Quest: Rouba

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 28: Rouba

Chapter 28 - Rouba

Piccolo just barely resisted muttering to himself. Leave it to Vegeta to put him in such an awkward situation. Although he guessed he couldn't really blame the Matchstick. Most of the blame had to go to Mr. Popo.

~~It wasn't done deliberately, Piccolo.~~

Piccolo growled. The old man kept trying to be rational, when he just wanted to be annoyed.

--No, it's never deliberate, is it Kami? Why don't you try to explain that to those two.-- He waved his hand at the two naked Saiyans sitting in the middle of the floor. --Explain to them how they are spread over two times.-- He wouldn't mind someone explaining to him where their damn clothes went, either. It looked like their bodies were still here and he could still sense their kis. He couldn't risk getting close enough to be sure, though, since that would apparently disrupt the magic. He couldn't get a decent explanation for what happened and was worried about his friends' safety.

~~He was just over-enthusiastic and made a little mistake with the spell.~~

--Careless is more like it. Yamcha and the others died in the past when you used this room last. What happens to Goku and Vegeta? Are they in danger there as well? Can you even answer that?--

~~I don't believe they are in any danger - it appears their bodies are here, even if their minds are in the past. But I have faith in the Saiyans' survival skills.~~

Piccolo scowled. --I don't. They've both died before.--

There had been a brilliant flare of power and Goku and Vegeta had actually faded for an instant before reappearing in the circle, embracing each other. The Saiyans were...hell - someday someone had to write a vocabulary for the shit they were going through lately. Straddling time. Their kis hadn't changed until today - there had been a minor drop, but that was expected, Popo said.

And what was pissing him off was how unconcerned Mr. Popo was. Kept saying crap like 'How it should be'. Fuck how it should be. His friend had been dumped without warning in his planet's past. He could only imagine how upsetting that would be.

~~Calm down. I did try to warn you.~~

--Your fucking warning made no sense, old man. Why in the hell didn't you just say it? Really simple - say it with me: 'Oh yeah, Vegeta - you are going back home, but you can't save it. Try not to get too upset.'--


--You're a bastard, Kami.--

Piccolo ignored the old man's protests and tried to go back to his meditating. They'd had this same argument several times already - it just galled him how Vegeta kept getting treated like crap and he was an unwitting participant this time.

He studied the Saiyans again. They had leaned towards each other, foreheads resting on the other's shoulder, tails tangled together. Goku's hand was on Vegeta's arm and the prince was touching Goku's leg. All Piccolo could think was they were comforting each other and he hoped it wasn't being too difficult an experience for his friend.

Nail, on the other hand, was enjoying this way too much, commenting appreciatively on certain aspects of Vegeta and Goku's physique. He had tried closing his eyes so Nail couldn't see, but apparently the pest had photographic memory when it came to crap like this. At least the way they were sitting blocked Nail's view of their organs.

Nail laughed. ==Organs? Come on, Piccolo. Don't tell me you are in that much denial.==

--I'm not in denial,-- he growled. --I'm not the pervert you are.--

==I'm just admiring two attractive, naked bodies. What's wrong with that?==

--You shouldn't be trying to look at their, their...--

Nail chuckled at him and he could feel himself blush. ==It's a simple word, Piccolo - say it with me: 'Penis.' There are others, but I suspect that is all you can manage at this point.==

--Fuck you, Nail.--


Bastards. Both of them.

Piccolo looked up, instantly alert, as the door of the room opened. As soon as he saw Gohan he relaxed.

"No change?" Gohan asked.

"No, but I'm expecting another drop soon. They are starting to run out of reserves."

"I wish you could dress them or something. It kind of freaks me out to see Dad and Vegeta naked and holding each other." Gohan glanced at them before quickly looking away.

Piccolo barked a laugh. "You have no idea, kid. But I can't risk breaking the circle." He looked at the teen's worried face. "They'll be fine, Gohan."

"Yeah, I guess so," he said miserably.

"Since Yamcha is back on duty, why don't you take a break? You're overdue."

Gohan shrugged, "I'm okay for now." He sighed and sat on the floor. "I don't know how you've managed to stay up the entire time."

"It's hard to sleep with Kami and Nail bickering."

Gohan grinned, "Poor Piccolo."

The door opened again and Yamcha stuck his head in. "Guys? Someone's coming. I think it's Krillin."

Piccolo cursed to himself. The monk had become too unpredictable lately. He might be coming to The Lookout for a legitimate reason. Or he could want to start trouble with Goku because of what happened when preparing for the ships.

"Stay here, kid," he said to Gohan. "Keep an eye on these two. I'm going to go talk to him - find out what he wants."

Piccolo stood in the hallway, watching as Krillin strolled towards them. It looked like some of the stories were true. The monk was back in fighting form - shaved head and defined muscles. Piccolo was quietly impressed - the few months of intense training had raised his ki by noticeable degrees. Krillin seemed more confident than he remembered - cocky, even.

"Hey, Krillin," Yamcha said, smiling. "What's going on?"

The monk shrugged. "Nothing. I just felt some weird stuff and wondered what was going on up here. Anything wrong?"

"Nah, we're just keeping an eye on-"

"Nothing's wrong," Piccolo interrupted.

Piccolo raised an eye-ridge as the monk studied him for a moment before nodding thoughtfully. "Goku and Vegeta are using the room," Krillin finally said. "Figures. It was the only way the stories made any sense. The fags-"

"Krillin..." Piccolo said warningly.

"What? You are fine with Goku trying to kill me, but you bitch about me saying what he is?" Krillin said angrily.

"Come on, Krillin," Yamcha said. "Don't be like that. You guys are best friends."

"Not anymore. Maybe if he wasn't fucking that murderer Vegeta-"

"That's enough," Piccolo growled.

"Fine. Go ahead and stick up for a bastard who destroys planets. See if I care. You'll live to regret it." He turned and stalked away.

"Krillin," Yamcha said, pleading.

"Forget it," Krillin said over his shoulder. "I'm not going to let him hurt my friends. You've chosen your side. I can't help it if it is the wrong one."


Goku flew beside Vegeta, glaring at nothing. How dare they?! They wanted him to kill Vegeta! How dare they try to use him like that? No wonder Vegeta hadn't told him before. He wouldn't have believed such a thing was possible and would have blamed himself. Now that he saw the Osekkai actually using his powers against fellow Saiyans he was furious. He had considered the Kais his friends and all the bastards did was betray him.

"Calm down, Kakorr. You haven't stopped growling since we left the inn and your ki is rising."

Goku stopped and hung in mid-air, fists clenched and tail thrashing. He hardly ever felt like this - he was filled with such rage. He was so angry he couldn't speak normally - every word was growled. "What's wrong with you?!" Why wasn't Vegeta as furious as he was? "They're - they're...bastards! He even tried to control us! How can you be so fucking calm?!"

Vegeta turned and studied him. ::I'm not sure - but this feels like your side of the bond. I think we've swapped again.:: "Besides - we're not really here, remember? While it would bring me a great deal of satisfaction, I don't think it would do any good to go after these Osekkai. We don't have the time or energy. They are just distracting us from our goal."

"Quit being so fucking logical! I want to kill them!" He could barely keep his ki under control - he kept threatening to flicker to Super Saiyan.

Vegeta just looked at him, calmly and patiently. He could only stare back, breathing heavily, growling angily, tail bristled and thrashing. These personality swaps opened his eyes, but they were nearly impossible for him to control. It was happening more often now - Vegeta was so much more patient and he just wanted to crush things. How could Vegeta stand feeling this much rage all of the time? It...hurt...burned... It was exhausting and frustrating to feel like this with nothing to vent it on.

Goku took a deep breath, trying to get some control over himself. They couldn't see the Rouba like this. "Figures," he said when he could speak without growling, "I'm finally ready to start beating the crap out of someone and you're not."

Vegeta chuckled, "Now you know how I usually feel." ::Don't worry - I'll be right there with you when the time comes.::

"It's going to come, isn't it Vegeta?"

His prince made a cynical laugh, "I don't see how we can avoid it. They keep interfering."

Goku gave a feral smile. "They are going to learn they have fucked with the wrong Saiyans."

Vegeta snorted in amusement. "I think I'm going to like the new, Saiyan version of you."

Goku smirked. "We're going to have to do something about this human version of you. I'm supposed to be the one trying to calm you down, remember?"

Vegeta scratched the back of his head and grinned. ::Right now, I am more interested in seeing the Rouba than killing Kais.::


When they entered the den, Vegeta bowed respectfully to a woman in deep blue, almost black hooded robes. Goku couldn't see her face, but he couldn't shake the feeling she was seeing straight through them. He did his best to match the bow, surprised at the level of regard his prince automatically gave this stranger.

"We are honored to meet you, Rouba," Vegeta said formally. "We are grateful for the time you give and the skills you share."

"Well met. May our time benefit us all," she answered. It sounded to Goku like a ritual response.

He heard a faint, but pleased laugh, muffled by the deep hood.

"You have been taught well, boy. I haven't been addressed that way in many years. Too few follow the old ways."

She turned aside to begin removing her cloak. "Sit down, cubs."

Goku watched her, fascinated. There was power surrounding her, practically filling the room with her presence. He felt the instant urge to trust her and tell her everything - she would listen patiently. If all Roubas were like this, no wonder Vegeta thought so much of them. He got the feeling she was permitting him to read her, more amused than disturbed by his efforts.

She was a big woman, pleasant to look at in a comfortable sort of way. A tattoo started at her jaw, tracing a continuous, spiked path up the side of her face, finishing with a curve over her eyebrow to the center of her forehead. The edges of her ears were covered in tiny metal hoops wrapping snugly around the lobes. Her tail had golden rings around it, hung with brightly colored beads that clicked together as her tail moved.

Humans would have said she was overweight, but he could tell the bulk disguised powerful muscles. Her long hair was decorated with bones and beads twisted into the random tiny braids. Goku was impressed already - she just felt so capable, like nothing would faze her.

She dragged a bench over by them and squatted on it, studying them with shining eyes. "So you are the shadows Sakka spoke of. Let me look into you."

Goku smiled, already liking her. ::I've never seen anyone like her before. She's amazing.:: He didn't get a response, so he glanced over. Vegeta was staring, something close to shock chilling him. His tail was coiled tightly behind him, which Goku had never seen him do before.

Vegeta hardly heard Kakorr's comment, his mind's roaring blocking out everything. He just stared at the Rouba, not sure how to react. Was this a punishment or reward? As a cub, before everything Frieza had done to him he would have gone to her, letting her pet him with her tail. Even now he experienced a momentary childish urge to burrow into her hair and listen to her soothing purr.


She was watching him. Studying him with her knowing grey eyes. She always knew what he was up to - he could never hide anything from Rouba. ::It's her.::

::Vegeta - please. You have to get control of yourself.::

:: It's my Rouba.::

Vegeta still couldn't speak - he could only stare in amazement as she smiled at him knowingly. Did she know? Could she guess? He felt Kakorr's spike of surprise, and knew he was afraid she would get upset at them. Vegeta was sure that wouldn't happen - Rouba was patient - she would never let a reaction like his bother her. Kakorr's tail was twining with his, working the painfully tight coil loose, trying in vain to comfort him.

::She has the coin woven into her braid. She took it in payment, knowing she couldn't spend it. I asked her why she took something worthless, but she said it was valuable to them. She took it because nothing worth having is free.::

"Calm down, boy," she said soothingly. "I'm not going to bite." She turned to Sakka, who was standing silently in a corner. "Rouya, get them something strong to drink." She took his hands in hers and he felt comforted by the old, familiar touch. "Tell me what is wrong, cub."

"You look like someone he cared about as a child - his Rouba." He was grateful when Kakorr softly answered for him. "He hadn't realized how much he missed her until he saw you."

She nodded. "Why haven't you gone to her for help with this? I'm sure she would be well pleased to see such a good pupil."

"Can't," Vegeta whispered. He heard his voice crack, but got it under control through force of will. "Gone. She's gone."

"Ah. I see," she said gently, brushing her tail against his face. "I'm sorry, cub. Sometimes the suns' shadows overlap. Do you want to talk about mating another time, then?"

"No," he quickly said.

Rouba smiled. "Very well, then." She took the containers Sakka held. "Drink this while I change. Your mental shields are very strong. It will make it easier for me to see you." She rose and left the room, beads and bones clicking as her hair and tail swayed.

Vegeta took a deep breath, taking advantage of her absence to get control. This behavior, this reaction - it was... GodS, maybe he was the sap Kakorr teased him about.

::Maybe we haven't totally swapped back from before,:: Kakorr suggested.

He turned to look at Kakorr, stunned, as a sudden realization struck him. Maybe they would never totally swap back. Maybe this is who he was now. Each of them seemed to be taking on aspects of the other - using them as needed. Maybe this would continue the longer he was bonded to Kakorr. He was even more surprised to realize it didn't bother him as much as he thought it should.

::Are you okay?:: Kakorr asked with concern.

He nodded, ignoring Sakka who was busily preparing things in the background. ::When I was a tiny cub, she let me sit on her lap and hide in her hair. I'd play with the coin and she would purr as she read to me. I think I was closer to her than anyone.::

Vegeta sniffed the beverage then downed half of it in a single swallow. If he had to let his mind be touched by anyone besides Kakorr, he was...relieved it was Rouba.

Kakorr smiled. ::I would have liked to have seen that.::

Vegeta grimaced. ::You never would have let me hear the end of it.::

::You can always sit in my lap. I'll purr for you anytime.::

Vegeta smirked. ::Baka.:: He hesitated and finished the rest of the potion. ::Drink that, Kakorr.::

Kakorr took a sip and made a face. ::This tastes horrible. What is it?::

::It lowers barriers...makes it easier for her to touch our minds.::

::That's what she meant by seeing and looking into us? What if she finds out...what happens?::

He couldn't help but feel Kakorr's surprise. After all, he had always been so protective of his self - only Kakorr had gotten so far past that wall. He didn't know how to explain - to make him understand... this was Rouba. He had been more open as a cub, actually enjoying her delicate, affectionate mental touch. She had been the one that taught him to shield himself from others - probably the only thing that saved him from Frieza's control.

::I don't know. But I don't think we have any choice if we expect her to help us.:: This blind trust he was experiencing - it was more than just childhood memories. He finally realized it was actually an aspect of Kakorr's he had taken on, at least temporarily. Was this how he felt all the time? He could feel her... integrity... honesty... and doubt vanished. It was the right thing to do.


Vegeta watched Kakorr watching him and just barely resisted the urge to shiver at the intensity of his gaze. Rouba had instructed them to think about each other - how they felt and what they wanted. The bond was wide open and he could feel how much Kakorr cared for him. It was almost frightening on some levels - how could anyone deserve that ocean of affection?

He felt the potion working to relax him, lowering barriers enough for the Rouba to peer through. A tiny part of him was amazed he allowed such an invasion any more, even if it was by Rouba. It was impossible to forget Frieza's mental tortures, but he knew the ultimate reason why he was doing this.

For Kakorr. He permitted it for Kakorr's sake. The need to be with him was an almost physical ache and Kakorr knew it. He felt incomplete without his comforting presence in his mind - he'd do anything to ensure Kakorr would always be there.

He didn't resist - didn't even feel the urge to growl - as Rouba touched him. She swayed and hummed constantly, her tail flicking behind her, the beads making a musical sound, distracting him from her attentions. Her sturdy hand would surround his jaw, tipping his head from side-to-side as she growled or muttered a comment.

He sensed Sakka about to touch him as well and growled a warning. He would allow Rouba to do this, but no one else. Fortunately, the boy stopped at Rouba's signal, instead placing his hands gently on Kakorr's unresisting head.

He could feel her brushing against mind, avoiding many of the more painful emotions he shied away from. This was supposed to bother him - he was sure of that - but for some reason he couldn't call up the energy to protest.

Rouba finally sat back and studied them thoughtfully. "Two shadows. You are more than you seem and less. But no matter - you are sincere at least, and mean no one here any harm." She smiled, baring sharpened fangs. "Except for the Osekkais, that is."

Vegeta glanced at Kakorr - he seemed slightly dazed, but calm. Kakorr caught his eye and beamed. He couldn't help himself - he smiled back. It was happening - they would find out how to become mates.

Sakka, who had remained silent through her entire examination, brought them another drink. "Take this," he said. "It will remove the effects of the first potion."

Rouba studied them as the second potion began to take effect. "So you found the prince. You may be right about a Rouba in the palace. He is obviously not learning everything he needs."

Vegeta was startled for a moment - she had picked up memories.

"That's a recent one, cub. And you didn't try to shield it. I didn't dig any deeper than was necessary," she told him, answering his unspoken concern. He hadn't realized how well she heard thoughts - no wonder he couldn't get away with anything when he was a child.

Rouba sat back and stretched out her legs, kicking off her shoes, revealing rings on her toes and ankles. "That's better," she sighed, digging her toes into the sandy floor. "Let's see what we can do for you two." She glanced at Sakka, who was shrugging off his robes and indicated Kakorr with her tail. "Rouya, take this cub with you and talk to him."

::Vegeta...:: Kakorr glanced at him for approval. They hadn't been apart the entire time they had been here and he was hesitant.

::Go on, Kakorr.::

"Chatterboxes," Sakka chuckled, leading the way out of the den.

Vegeta just sat and gazed at Rouba, not sure what to say or do now. This was totally new territory and he wasn't sure how to proceed.

"He defers to you quite a lot, doesn't he?" she finally asked.

He frowned. This wasn't what he expected. How did he answer that? Yes, Kakorr followed his lead quite often. "Is that a problem?"

"Is it?"

He didn't think so. "I don't make him. He just...likes to." Although Vegeta couldn't deny enjoying the feeling of control it gave him.

She nodded. "True - he does enjoy following you. It makes him feel special knowing you allow it."

Rouba studied him intently for a moment and he felt like a cub that had been caught doing something wrong. He nearly flinched when she reached out, touching him, smoothing her hand over his head.

"My little cub," she purred soothingly. "You shy away from so much that is good for you. You've done well to survive and recover from all of that pain and hurt."

He could only stare as smokey eyes gazed into him. She had seen too much - he knew that now. She knew. Knew how he had been defeated so many times. He was suddenly ashamed of his failures - ashamed someone besides Kakorr knew how weak he had been.

"Foolish cub," she said, smacking him with one of the rings on her tail. "You live. Sometimes that is all you can hope to achieve. Your survival is your victory."

Rouba brushed her hand over his cheek, wiping away the tiny drop of blood that had welled from the cut she made. "We don't cry about how the Tuffles enslaved us. Instead we sing about rising up and freeing ourselves. Sing your victory, boy. Be proud of what you have become."

"The lizard never broke me," he whispered.

She nodded. "Your first victory - the longest battle and the hardest won. But you were still a slave. But you aren't one now. Tell me cub - sing to me of the victory that freed you and changed you."

How did she know? Did she really know about Frieza?

"I...I hurt-"

"Stop, child. Don't tell me of the pain he caused. Tell me of your courage."

He hadn't felt brave that day in the Gravity Room. He felt desperate... terrified...

"Courage is doing what you know must be done even though you are afraid. You have a great capacity for it - which is why you survived."

He swallowed and looked into her eyes hopefully. "I saved him. The lizard was going to kill him and I saved him. I killed the lizard for him."

She smiled and nodded. "Well sung, cub."

He suddenly wanted to tell her everything. Maybe Rouba could convince the kings not to do business with Frieza and change the future.

"No cub," she said gently, brushing his cheek with her tail. "The future will be as it should be. Another cub might be spared, but your own life will not change from what it was."

"Rouba..." He suddenly couldn't bear to think of her dying in that fiery explosion. Couldn't he save her at least? Was this what Mirai had gone through? Knowing he couldn't change his own past?

"You aren't here for this. You are here because you are in love, aren't you?"

He closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath, fighting for control.

"Yes," he finally said when he could speak. "I love-" Damn it, he forgot Kakorr's made-up name again. He was such an idiot. This wasn't a game - this was about the most important person in his life.

"Say his name, child. His true name. I want to hear it from your lips."

"His...his real name is Kakarott, but..."

Rouba smiled and nodded at him encouragingly.

"I call him Kakorrrrr," he said, purring the name as he thought of his friend, his companion, his lover. "I've called him that ever since I realized how much I love him."

"Tell me about him," she said, moving to sit beside him, placing and arm around his shoulder, pulling him close.

"I- I can't. There aren't words..." How could he use something as weak - as meaningless - as words to express how much Kakorr meant to him? He was everything. He had saved his life and forgiven him. Kakorr had given him his total trust and loved him with an intensity that burned. He had given him hope when there was none and taken away pain when that was all there was. He trusted him - he was safe with Kakorr. "He's... everything."

Rouba chuckled. "Your heart is eloquent even if your mouth is not. Yes cub, you love him. And he loves you with the same passion."

She purred, letting him remember how safe he had felt with her as a child.

"Safety is very important to you, isn't it cub?"

He twisted away to look at her, suddenly feeling very childish.

"My frightened little cub," she rumbled, stroking his hair again. "You've come so far. But you haven't completed your journey yet."

"What do you mean?" he asked, instantly dreading the answer.

"You can't become mates."


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