Quest: Ever After

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 47: Ever After

Chapter 47 – Ever After

Vegeta sighed and stretched as he watched his students leave, two of them finally having achieved enough ki to fly. Kakorr was convinced he was the perfect person to locate and train the next generation of planetary protectors, but it was frustrating to realize how comparatively low human ki was.
Kakorr would laugh and tease him about his impatience, but it still disturbed him. How could he teach these humans to fight when they didn’t even have as much ki as his daughter at 18 months? Most didn’t even train every day.
At least Uub was worth training – the boy was raw, but had exceptional power. He had been dubious of the intelligence in taking the teen on as a student, considering his strange heritage, but Kakorr had read his ki and declared him ‘good’. At least four days a week Vegeta – and usually Kakorr – would train with Uub, sharpening his skills. He had to admit, there were moments when his student would attain some amazing levels, requiring some concentration from Vegeta in order to deflect his attacks.
He looked forward to the day when he could use level four against Uub, letting him get more combat training with that form.
If there was any weakness in level four, it was that he couldn’t use it against his mate in any way – sparring was physically impossible. They could spar with others, but since they had to hold themselves back so much, it was difficult to train effectively. The first time he had tried to spar with Kakorr at level four
 Vegeta had ended up screaming in agony, dragon searing and clawing at him as he tumbled helplessly from the sky. The pain didn’t end until Kakorr caught him and touched his mark. If he hadn’t believed it before, he did now – the transformation was meant to protect and love his mate, never to hurt him.
It was easier for them to attain now – they had shared so much blood and ki their own was enough to affect the transformation. A few drops of blood, combined with the intent to change, would allow them to reach level four instantly and effortlessly.
He picked up his discarded shirt and wiped the sweat from his face, trying to decide if he had enough time to shower and change before meeting Kakorr. Of course, if he didn’t, Chichi would give him hell about making his daughter ‘smelly and sweaty’ from touching her. He grinned to himself – sometimes it was fun to upset the woman. Not today, though. He concentrated for a moment and IT’d home to get cleaned up.
Drying himself off, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and smiled at the sight. Rezu and Chichi had noticed and commented on it recently – his smile reached his blue eyes now. He was happy
 complete. Even his one nagging worry about being separated from Kakorr when they died had been removed.
‘What is the point in punishing the dead?’
Kakorr had been worried about what had happened to heaven and hell – as well as Otherworld – since the Kais were gone. He had been concerned there would be chaos and escapes since he had dealt with the residents of hell several times while he was in Otherworld. Dende had finally managed to get them an audience with Lord Enma – Kakorr wanted to offer their assistance since he felt any disturbances would be their fault because the Kais weren’t there to control it anymore.
Lord Enma had laughed.
“Hell is empty, Goku,” Lord Enma said. “I took care of that little problem right away.”
Vegeta felt a surge of anger – and panic. Frieza was loose somewhere? “What?” he demanded.
“Calm down, little prince,” Enma said, “They are all gone – cleansed – waiting for their turn to come back.”
Kakorr looked at the huge Lord of the Dead in confusion. “I’m sorry Lord Enma – but I don’t understand. What do you mean they are gone? I thought they were in hell to be punished for being bad.”
Enma laughed, a deep rumble that threatened to knock them off their feet. “Goku, Goku
What is the point in punishing the dead? It was never meant to be like that anyway. It certainly wasn’t like that in the beginning.
“As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for the Kais’ interference, Hell would never have been created. Or Otherworld. Or Heaven, for that matter. Just
 I imagine you would consider it a waiting room. A place to wait for your souls to be reborn.”
Vegeta scowled, “I thought it was up to you. What happened that you would let the Kais interfere with the souls of the dead?”
Enma scowled back, his angry red face actually emitting heat. “It was complicated – and none of your business what happened. All you need to know is that it has been corrected – which should make you happy, little prince.”
“Why in the hell should that make me happy?”
::Vegeta – be polite – this is Lord Enma, after all.::
“Because – if you stop being such an arrogant ass – I will let your souls return at the same time in your next life – and not erase you - since you got rid of those pesky Kais.”
Vegeta stared at him in shock. “I won’t go to hell?”
“Don’t you listen? I just told you – hell is gone. All of the ones sent there for punishment because of the Kais rules are gone – their souls cleaned and ready to return to try again.”
“And Otherworld?” Kakorr asked hesitantly, “What about the fighters in Otherworld?” Vegeta felt his mate’s concern over friends he had made there.
Lord Enma frowned, “That was a bit more difficult. Dealing with the Kais’ pets has slowed my returning things to normal.”
Kakorr growled and snapped his tail at the word ‘pets’ but said nothing.
“I will maintain Otherworld for them as long as necessary – but no one else will be joining them.” Lord Enma sighed, “I would prefer they gave up their bodies and allowed their souls to return to circulation; their spirits would be of more use among the living than the dead. However, since their presence in Otherworld is not their fault I will not force them. When they are ready they will move on.”
?” Kakorr asked, coiling their tails together, obviously upset. “I don’t understand – why does everything have to change?”
Lord Enma sighed. “You little creatures get so attached to your bodies. Goku – don’t worry about it. I am fixing things that have been wrong for longer than you can hope to comprehend. Just
 accept. Accept that the system has been out of balance for a long time. The Kais got too much control and upset the natural cycle of rebirth. I’m fixing it – although it will take some time.”
“What about Vegeta and I
“I will make sure your souls return at the same time – you should find each other again. Most mates do. Your souls seem to be meant to be together anyway – you’ve managed to find each other four other times that I know of. That is the best I can do for you, but considering your history and the strength of your bond, it should be more than enough. I am not doing special favors for anyone after this – that’s how the system got disrupted in the first place.”
 We won’t be
 for killing the Kais?” Kakorr asked hesitantly.
“You creatures punish yourselves enough while you are alive. I have too much to do to worry about it when you are dead.”
What a foolish thing to be relieved about – or worried over. But the more Vegeta thought about it, the better he felt. It was a huge relief – a weight removed. He was no longer doomed to an eternity of punishment and torture. His happiness with Kakorr could continue – renewed as they found each other in their next life.
He pulled on his shirt and touched the coin around his neck. Rouba was right – anything worth having cost, but the reward was worth the price. He would do anything – give up anything – even willingly change himself to have the happiness he did now. He had gone from being an angry, suicidal butcher to a happy mate and proud father who enjoyed his life.
He picked up a capsule of clothing in case Kakorr needed to change and after a moment’s concentration vanished, reappearing where his mate was. Vegeta took in the scene and got a silly grin on his face. He wouldn’t trade this life for anything.
Kakorr was hovering on his back, tilted just enough to see the book he was reading, the Saiyan words a pleasant growl. Eighteen month old Tamanegi was hardly listening, climbing over his mate, tail flicking, as she used her Papa as some kind of jungle gym, sometimes trying to pull the book from his hands. Kakorr’s tail hovered near her, seemingly without effort, ready to catch her if she fell.
As expected, Chichi had borne a strong little demi-Saiyan. She was fearless, trying to copy her big brothers, sometimes ending up crying in angry frustration when she couldn’t make her tiny body do what they made look so easy. Kakorr was trying to teach her some patience, but between Vegeta’s and Chichi’s influence her usual good nature would sometimes erupt into furious glares from Tamanegi. It wasn’t always easy to hold back the laughter at her expression – fury on a baby face didn’t have the impact Tama wanted, making her even more upset.
Vegeta laughed as he got closer. “Please don’t tell me that is our copy of the book she is destroying.”
“Daga!” Tama shrieked with joy, launching herself at him. She moved so quickly, Kakorr’s tail missed her as she leapt through the air, misjudging the ten-foot distance for something she could jump. Vegeta resigned himself to baby tears even as he reached for her – Saiyan children seemed determined to injure themselves, Tama more than most. He was stunned when she successfully bridged the distance, tiny arms clamping around his neck.
He cradled his daughter in his arms, her tail looping around his wrist, and looked at her with surprise. He had to have imagined that – she had just gotten a really good launch from Kakorr’s stomach. His mate was rubbing his middle with a wry grin – their daughter didn’t know her own strength.
::I don’t think it was just a jump, Vegeta. She got a good little burst of ki behind that.::
Vegeta brushed the silky black hair from her face, revealing shining dark eyes. “That was a very good jump, Tama,” he said, “How did you learn to do that?” ::I hope you – we – are wrong, Kakorr. This is not a good age to start.::
“No, Daga. Not jump. Flew,” Tama said proudly, bouncing in his arms.
::Shit. I bet I know who, too.:: “You flew very well,” Vegeta said. “Who taught you that?”
Tama grinned, “Tru’en.”
::Why is it a problem, Vegeta? I’d think it is a good thing.::
::For a child of her age to be able to fly? No. Her mothers can’t – what if Tama gets it into her head to take off? Trunks and Goten are going to get their asses kicked by me – they’ll find out just how much they’ve screwed up next time they babysit.::
 I hadn’t thought of that. Yeah, I guess that would be a problem.::
::I wasn’t taught to fly until I was 4
:: He sighed – it couldn’t be unlearned. They’d just have to make sure she didn’t do it without supervision. ::Those two need to learn some responsibility – all they thought about was how much fun it is, not what difficulties it will cause.::
::Don’t worry about it, Vegeta. We can teach her to only do it when someone is with her.::
Vegeta sniffed in amusement. ::We can try.:: “Your brothers taught you very well. Did they tell you the rules, Tama?” he said sternly.
Tama looked at him, little face trying to be serious. “No,” she frowned.
“You have to have someone with you – and if you are told to come down, you will do it right away. If you don’t, I will find out and will be very upset with you,” he said, trying to be firm when all he wanted to do was boast about how well his tiny little girl flew.
“’Kay Daga,” Tama said, hugging his neck tighter, making him erupt in a happy purr.
“Okay then. You be a good girl and remember that.” Vegeta ran his fingers through her soft black hair, listening to her chirpy little purrs. He looked at Kakorr and grinned foolishly at his mate’s wide smile. “Do you want to fly again?” he asked Tama. “Can you fly to Bidi?”
Tama laughed, and twisting in his arms, threw herself at Kakorr. Kakorr caught her with his tail and held her overhead to the sound of her delighted giggles.
“Down Bidi, down,” she commanded.
::It might not be too bad, Vegeta – that was more of a catapult than flight.::
::Close enough. We’ll have to warn the women.::
Kakorr lowered himself to the ground, giving Tama the book to hold while he made himself comfortable, giving Vegeta room to sit beside him where Tama could stretch out over both of their laps.
Vegeta saw the cover and smiled, taking it from her hands. Their family had been creative - and thoughtful - with wishes.
Vegeta had once mentioned to Chichi Kakorr’s desire to try to become a Rouya, and the woman had remembered what he had said. Since they had only needed one wish after the Kais, the dragonballs were collected again a few months after Tama was born. Bulma and the others had managed to keep the results secret for several months, saving it for their one year mating anniversary. It was the perfect gift for his mate; Kakorr had been so overcome he had wept openly in front of their family. They now had Rouba’s complete library – pulled from the past in the final moments before the planet’s destruction.
Vegeta had found it difficult to control his own emotions when they went through the books and found a copy of the book that had led him to this. Apparently Rouba had known about their successful mating. There had been a letter addressed to Vegeta in the front of the fairy tale that led him to believe she had seen them once more, although it gave him the impression he and Kakorr had been very old at the time.
She had left something for Kakorr as well – among the library was a hand written volume, carefully detailing the training and studying needed to become a Rouya. Before then, his mate had taken up reading human books that covered things he thought a Rouya might be expected to know.
“Do you like the story of Kikon and Chikara, Tamanegi?” Vegeta asked, lightly touching the cover picture by Sakka. This wasn’t the original – that was a treasured possession, kept safely at home. Bulma had made copies and arranged for a translation by Gohan, intending to branch out in a little publishing empire.
Tama jabbed at the picture and exclaimed, “Daga and Bidi.”
Vegeta raised his eyebrows in surprise, “What do you mean, Tama?” ::Did you tell her? How could she recognize us?::
::Didn’t say a word – she’s just a naturally observant little girl.::
She pointed at the taller figure in the drawing and then at Kakorr. “Bidi. ‘N this one you, Daga.”
“That’s right, honey,” Kakorr said.
“Where your bidi and daga?” she demanded, poking at their arms in the drawing.
::What?:: Vegeta asked, confused. Was his daughter looking for their fathers?
Kakorr laughed at him through the bond and Vegeta made a jokingly menacing glare over Tama’s head. ::Are you going to try to tell me you don’t know why she calls us Daga and Bidi?::
::I thought it was some human term she had picked up,:: he admitted.
::You are going to kick yourself for not figuring it out after all of this time,:: Kakorr grinned
“It is simple, Tama,” Kakorr said gently, “We didn’t have our bird and dragon marks when the picture was made. We got them later.” ::Dragon – Daga. Birdie – Bidi.::
Vegeta groaned.
Vegeta gazed at his little girl as she slept in his lap, relaxed and trusting. Kakorr was right – he had become a sap. He had tried to deny it, but the moment Tamanegi – his daughter – had been put in his hands he had been lost. He gently stroked her black velvet tail and listened to her tiny purrs. She was a beautiful mix of human and Saiyan, with silky raven hair that just begged to be smoothed, bright black eyes that sparkled with intelligence, and a perfect tail.
Her little hand was curled around his tail, holding it next to her like a stuffed toy. He grinned – he and Kakorr had tested it – Tama preferred his tail over his mate’s. She did prefer Kakorr’s reading however, chirping out her favorite words as he told her stories.
He looked up as he felt Gohan’s ki, motioning the boy to not wake up Tama. Gohan smiled broadly at the scene before him, but fortunately for the teen knew better than to comment.
“Man, I wish I had a camera Vegeta,” he said softly.
Or not. Vegeta mock frowned for a minute before smiling at the still sleeping little girl. He had finally started to learn he didn’t need to hide his happiness from his family – and there were times now he felt so much pleasure from living he didn’t know how to contain it or express it. “I’m sure Bulma will have one at the party,” he said.
“Are you guys ready yet? Where’s Dad?”
“He’s cleaning up – he’ll be back in a minute.” Vegeta tickled the little girl awake. “Look who’s here, Tama.”
Tama sat up and blinked, rubbing her eyes. She spotted her big brother and crowed, “Go’an!” leaping at him.
Gohan caught his sister and threw her up in the air to her bubbling laughter. Vegeta shook his head as what he anticipated happened – she hovered, tail waving wildly as she tried to keep her balance. “Tama can fly?” Gohan asked, surprised, not taking his eyes from her in case she fell.
Vegeta sighed, “Blame your brothers.” He got to his feet, brushing off the dirt. “Tamanegi. Remember what I said? Come down and let Gohan carry you.”
Tama pouted a moment before dropping, falling into Gohan’s outstretched arms. “Flew, Go’an. Flew.”
“You sure did, kiddo,” Gohan hugged her before looking at Vegeta, slightly uneasy. “Man
 Mom and Rezu are going to freak. I thought you weren’t going to teach her until she was older.”
“We weren’t,” Vegeta shrugged and picked up the book from the ground, putting it into a capsule. “It’s done. We’ll have to deal with it now.”
“Maybe you should give her Nimbus. If she’s going to be in the air anyway, it is a lot safer – it would never let her fall.”
Vegeta nodded, “Excellent idea.”
Kakorr picked that moment to reappear, cleaned and changed, long hair freshly groomed, several new beads added to the tiny braids that stood out from the thick spikes hanging halfway down his back. His mate totally disregarded the presence of their children, kissing Vegeta with enough passion to make his toes curl. He was sorely tempted to skip the party, even if it was to celebrate their anniversary.
::I was thinking about you,:: Kakorr smirked, sending tiny sparks of ki to his nipple rings.
Vegeta growled and stroked his mate’s tail, the gentle touch enough to drive Kakorr to grind against him. ::I can tell,:: he purred.
 Guys?” Gohan said hesitantly, “There’s a child present. And you don’t have time – everyone is expecting you.”
Vegeta smirked. That little stunt was going to be driving Kakorr insane for the next few hours. The hungry look on his mate’s face was definitely worth it.
::Just a quickie?:: Kakorr begged.
“Dad, don’t forget, Mom is cooking – and she’ll be upset if you let the food get cold.”
Vegeta grinned. ::Your choice, Kakorr – food or sex.:: Kakorr loved both, sometimes combining the two; he knew his mate would find it nearly impossible to choose just one.
::Damn it,:: Kakorr pouted, ::That’s not fair.::
::You started it,:: he smirked. He turned from his frustrated mate to his son, “Fly or IT?”
“Fly, Daga, Fly!”
Gohan laughed, “The princess has spoken. Who do you want to carry you, Tama?”
“Me fly.”
Kakorr grinned and took her from Gohan’s arms, “No, Tama. Not until you are old enough. I’ll carry you,” he said, lifting into the air.
Gohan shook his head as he followed, “I swear, Vegeta, she has you two totally wrapped around her little finger.”
Vegeta smirked. He wasn’t complaining.
Vegeta was pleased to notice their arrival was a celebration. Tama was instantly swept from his mate’s arms to be admired and pampered, much to the little princess’ delight.
Meanwhile, friends and family, congratulating them, immediately surrounded Kakorr and him. It still amazed Vegeta how much humans liked to remember dates and milestones – he hadn’t made a note of exactly when he and Kakorr had become mates, but apparently Chichi and Bulma did. The made sure anniversaries and birthdays were celebrated, even arbitrarily choosing dates to celebrate his and Kakorr’s since they didn’t know how to convert the Saiyan calendar.
He didn’t object – the seasons were close enough – his in summer, Kakorr’s in spring. It made their family happy to have something to celebrate and he was slowly learning the pleasure of his family’s happiness. And Kakorr was willing to celebrate everyday, especially if there was a cake involved.
Piccolo grinned at him when Vegeta glanced in Tama’s direction at a bright peal of laughter.
“The bastard Saiyan Prince – domesticated. Who would have thought?”
“You’re just jealous Elf-boy. Or maybe you are afraid to lay an egg yourself.”
“Nameks don’t lay eggs, they
“Hack them up – I heard. So romantic.”
“So where is your other half?” Vegeta asked, looking around for Nail.
Piccolo chuckled, “Last I saw him, he was trying to make up his mind on whether or not it was worth facing Videl’s wrath to hit on Gohan.”
“Again?” Vegeta laughed, “Wasn’t once enough? She’s going to kick his ass if he keeps it up.”
Piccolo smirked, “I know. As a matter of fact
There was the sound of a scuffle and a burst of ki, and a few seconds later Videl appeared, dragging Nail by his ear.
“Ow, Videl. Awww, come on – let go. I’m not trying to take Gohan from you, I just want to play. Ow! Ow! Not the antennae! Okay, okay, we can have a threesome,” Nail protested as he was delivered to Piccolo.
“Keep your boyfriend away from my fiancĂ©,” she demanded, before storming away, relieved of her burden.
Piccolo helped Nail to his feet, shaking his head. “You’re stronger than she is, so why do you let her do that?”
Nail grinned and rubbed his ear, “Because it’s fun. She’s a little fireball – and Gohan seems to enjoy it. Look,” he said, pointing to where Videl had Gohan pinned to a tree, kissing him passionately.
“Re-staking her claim,” Vegeta said, “You’re a sneaky bastard, Nail. Are you the reason they are engaged?”
“I’m not saying.” Nail smirked and turned to Piccolo, “Since I was rejected after all of that hard work, I think I deserve a kiss.”
Piccolo growled, crossing his arms, “Why would you think I would want to kiss you? I’ve been watching you; you’ve been molesting half the guests.”
“More like a third,” Nail retorted. “And you aren’t watching me, you’re watching my ass. Come on, Piccolo. I need some attention.”
“Then kiss Vegeta,” Piccolo sniffed.
“What? I thought we were friends. Why are you trying to get me killed?” Nail protested with a grin, “It won’t work
 I’m not suicidal enough to kiss a mated Saiyan without permission – and they always say no. So that just leaves you – so come here.”
Vegeta chuckled as Nail wisely discarded the possibility of kissing him, and stretching an arm, grabbed Piccolo, dragging him close even as the Namek protested.
“Damn it, Nail! Let go! Not here – it’s too public. Let g—,” he complained before his words were swallowed by Nail’s mouth.
“Have fun, you two,” Vegeta said, returning to his mate’s side.
They had emptied table after table of food, but Kakorr was still picking through leftovers with Goten and Trunks’ help.
He considered saying something to the boys about their stupid stunt, but at a glance from Kakorr he decided to wait. He didn’t want to ruin the party, and the brats would be upset at some of the punishment he intended. They would learn what being ‘grounded’ really was – they weren’t going to be allowed to fly for an entire month. Between that and two months of unpaid babysitting on their part he hoped they would learn their lesson and obey the rules.
“Excellent food, Chichi,” Kakorr said, “You guys really didn’t have to do all this – but we’re glad you did.”
Chichi beamed, “After everything we’ve gone through, I think we deserve a celebration.”
Vegeta snorted, “You would celebrate the daily sunrise if it gave you a chance to cook.”
She giggled, “That’s breakfast.”
“She’s got you there Vegeta,” Kakorr laughed.
“Happy anniversary,” Bulma said as she came over, hugging them each in turn, “Can you believe it has already been two years?”
Vegeta let her hold him a few seconds longer than he might have liked. In a way, he felt sorry for her; Bulma’s engagement to Yamcha had been broken off, leaving her alone. They loved each other, but a marriage never would have worked and they both knew it. She even admitted it – she was a workaholic, finding more satisfaction from business and inventing than being with her family. Yamcha, on the other hand, was ready to settle down and wanted a family and a home-life.
Kakorr’s studies to become a Rouya had led to theories and suggestions from his mate, but the fact remained Bulma wasn’t willing to change, and as a result she remained alone. Now that Vegeta realized how good a feeling it was to be with someone, he felt
 bad for her.
“How are you doing, Bulma?” Kakorr asked. “We’ve hardly seen you the past few months.”
Bulma smiled, “Missed me, huh? Knew you would. I don’t know how you men survive without seeing my beautiful face on a daily basis.”
Vegeta snorted a laugh.
“I’ve been busy,” she gestured to a blue curtain of ridiculous dimensions, held up by floating drones, “Getting things ready for today, and all. Gohan’s been helping as well.”
Kakorr grinned, “He’s really excited about something – keeps acting like he wants to say something, but he just ends up getting this really silly grin on his face.”
“Well, it is time for you to find out,” she said, looping their arms together and leading them to stand in front of the curtain.
Vegeta glanced around and saw that all of the guests – friends, family, even his students – had begun gathering behind them, watching with eager anticipation. He had given up trying to understand why humans did things like this – his mate enjoyed it, so he would follow his lead. ::Kakorr, do you have any idea what this is?:: He still wasn’t too happy with surprises; having some idea of what might happen made it easier to prepare himself mentally.
Kakorr grinned back at him and put an arm around his shoulder, fingertips whispering over the dragon, ::Not a clue. But can you feel how excited everyone is? It must be something really special.::
“Now, don’t push the buttons until I say to, okay? I have a speech,” Bulma handed them each a remote control with a bow attached. Vegeta sighed and started to remove the red bow, but Kakorr stopped him.
 You’ve both done a lot for all of us – for the whole planet, in fact,” she began, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. “And we never thank you enough for it. We wanted to change that.” Bulma gestured to the guests, “We’ve all worked on this project in some way because we wanted to give you something back.
“Since you first arrived, this planet has benefited from the presence of Saiyans
Vegeta scowled – when he first arrived he intended to destroy them all – the woman was glossing things over again.
She laughed, “Don’t get that look, Vegeta, it’s true. You gave us a new goal.”
Kakorr brushed their tails together and he relented, allowing Bulma to return to her script.
“You have both have pushed us to be stronger, protected us, and even died for us. You’ve shown us that nothing is impossible if you never give up and believe in yourself. The human race – and Namek,” she nodded at Piccolo and Nail, “is better because of the values you have taught us.
“We wanted others to have a chance to learn what we already know, so we made this place – to educate – to celebrate – to honor your heritage. Even though most of the Saiyan race is gone, it will never be forgotten.”
Vegeta stared at Bulma in shock. Because of Frieza and the Kais he had become used to hearing nothing but negative things about his race, even beginning to believe their words. He had always believed humans thought it a legacy better forgotten. But
 she meant it. He always could smell when she was lying – and she meant every word she said.
“Okay you two – Goku, Vegeta – press the buttons.”
::Kakorr?:: he asked, not sure how to react to Bulma’s speech.
::It’s okay, Makoto. It’s our family. Press it.::
An instant later, a river of blue fabric was cascading down, blanketing the ground. Vegeta hardly noticed – his eyes were riveted on the blood red seal of the House of Vegetasei carved over the doorway of a building.
“Center for Saiyan Studies?” Kakorr read, translating the Saiyan words below the symbol.
“We’ll be adding a plaque translating the name into other languages in a few days – it wasn’t quite ready yet.” Bulma smiled, “It’s a library, and a museum, and a school for martial arts
 and anything else you want.”
” Vegeta murmured, stunned, “What have you done?” The building reminded him of the ancient pack keeps, carved out of a mountain with the faces of protective spirits carved into the stone. They had been destroyed long before he was born, casualties of the battle against the Tuffles – he had only seen them in books.
“It’s beautiful, Bulma,” Kakorr said, a happy purr making his voice rumble.
Chichi came behind them, Tama in her arms, and with Rezu’s help prodded them to go into the building, the others following. “We used the dragonballs – you two deserve something really special, and after a lot of thought, this was what we came up with.” Chichi grinned and kissed him on the cheek, taking advantage of his wonder – he was too shocked to react. “It was Gohan’s idea.”
Vegeta was in a daze, only half-aware he was moving, Kakorr’s strong arm around his waist, guiding him. Kakorr smiled as Gohan held the doors open. Now they understood why their son had been asking questions about the Saiyan language.
“I hope you and Dad like it, Vegeta,” Gohan said. “Our first choice was to bring back the Saiyan people, but Shenlong said something about them not being in the waiting room right now. He said you guys would understand
::Just like Lord Enma said, everyone returns in new bodies,:: Kakorr laughed, ::They are alive again
Vegeta looked back at his daughter and smiled, ::Tama might be Rouba
“But because we were able to get the books you wanted for Dad,” Gohan continued, “We decided it was worth another try – so we thought big. We wished for the contents of libraries, and museums
 I’ve been trying to catalog the stuff for months, dying to ask you questions-”
“That’s enough, Gohan,” Chichi said softly.
Vegeta stood in the room, suddenly overwhelmed by the scent of Saiyan musk. His tail reached blindly for Kakorr’s, coiling with it while he tried to take in a breath that didn’t feel like a gasp. Kakorr’s arm remained firm around his waist, supporting him as he felt himself shake.
::Oh GodS
:: Vegeta’s hand went to cover Kakorr’s at his hip, trying to steady himself. He looked around, not sure he would be able to trust his legs if he tried to walk. There were paintings
 Priceless treasures and everyday objects were side-by-side, all treated as something precious. In a glass case, carefully labeled, he could see an Oozaru stuffed toy, similar to the one he had as a child. A massive sculpture that had stood in the royal museum of a Saiyan midway through the transformation to Oozaru guarded a doorway.
:: If his mate released him, he knew he would collapse. There were paintings he had only seen in books – Saiyan masterpieces long destroyed. He recognized the primitive style of one of Vegetasei’s more famous artists in the painting of a fierce mother, beaten and bloody, but not defeated, protecting her cubs. Hanging on another wall was a picture he had seen almost daily as a child in the palace; the first King Vegeta, majestic and proud, leading the charge against their masters, the first strike in the war that freed the Saiyan race from Tuffle slavery.
He felt a joy so encompassing it was pain, his eyes burning as he tried to hold back the threatening tears so he could see more of this amazing gift. There were examples everywhere of courage – bravery – honor
 This was the Saiyan race Radditz believed in – the one Vegeta was supposed to restore and rule over.
:: The scent of his race was everywhere – it had seeped into the books and the paintings, mixing with the heady musk of the animal furs hanging on the walls. It smelled like
 it felt like
::It’s okay Vegeta
 It’s okay
He turned into Kakorr’s arms, letting his mate hold him as he felt the silent tears begin to fall. Home. They had given him back a piece of his home. Kakorr purred for him as they ignored the people around them – his mate understood how overwhelmed he felt.
::Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.:: He knew without his mate he wouldn’t have this amazing gift – Kakorr had taught him how to love – taught him it was safe to love.
Vegeta purred with his mate as he tried to stop the tears. These humans – they were the ones who taught Kakorr how to love – how to forgive. These humans he had once considered beneath his notice – weak and worthless – had given him a gift beyond price. They may not have been able to restore the Saiyan race, but they did manage to bring back some of its culture and learning.
“Vegeta?” Bulma asked, concern evident, “Are you
 Did we do something wrong?” she asked when he hadn’t said anything for several minutes.
He looked at Bulma – the first human to believe in him – and smiled, “Thank you,” Vegeta whispered, “I never imagined
 Thank you.”
He looked into Kakorr’s golden eyes, and smiled, noticing they were bright with tears as well. Vegeta kissed his mate to loud applause, flaring them both to Super Saiyan, their power lighting the room.
Thanks to his family, the Saiyan race would never be gone. There would be many generations, taught what it truly meant to be Saiyan. Their children would learn honor and passion, the thrill of the hunt and the magick of blood. Their pack would be strong and loving. They would learn fairy tales could come true if you fought for the ones you loved.
And they would live happily ever after.
The End.


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