until that day came.

::It will be a long time before that happens, Vegeta,:: Kakorr promised.

::Good. I want to live a long life with you and have many more cubs.::

Kakorr chuckled. ::Sap.:: “Too bad we can’t have any full-blooded Saiyans…”

“We have centuries, Kakorr. Bulma says human scientists are working on cloning and genetics – maybe someday there will be more.”

Kakorr laughed, “Perfect little Vegeta copies. I can feel the planet trembling in fear.”


Vegeta closed his eyes in contentment as his mate purred and traced the large dragon on his arm with his fingertips, his purr skipping at the contact as he shivered pleasantly. The mark had stopped moving when he had dropped out of level four, but it remained large, covering most of his arm, the tail curling around his wrist.

“I wish I had seen you at level four,” Kakorr said wistfully. “Gohan said you were magnificent.”

“He said that?” Vegeta asked curiously.

“Well…not in so many words, but that was what he meant.”

“It’s more likely I scared the shit out of him,” Vegeta chuckled. ::You did see me, Kakorr. But I imagine you don’t remember.::

::That whole day is kind of hazy,:: he said regretfully. “I just wish--.”

Vegeta frowned. Kakorr kept tormenting himself, playing the beginning over and over, trying to convince himself he had done the right thing. Vegeta told him no matter what he had done, things would have turned out much the same – maybe with even more of their family injured or killed.

Gohan told them he was relieved his Mystic powers were gone, but Kakorr didn’t know if his son was telling him the truth or what he thought his father wanted to hear. Vegeta suspected the boy was being honest – Gohan had never really wanted the powers or the responsibility that went with them.

::Kakorr – it wasn’t your fault. If it was anyone’s, it was mine since we knew they were after me. Once the Kais were gone, his special powers would have vanished anyway. Gohan doesn’t need them – our son is Saiyan.::

“You never do anything halfway, do you Vegeta?” Kakorr whispered, “My sons – your sons – our sons…”

Vegeta smiled to himself. He had never imagined how happy the boys would be as brothers, or how easy it would be to treat them as sons. He looked at them working together with a glow of pleasure – he felt pride in all of them.

Kakorr’s strong fingers began to work on a knot in his neck and he moaned at the sensation. This was something his mate loved to do for him and Vegeta rarely objected. He could rest under his mate’s firm yet gentle touch, knowing he was loved and cherished.

“You’re so tense, Makoto,” Kakorr murmured, “You need to unwind.” ::It’s over – you’ve taken care of everyone. Let me take care of you.::

He groaned as Kakorr loosened painfully tight muscles. He hadn’t even realized how stressed he had been until he gradually began to relax. The strain of the past weeks had been telling on him – he had hardly slept, constantly worried about a surprise attack by the few remaining Kais. Even after he had killed the last one, he was unwilling to lower his guard immediately, not prepared to believe his family was finally safe.

::Let’s go somewhere else,:: Kakorr suggested.

He turned his head in time to see his mate’s smile as he touched his fingers to his forehead. An instant later, they had relocated to a room with a floor covered in furs and lit by the warm late afternoon sun.

::Our den,:: Vegeta smiled approvingly.

Kakorr got to his feet and began to pull off his t-shirt. “Get undressed.”

He raised his eyebrows in curiosity, surprised Kakorr wasn’t undressing him, before shrugging and beginning to unbutton his black shirt. He wasn’t sure what his mate had in mind, but it didn’t matter. He was always safe and protected with Kakorr. He tossed his heavy black boots across the room, smirking at his mate’s amused chuckle when their weight chipped some of the rock from the wall, making the buckles ring. An instant later and he had shrugged off his jeans, flipping them to join the rest of his discarded clothing.

He sat back on the furs and watched Kakorr remove his own clothing, his sneakers and shirt joining the growing pile. Vegeta laughed at him as he struggled out of his jeans, nearly tripping as he tried to kick them clear.

He admired the strong, sculpted body of his mate, watching with pleasure as his sleek black tail swayed lazily behind him, his own tail coiled enticingly beside him.

“So what do you have in mind, Kakorrrr?” he purred, leaning back seductively.

Kakorr grinned and dragged over some more furs to use as cushions. “You are so impatient. I told you – I’m going to take care of you.”

Vegeta smirked.


Goku grinned at the expression on his mate’s face. Vegeta knew him too well. He was already nearly overcome with the urge to pin his prince to the furs and kiss him until they were both faint from lack of air.

He was glad Vegeta was starting to laugh again. The past few weeks had been very hard on everyone, especially his prince; he had to be everyone’s strength and support, making sure they were all safe. Even though he had been trained for it when he was younger, it wasn’t a role Vegeta was used to anymore and he wasn’t completely comfortable with it. Goku knew about his ‘hunting’ trips – he didn’t like the idea, but he understood its necessity. He felt how much Vegeta hated it, but his prince was unwilling to risk his family’s safety. He knew Vegeta was worried about being a ‘monster’, but Goku could never think of him that way – he was doing whatever was necessary to protect the people he loved.

At first, his own feelings of betrayal were almost more than he could bear – every time he thought about Krillin and the Kais he felt an anguish he couldn’t begin to describe. Vegeta had held him as he shuddered in sick reaction, never once telling him he had been a fool and should have known better. All he could do was cling to his mate and hope he was right when he said it wouldn’t always hurt like this.

He hoped the worst was past now. The torment… the grieving… that wasn’t gone – maybe it never would be. Krillin and the Kais would join a list of people he would miss and actions he would regret forever. That day had already joined his nightmares about Cell and Buu, nagging him with every mistake he had made, but he refused to let it control his life. He had friends and family who loved him and a mate who would do anything for him.

He sat close to Vegeta, gazing lovingly into his mate’s brilliant blue eyes. His own had returned to the color of amber when his strength was restored, but apparently, level four had caused more permanent changes than just the larger dragon tattoo. Besides bright blue eyes, Vegeta had kept some bangs that stubbornly refused to obey his ki and stand up. Vegeta joked that Goku had made it happen, changing him deliberately through their bond. Goku loved how they fell over his eyes, teasingly pulling them back down when Vegeta exerted his will to make them stand.

Goku reached out and touched the coin around his mate’s neck. ::I’m glad you wear Rouba’s gift.::

Vegeta grinned and blew one of his bangs out of the way, “You are such a sap today. If innocent ‘Goku’ can wear the bloody tooth of a biyaku, I can wear a coin.” ::Besides – we are the only ones who know what they really mean.::

“Now who is being a sap?” Goku chuckled and lightly dragged his nails over the dragon, making Vegeta emit a shuddering growl. ::Maybe you should tell Nail and Piccolo about the tooth – see if they want to borrow it,:: he teased, knowing he would never let anyone else touch it.

“Kakorrrrr…” he warned.

Goku growled and drew his mate closer until they were practically sitting in each other’s laps, legs and tails entwined. Vegeta’s arms were instantly around his waist, teasing the base of his tail with his fingers. He squirmed under his mate’s touch, purring as Vegeta traced the scar that remained from Krillin’s attack.

::I’m sorry this couldn’t be healed,:: Vegeta said regretfully.

Goku smiled and kissed him. Vegeta still didn’t understand how he saw them as hard-earned reminders of battles fought and lessons learned. ::I’m not. It’s not fair that you have all of the interesting scars.::

Vegeta broke the kiss, laughing. “You have some strange ideas, Kakorr.”

“Can I help it?” Goku pouted. “I like to touch them… and lick them.”

“Tattoos… scars… next thing you know you’ll want me to get pierced,” Vegeta chuckled.

Goku smiled at him, wide-eyed and hopeful, “Would you?” He grinned when Vegeta blinked at him in surprise.

::Are you serious?::

Goku smirked in reply and rubbed his thumbs over Vegeta’s sensitive nipples, growling possessively when his mate groaned at his touch.

::I’ll think about it,:: his prince promised. ::Chichi’s right – you are a pervert.::

His mate was so distracted by his attentions he didn’t even notice Goku’s tail curling around his wrists, keeping Vegeta’s arms wrapped around his waist. Vegeta began to work himself loose before Goku tightened his hold slightly. He wanted to keep his prince close and knew Vegeta would stay this way in order to avoid injuring his tail.

“Have it your way, Kakorr,” he purred, relaxing in his embrace. ::This just means you’ll have to do all the work.::

He smiled to himself – since that first time, Vegeta had let him do things like this, the restraint more symbolic than real. His prince was trusting Goku, giving him total control – and responsibility.

Goku smoothed oil over Vegeta’s back, letting ki seep into still tight muscles, making his mate rumble in pleasure. “That’s the whole idea. It’s my turn to take care of you,” he whispered in Vegeta’s ear before scraping his teeth over his mate’s claim mark.

Goku kept his arms around his prince, using his hands and ki to relax tight muscles until Vegeta was practically boneless, purring happily in his embrace. He loved the warmth under his fingers; the feel of steel and soft skin. He tenderly traced the scars lining his prince’s back, wanting to make them a reminder of pleasure, not pain. He still couldn’t believe how much his prince had changed – he had experienced so much hatred and anger, but given the opportunity he had chosen to move past it, becoming a much calmer person.

He inhaled deeply, breathing in the heat and spice of his prince, burying his face in Vegeta’s hair. It still amazed him sometimes, how hopelessly in love he was with a man who had done his best to kill him years ago. They had both grown so much since then. Where once Vegeta would have celebrated any injury Goku received, he was now upset and angry when anyone hurt his mate. Even though healed after the Kais, Goku had been too weak to help; he remembered Vegeta’s arms around him, gently washing the blood from his body, crooning comforting words to him in Saiyan.

“Kakorr,” Vegeta rumbled in amusement, breath warm against his neck, “You’re thinking too much. It’s distracting you.”

Goku smiled sheepishly before kissing his mate’s forehead. He had been so caught up he had stopped what he was doing, his hands resting unmoving on Vegeta’s hips. He slid a gentle hand over his prince’s skin, tipping his head up for a kiss. Vegeta’s purr vibrated against him, his tail brushing lovingly over Goku’s face.

Goku returned his attentions to his prince’s body, fingers lightly tracing the muscles on his back and legs. Vegeta moaned, his hips moving to brush their erections against each other, when Goku’s thumbs glided over the insides of his thighs. Vegeta’s mouth was against his neck, breath warm over his shivering flesh.

::Can I have my hands back now?:: Vegeta asked, his teeth not quite breaking Goku’s skin.

Goku released his tail, dragging it through his mate’s fingers. He hissed with pleasure as Vegeta slowly pressed his sharp teeth against his skin, gradually increasing the pressure until he could feel them piercing him, blood welling up into his prince’s mouth.

He moaned and held Vegeta tighter as he felt himself flowing through his mate, blood claiming his prince. He bent to join him, but Vegeta’s hand tangled in his hair, stopping him. ::That’s not fair, Vegeta,:: he complained as his mate’s teeth sunk deeper.

Vegeta raised his head, lips covered in blood. He dipped his finger in the blood on Goku’s shoulder and grinned. ::You’ll get your turn, but first I want to try to reach level four again. I have an idea.::

Goku stopped trying to bite Vegeta and pulled away enough to look at him curiously. He hadn’t expected this yet; his mate had already tried – unsuccessfully - to reach level four again. Goku could feel Vegeta’s unspoken disappointment even though he understood – he had experienced something similar the first time he had ascended. Sometimes the emotions involved with the initial transformation were difficult to deal with right away.

“What?” he whispered, licking his lips, unable to tear his eyes away from the bloody fingers. He wanted to lick them – suck them – taste himself with the salt of his prince’s sweat. If he weren’t a Saiyan would he know the pleasure of tasting heat and fire – of feeling life on his tongue?

“I think I was missing a key element last time,” Vegeta smirked and traced them over his dragon, “You.” There was an instant reaction, a ribbon of ki racing over the tattoo’s outline. Vegeta shuddered and moaned, bringing up his forearm to wipe his lips on the tail of the dragon. Goku gasped as the dragon emitted a pulse of ki and began to move, its tail snaking further down Vegeta’s wrist.

“Vegeta?” he whispered, not sure if he should be worried. Vegeta’s ki was climbing at a phenomenal rate – if it were anyone else he would worry about his safety being this close. But not with Vegeta – it was like being in the eye of a storm, the crackling energy circling furiously, but this close to his mate he only felt a building heat. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” Vegeta breathed, ::Yes.::

Goku closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm his heart. Vegeta’s ki was flowing over them as a comforting warmth. When he opened them again, his prince was looking at him with aqua eyes, his hair and slashing tail golden.

He tried to bring his own ki up to match his glowing mate, but the look of joy on his prince’s face seemed to remove his ability to focus. All he could see and concentrate on were those magnificent eyes. He could only stare and touch his face, unable to match his prince’s power, too obsessed with his mate’s beauty. He was safe in Vegeta’s arms, protected by the massive ki building around them. He knew Vegeta would succeed this time – he would finally see his prince at the pinnacle of power.

Vegeta smiled confidently at him. ::You as well, Kakorr. I’m looking forward to seeing what you will become.::

Goku could only nod numbly as he felt Vegeta’s ki pulling him, drawing him up through the levels. He didn’t resist, giving his mate full control over his energy, thrilling as his body instantly snapped to level two. Goku watched in amazement as Vegeta’s dragon started to pulse, the scales rippling over his skin.

They broke through to level three together, the den shuddering as their waves of ki pulsed against the walls. Goku strained to push his ki higher, trying to keep up with Vegeta but he couldn’t. Even his mate’s trying to pull him higher didn’t work, and he experienced a momentary flash of frustration.

::Wait for it, Kakorr. It will happen. I won’t leave you behind.::

Goku smiled softly at the reassuring words of his mate. Vegeta was right – he would reach level four someday – he just had to be patient. He could feel Vegeta pushing his energy even higher, but he seemed to be struggling to break through a barrier. His own body ached with excess ki, his mating mark practically burning as his own ki flared with Vegeta’s. His prince’s growls were deep and continuous as he strained to ascend. After a full minute with no further increase, Goku began to get worried – Vegeta had broken out in a sweat, his entire body shaking and muscles twitching.

::Vegeta… Maybe you…::

::No! I’m almost there. I just need-::

Goku shouted in surprise when Vegeta’s teeth suddenly sunk deeply into his flesh, blood pouring out from between his lips. He couldn’t stop the purr as ki and blood began to flood his prince – Vegeta belonged to him.

Vegeta drew back almost drunkenly, mouth and chin covered in his blood. He swept his right hand over the still flowing wound, coating it in blood. Goku couldn’t do anything but watch, slightly dazed, as Vegeta spread more of his blood over the rippling dragon.

The effect was instantaneous. Vegeta threw his head back and screamed, ki blasting from his body, cracking the walls. There was an explosion of red hair, flooding down and tangling with his hands around Vegeta’s waist. Goku didn’t even have time to worry about getting hurt by the high level of ki – it was instantly wrapped around him, a safe cocoon.

Vegeta had transformed.

Vegeta smirked before looking at the bite mark with concern. It was deeper than any they had made before. “I’m sorry, Kakorr. Does it hurt?”

Goku struggled to come out of his daze and grinned. “It feels wonderful.” He looked into the ice blue eyes and smiled, tangling his fingers in the long fiery strands of his mate’s hair. Vegeta smirked and captured his mouth, his tongue a heated invasion, swallowing his moans. His arms wrapped so tightly around his prince he doubted he could breathe, but Vegeta’s embrace was tenderly careful of his new strength.

They separated, both gasping for air, staring at each other in stunned pleasure. He smiled.

“Stand up. I want to look at you.”

Vegeta looked at him curiously. Goku knew he didn’t like being stared at, but he just had to see what his mate had become.

::I want to see you. Let me look at you.::

Vegeta smirked and gracefully rose to his feet, disentangling their legs and tails with ease.

Goku gazed at Vegeta in admiration, slowly circling, sometimes touching his prince in amazement. Vegeta turned his head to watch him, smiling as he was studied. Goku had strange memories of red, which he understood now. Vegeta’s hair was a brilliant red and copper, a flame pouring down his back, nearly touching the ground. His spikes were pulled down by the weight, long bangs dropping over his pale ice blue eyes. Even the fur on his tail was long and silky. Gone was the bulky muscle mass of level three – Goku could feel Vegeta’s ki and knew he was much stronger, but his power was disguised in a sleeker, more graceful form that was closer in appearance to his normal state.

Most amazing was his dragon tattoo – it moved constantly, coiling its tail around Vegeta’s arm, even rising up from his mate’s skin to watch Goku with emerald eyes.

“Vegeta…” he whispered, nearly speechless at the transformation. He was struck by a sudden unfounded worry – how could he ever hope to match this power? Vegeta’s ki was so far beyond level three he didn’t know how he could ever reach it. Had they changed places? Was he going to be forever chasing his prince?

“Kakorr,” Vegeta said softly, his voice a rumble, “That will never happen. We are beyond that.”

Goku reached out a hand, about to touch his mate, hesitating when he felt Vegeta’s ki reaching out to pull him in. Vegeta’s hand circled his wrist, drawing him forward until his fingers were touching his mate’s mark. He gasped in wonder as he felt the dragon licking his hand with flames that didn’t burn. Ki kept flowing around them, making his skin tingle at the sensation – it was as if his mate surrounded him.

“We are equals, Kakorr – remember? We share everything. This isn’t just my ki, it is ours. You will not be left behind.”

Goku was suddenly in his prince’s arms, his movement almost too fast for him to see. Vegeta’s lips were against his, still tinged with blood. Goku purred and pressed their bodies together, his mate a furnace against him. He never would have believed such a transformation was possible. It went past the usual Super Saiyan levels – the changes were surprising – unexpected. Vegeta was even taller right now – able to look him in the eyes.

::I don’t think this is a normal Super Saiyan level, Kakorr. I think this is related to our mating.::

Goku didn’t care where it came from. He was safe, surrounded by his mate’s ki, wrapped in strong arms that held them together in a passionate embrace. ::I’m sorry, Vegeta… I know you wouldn’t… I just…::

Vegeta drew back to look at him, fingers soft on his face, pale eyes seeing deep inside. ::I know, Kakorr. I understand better than anyone else would.::

::I wish things had been different when we first met. Maybe we could have--::

::I don’t, Kakorr – this was worth the wait – worth everything we have gone through. If even one thing had been different, maybe we wouldn’t have this. I could be dead… or alone… ::

Goku chuckled, “You have become such a mush.”

Vegeta grinned, “And whose fault is that? Sap.” Vegeta fingered the tooth around Goku’s neck. “I know I can help you reach this level if you want to try. If you want to wait, you can – the transformation is not easy.”

Goku smiled at the implied challenge, “If you can do it, so can I.”

Vegeta smirked and dragged his thumb over the biyaku tooth, drawing blood. Goku bent his head to lick the few drops away, closing his eyes at the shiver that ran through him at the taste. He didn’t resist, allowing Vegeta to push him down until they were sitting on the furs again. His own tail twitched uncertainly as he realized he wasn’t sure what his prince had in mind. He knew he was safe, but Vegeta seemed to take this very seriously.

He gazed into the eyes of his mate, trying to calm his suddenly pounding heart. “Vegeta…” he began, his words silenced by gentle fingers on his lips, gliding over to cradle his cheek.

“This may be difficult at first, but I know you can do this.” He lifted the necklace with the biyaku tooth from his neck, “Do you trust me, Kakorr?” Vegeta asked seriously.

“Of course,” he said, surprised Vegeta even thought it necessary to ask.

“Good. Just remember, I am here and you are safe – we are safe.”

Goku gasped with concern as Vegeta took the tooth and without hesitation slashed his right hand and arm, deep, rich blood immediately flowing from the wound. “Vegeta!” he protested.

Vegeta stared at him, locking their eyes, making it impossible for Goku to tear his gaze away. “Hold on,” he said and pressed his bloody cut over the tree on his arm, fingers curled tightly in the leaves.

Goku screamed as he felt Vegeta burn through him in that instant, overwhelming every barrier, his presence everywhere. The blood burned without pain or heat, marking him, claiming him, making him Vegeta’s all over again.

He hardly felt Vegeta’s arm around his back, supporting and shielding him as his entire body shuddered convulsively. He clutched at his prince, trying to anchor himself as he was ripped apart and remade. He tried to push his ki up, tried to hold it down, tried desperately to control it as it began to climb crazily.

::Let go, Kakorr – let it draw you. Don’t try to fight it. I will help you.::

Vegeta’s hand was still tightly wrapped around his shoulder, blood continuing to flow from the wound, dripping down the trunk of the tree. He could feel the roots twisting and turning, burying themselves even deeper into his skin, the sensation both comforting and strangely invasive.

He collapsed against his mate, Vegeta’s heartbeat thudding in his ears, roaring through his veins, becoming his whole world. Goku felt himself drawing around Vegeta’s presence, surrounding it, protecting it, keeping it for his own. Even as Vegeta was claiming him, he was giving him everything.

So much ki was flooding through him he could feel it leaking out of his pores, every cell feeling as if it was ready to burst. The sensation of being so saturated with power was almost painful as his ki struggled to find an outlet. He was dizzy and nearly blinded by the golden glow surrounding him and he desperately reached for Vegeta to anchor him.

::You’re almost there, Kakorr – almost there.::

Vegeta’s presence was steady – solid – calming his fear, if not his aching need to break through.

::More… Need… more…::

::I know. Take it, Kakorr – take everything you need.::

Goku moaned, trying to control this craving for even more of his mate’s blood. He had to have more but he didn’t want to lose control and hurt his mate. He couldn’t contain his hunger any longer and sank his teeth in Vegeta’s flesh, making him howl, roaring as the power burst from his body.

He wasn’t sure if he blacked out or not, but the first thing he heard over his own gasping was Vegeta voice in his ear, murmuring to him in a mix of languages.

“Saa – calm down, Kakorr. Breathe. It’s fine – you’ve done it.”

He took a deep breath, trying to stop the shakes he didn’t even know he had. He felt so strange, so different – so filled with energy he could float, yet couldn’t move. He opened his eyes, staring over Vegeta’s shoulder before quickly closing them. He had sworn he saw a bird flying by, strangely frozen in time, tiny molecules of light covering its feathers. He opened them again and watched the impossibly slow beat of its wings, a thin ribbon of ki marking their path.

“Kakorr?” Vegeta said, obviously worried. Goku couldn’t answer him yet – the ability to form words seemed to escape him just as he opened his mouth to respond. Vegeta’s fingers were on his face, making him tremble as their ki sparked. Goku let his mate turn his head, staring back in wonder as Vegeta’s ki traced intricate paths over his face, making his eyes glow with a brilliant white light.

He could hear Vegeta’s concern in his head, see it as it made his ki change color, dipping and rolling through greens and browns. He heard his mate’s thoughts of ‘What have I done? What have I done?’ but he couldn’t understand why Vegeta was worried.

His mate had been right – this was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was better – intoxicating in the sense of unreality it gave him. He was seeing things he only imagined existed and he couldn’t tear his eyes away.

Vegeta held him close and he returned the embrace, watching with bemusement as the dragon’s ki licked his arm, sending yellow and white lacing down to his fingers. “I can see ki,” he whispered, “I can see it…”

He pulled away enough to look at Vegeta in undisguised fascination. He could see threads of yellow and red pulsing through and over his prince’s skin. Every breath, every movement, every heartbeat changed the ornate design, making his body a canvas. “This is... this is… Oh Vegeta – why didn’t you say something? Why didn’t you tell me? This is amazing.”

He smiled as he saw the relief in Vegeta’s face changing the colors, brilliant blue coiling around the yellow. He studied his own hands in curiosity, recognizing the glowing blue as the same color radiating from Vegeta’s eyes. “What color are my eyes?” he asked, watching the ki sparking from his fingers as he spoke. “They’re yellow, aren’t they – golden yellow – butter yellow – the same color as your ki,” he began to babble as he studied the ki connecting them, “You gave them to me – just like I gave you yours.”

::They are yellow – bright yellow. But Kakorr – you aren’t making sense-::

::I am – I am – we gave our ki to each other. I can see it, can’t you?:: He held out his left arm, the tattoo almost hidden from him behind its blanket of blue and yellow ki. “Look! See! It’s us! I can see us!” He let Vegeta see what he was seeing and grinned at his mate’s amazed gasp.

He wanted to see what had happened to his mark, and on impulse swept the palm of his hand over his arm as if wiping the liquid ki away.

“A phoenix?” Vegeta said curiously.

Goku smiled and nodded – he recognized it from Gohan’s books. “A phoenix,” he agreed. ::Rises from the ashes. Reborn from death.::

::That describes you…:: Vegeta said thoughtfully, his fingers trailing lightly over the wings.

A rainbow colored bird was rising from the branches of the tree Vegeta had given him, its massive wings outstretched, brilliantly colored tail feathers curling around his wrist and fingers. Multi-colored ki showered from every feather, its light illuminating the dimming den.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Vegeta said gently, studying him with pale eyes.

“Alright? I’m better than alright! Look at me! I have longer hair than Radditz!” He flipped some around to study the color, slightly disappointed at first to think it was still only black until he saw the blood-red streaks of color running through the wild mane. He grinned – he knew how much Vegeta liked Radditz’ hair and it had always bothered him a little that he couldn’t give Vegeta everything he wanted. “Wonder if I will be able to keep it?”

Vegeta laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, sending sparks of color flying everywhere. “Of all of the things to worry about Kakorr--” he began.

“Hey – you got taller, I want to keep the hair.” He grinned and traced his fingers over Vegeta’s lips, watching their ki spark at the touch. “I like not having to bend down to kiss you – saves my back.”

Vegeta laughed, ki rippling in golden waves around them. “I think you are ki drunk again.”

“Maybe a little…” Goku growled playfully and lunged at his mate, kneeling between his thighs and pushing him onto his back. Vegeta started to try to roll them over, but Goku used his larger size against his prince and ground their erections together, making their ki explode in wild patterns as he captured his mouth.

Vegeta moaned against his lips and tangled his fingers in Goku’s hair, pulling him down demandingly. He let Vegeta hold him close, his own hands gliding over his prince’s body, every movement making ki flow around the room wildly, leaving them in the relatively calm eye of the storm.

Goku purred at the feeling of ki racing through them and around them. Vegeta’s tail was sweeping teasingly over his thighs, the long hairs making his skin tingle.

He propped himself up and looked at – really looked at – Vegeta. His prince. His mate. He chuckled. His hero. His long red hair spread out around him, curling around their arms, tangling with his own darker hair. There was so much ki pouring from his prince he was surrounded by a glowing yellow cocoon, tendrils reaching out and coiling protectively around Goku as well. And he was smiling. Vegeta was happy. Goku had wondered many times if it would ever be possible to make Vegeta truly happy – and against all odds he had done it.

::Yes Kakorr,:: he purred, sending shivers of blue ki into the air around them. ::You’re right. You’ve made me happy::

Goku stroked his hand over Vegeta’s tattoo, velvet tail flicking in pleasure as the dragon’s head followed him, red ki circling his hand. He didn’t know how it was possible and he didn’t care – too many magickal things had happened in his life for him to question them. They had these markings because of Rouba’s help – they had to be a good thing.

Vegeta reached up to trail his fingers over the wings of the phoenix, watching with undisguised amazement as the feathers ruffled at his touch. Ki showered around his hand and he grinned.

Goku was speechless, gasping for breath as Vegeta sent a tingling wave of energy over his body, caressing every inch of his skin at once, making his ki glow and sparkle. Vegeta touched him again and he shivered and sighed, nearly collapsing against his prince from the sheer bliss he felt at his mate’s touch.

He watched his own hands with undisguised fascination as he caressed his prince, ki trailing and tangling, making Vegeta writhe in pleasure every time it twisted together. A fingertip against a nipple sent lightning radiating over Vegeta’s body.

Vegeta was beautiful, everything about him glowing and radiant, lighting up the den with his warm ki. Goku held him close, pressing their bodies together, soaking in his prince’s heat, twisting their kis into new shapes just to hear Vegeta’s moans and cries.

He reached for a thread of ki and dragged the tip of his tail over it, sending blue tracing over his mate’s skin. Goku chuckled into Vegeta’s mouth when his prince clutched at his hair, pulling him away from licking his sculpted stomach, his parted lips an invitation.

His prince’s arms were tangled in his hair, wrapped so tightly around Goku he wasn’t sure he could breathe. Goku could feel the dragon against him, writhing over his skin, scales sliding. His own mark was moving wildly, phoenix wings beating, making the leaves of the tree rustle as if disturbed by the wind.

When Vegeta finally released him, he was breathless and gasping, almost dizzy from the over-whelming energy pouring off both of them. Before his mate could capture him again, Goku smirked and slid back down to his intended goal. Warm red fur surrounded Vegeta’s erection, slightly darker than his flowing hair. Goku purred at the sight of coils of ki surrounding his cock, the glow pulsing and throbbing as he brushed his tail over the inside of Vegeta’s thighs.

He licked the head of his prince’s arousal, sending ki sparking around them, his phoenix throwing waves of color over their skin. Vegeta moaned and arched and he did it again, smiling to himself as power arced through the den. It felt as if he was swallowing ki as he surrounded Vegeta’s cock with his lips, tasting the fire of his prince, his tongue delicately tracing veins and ridges.

He was drunk with ki and wanted still more; it was an addiction, the colors and patterns it created hypnotizing and intoxicating. He could see his mate’s strength, tracing its path with his fingers and tail as he sucked and purred, making Vegeta cry out his name.

Vegeta pushed back against him, his purrs becoming a breathy growl, as Goku’s slick fingers slid deep into his prince. He purred happily and sucked even harder, sending energy from his phoenix to race over their flesh in an electric rainbow of ki. Vegeta arched his back and screamed as he came, a golden wave of power beating against the walls.

Goku lazily licked his mate clean, watching with bemusement through lidded eyes as Vegeta’s ki settled around him in a golden cloud. “Vegeta,” he purred, feeling his mate’s mind curling around him in contentment. Goku slid into his body with a grateful sigh, Vegeta’s hair tangling with his as he bent down to capture his mate’s lips. He had never realized how beautiful ki was until he saw it on Vegeta’s face, a golden mask surrounding glowing blue eyes.

He slowly, gently rolled against his mate, heat soaking into his skin. He traced the lines of ki on Vegeta’s face with his fingertips, multi-colored ki from his own mark meandering over his flesh, making intricate patterns that glowed and flared with each lazy thrust.

No one else in the world – in the universe – had gotten to see Vegeta this open and unguarded. Goku wrapped his prince in a protective circle of ki, the rainbow wings of his phoenix curled around them both. His prince’s trust was hard earned and something precious; he would never do anything to abuse it. He was finally at peace with himself, able to accept and return the love Goku gave him.

Vegeta smiled up at him, curling his strong legs around Goku’s waist, rocking with him at the same leisurely pace. He felt the strange sensation of ki floating over and around them and realized with little surprise Vegeta’s dragon was no longer on his arm. Instead, it had joined his phoenix as the two glided over both of their bodies, circling and playing, sending shimmering waves of ki through their skin.

Goku laced their tails together, trying to hold Vegeta even closer. He could see their ki coiled and twisted together, pulsing and beating with every breath and stroke. There was so much energy he couldn’t see any further than his prince, mouth wide and panting as he gasped for air.

Vegeta’s teeth grazed his claim mark, his eyes widening for a moment as he realized his own dragon was perched on Goku’s back, green eyes staring back at him. Goku barely had time to register Vegeta’s smirk and sighed with pleasure as his mate’s sharp teeth sank into his flesh.

Vegeta’s purr against his skin was almost more than he could stand, the warmth of his breath and the friction of their bodies sliding together making him begin to lose control of his measured pace. He began thrusting into his mate with more force, Vegeta’s teeth burying themselves deeper with each stroke. He heard himself growling, the rock walls surrounding them vibrating as their ki rose even higher.

Ki was cascading from their tattoos, the dragon and phoenix climbing and crawling over them in a frenzy, making his skin spark every time the two touched. Vegeta was growling into his bite, his red tail tightening around Goku’s black one, making him groan with pleasure.

Goku couldn’t resist any longer and sank his teeth into the burning skin, moaning at the taste and feel of his prince in his mouth, his blood heating him from the inside. He felt a sudden, piercing fire at his right hip and screamed, mouth full of blood, as he came, Vegeta roaring with him, their ki exploding around them.


Goku smiled to himself, pleasantly tired. Vegeta was curled up next to him, thoroughly sated, lazily licking the still bloody bite mark. He closed his eyes and listened to his prince’s soft purrs, his own deeper ones seeming to harmonize.

After Vegeta had finally released his form, returning to his normal state, he was sure some of the changes from this new level were permanent. Goku ran his fingers through the errant bang over Vegeta’s eye and smiled. It made his mate look so much younger; he could sometimes see the boy his prince had been when Vegeta was peaceful and relaxed like this.

He grinned – sparring was going to be interesting. Since Vegeta had gained a few inches from the traumatic transformation his technique might be slightly off. Goku was going to take full advantage of his adjustment period, because after Vegeta had adapted, he was positive his prince would use his new reach to painful advantage when training.

His own changes seemed less obvious. The phoenix remained, now perched in the tree on his shoulder, wings outstretched and tail feathers trailing down his arm. He was pleased to realize his hair had kept some of its length, sections of it still hanging below his shoulders even though the top remained as wild as ever. Vegeta didn’t express it, but Goku could see the pleasure in his eyes. His prince would never admit it – even to himself – but he subconsciously associated long hair with love and safety. He had learned it in Rouba’s care and the association continued with Radditz; to Vegeta it was a source of comfort.

Once he let himself return to normal, he couldn’t see ki. In a way, it was a relief. Seeing it like that, totally unprepared, had provided something like sensory overload. If it hadn’t been for Vegeta helping him focus, he wasn’t sure what he would have ended up doing. Vegeta had teased him about staring at the colors and patterns, but maybe he would have gotten so absorbed he would have lost track of everything else. It was definitely something they would have to work on, so that he controlled the ability and not the other way around.

He traced the tip of his tail over the new mark on Vegeta’s right hip, a mirror of the one on his own. Vegeta said he had never heard of mating marking Saiyans physically, but Goku was positive that was the only explanation possible. That fire he had felt on his hip had been the dragon burning his imprint into his skin. He now bore a small dragon – Vegeta’s symbol – just as his mate carried his phoenix.

He felt such a sense of belonging – and ownership – with Vegeta. He didn’t know if he could even explain it to himself. He felt as if he could float forever even as he was solidly grounded.

Vegeta chuckled, half asleep, and bit him, letting Goku claim him again. ::You’re still a sap, Kakorr.::

Goku returned the favor, nipping at his mate, purring as the warm blood flowed. ::I know. So are you.:: He stroked the dragon on Vegeta’s arm, grinning against his mark as his prince shivered at the touch. ::I love you, Vegeta.::

::I love you too, Kakorr.::

His purrs joined with Vegeta’s as they strengthened their bond, neither wanting to stop. There was nothing in the universe powerful enough to separate Saiyan mates.


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