Quest: Sons

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 3: Sons

Chapter 3 - Sons

Goku couldn't stop glowing with pride even as Gotenks clipped him with a punch that would have flattened a ningen. This was his son - fighting and grinning and enjoying the battle. He even considered Trunks his son now - although he didn't know if Vegeta would understand. Vegeta belonged to him, so Trunks did too. The pride he felt extended to both boys.

He couldn't let the fusion get too cocky though - he spotted that self-confident smirk Trunks had picked up from Vegeta and vanished as Gotenks let loose a ki blast. Before the boy could move, Goku reappeared next to him and hit him with enough energy to singe. He wasn't trying to do any permanent damage - and they had Senzu available - but he did have to teach them not to be over-confident and let their guard down. Gotenks spun to retaliate, but he was gone again.

He was impressed yet again when the fusion eventually anticipated his moves and slugged him when he reappeared. He retreated slightly and reconsidered while Gotenks laughed. That had actually hurt! What else had Piccolo taught them?

"Nice warm-up," Goku finally said with a grin. "You have about 20 minutes left. Want to get serious?"

"Yes!" answered the double voice, and he was sure he heard more of Goten that time.

He concentrated then, building his power, moving up through the stages until he reached level three. He realized he would have to study the boys' technique some more as Gotenks instantly flashed to the third level. The fusion gave a Vegeta-esque smirk and charged him. The battle was on.


Goku sat back against a tree, drying from his swim, and watched the boys playing in the lake. He had been impressed at their speed and power when fused, although some of their techniques were too planned out and over-complicated. Gohan blamed it on all the comic books they read. Split though - they were better fighters when separate, although not as strong yet.

Goten and Trunks were a perfect team, anticipating each other's moves, never getting in each other's way, and constantly keeping their opponent off-guard. He only hoped he and Vegeta could fight together so well some day. He grinned - Vegeta would kick his ass if he knew how many times they had gotten through his defenses - but he had deliberately held back some - he was trying to teach them technique, not beat the crap out of them. He knew better than to let them win though - although he looked forward to the day where they could defeat him on their own.

He pulled his knees up when he saw a huge fish flying through the air, landing by his feet.

"Look what I caught, Daddy!" Goten said proudly, following the fish's arc to land beside it.

Goku looked at his son and grinned with pride. "That's great," he said, before pulling Goten closer as another fish was apparently catapulted in their direction. It hit the other one and there was a shower of fish scales from the impact.

Trunks landed nearby and crossed his arms with a smirk. Goku nearly laughed with delight. That look was so Vegeta it was amazing. Trunks was smug until Goten shouted something and rushed his friend, tackling him. Goku wasn't sure what the squabble was about, but he let them continue until they were in danger of rolling into the fish. Then he picked them up by the collars and held them apart while they continued their fight verbally.

"Show-off!" Goten growled, tail snapping.

"It was my idea!" Trunks shouted back, and Goku swore he was actually bristling.

"You messed up my fish!" Goten yelled, trying to hit Trunks, apparently ignoring the fact he was hanging in mid-air.

"You shoulda kept your crummy fish outta my way!" Trunks kicked back, hitting nothing.

Goku wasn't really sure what to do. Vegeta always knew - the kids listened to him. He wasn't good at this. Should he stop them? Gohan didn't have friends to fight with when he was a kid, and Chichi or Vegeta or even Rezu usually dealt with these things. Well, if it worked for his prince...

"Stop," he growled angrily, dropping them both to the ground, making them land on their asses. "Enough, brats."

"Daddy?" Goten blinked up at him in shock.

Goku blinked back at the boys. Why had he called them that? He didn't use that word, Vegeta did. He never called kids names...this was the bond, wasn't it? This was Vegeta. It had worked, though. He took a deep breath and studied them - they hadn't moved - just waiting for him to do something.

"They are both nice fish," he finally said. "Why don't we eat them now? Supper isn't for a couple of hours yet."

"Cool!" Trunks said, jumping to his feet. "How long will it take you?"

He crossed his arms and glared at them. "No, you two are going to fix them and I am going to take a nap," he said sternly. This felt...weird...somehow - kind of dizzying? "Next time you brats won't argue."

"What?!" Trunks exclaimed, outraged.

"But Daddy..."Goten whined.

Goku nearly scowled at them...but he didn't scowl at his children. It wasn't nice. He tried to hide his confusion - he needed to get his thoughts straightened out. "What? You don't think that is fair?" He walked away and sat under another tree, watching them through his bangs, curious to see what they would do.

Trunks and Goten turned to look at their catch, then at each other.

"Man, your dad's acting weird lately," Trunks whispered.

"I know," Goten whispered back. "He never yells."

Trunks studied the fish. "So whadda we do?"

"I don't know," Goten said, tail twitching in agitation.

"Don't you know how to cook them?" Trunks poked one of the fish with his toe.


"But you guys eat fish all the time."

"But I don't know how. Mom gets mad when I mess up her kitchen."

"So what're we gonna do?"

The pair looked around, hoping for inspiration, but none came. Finally, Goten made a resigned sigh.

"I think we better ask for help."

"Man," Trunks complained.

"Come on," Goten said, taking his friend's hand and walking over to where his father was sitting.

Goku kept his head down, doing his best to hide a grin. He had gotten his thoughts together - he recognized Vegeta's influence - and had heard every word. He guessed his 'punishment' worked - they were acting like a team again.

"Umm...Dad?" Goten said hesitantly.

"Yes?" he answered, expression under control.

"We don't know how," Trunks mumbled.

"Don't know how to what?" He almost finished it with a 'Speak-up, brat', but he managed to stop himself.

Goten sighed, frustrated. Why couldn't his father understand without them having to actually come out and ask? He hated sounding so dumb. "Could you teach us how to cook the fish?"

"Please?" Trunks finished, noticing Goten's oversight and not wanting them to get into any more trouble.

Goku grinned then. "Sure. You only had to ask."

Some time, and several satisfied belches later, there was nothing left but a pile of bones and scales. Goten was purring, curled up against his side, drowsy and content. Trunks on the other hand, was sitting a few feet away, tail flicking, staring into the dying fire.

"Trunks?" Goku said softly. "What's wrong?"

"Nuttin," he muttered.

Goku took a deep breath. He had expected this - he was only surprised it had taken so long. But his father was the same, always trying to keep things bottled up. No matter how much time he spent with Goten and Trunks, it wasn't the same. He wasn't Vegeta. Trunks missed his father.

"Come here, Trunks."

Trunks sighed and obeyed, tail drooping, head down. Goku wrapped his arm around the boy and drew him into his lap. Trunks stiffened, and then eventually relaxed at the unfamiliar contact - Vegeta didn't hold him often, and he still wasn't used to Goku as a surrogate parent. Goku made a comforting purr, letting him sit quietly. Trunks would talk when he was ready.

"Dad's mad at me," Trunks finally mumbled.

"No he's not. What makes you think that?" Goku asked, softly.

"Yes he is. He won't train with me or nuthin'," Trunks insisted sadly. "He won't even tell me what I did wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Trunks."

"Then why does Dad hate me?" he demanded, frustrated.

"He doesn't hate you, Trunks. He loves you more than anything," Goku answered quietly, stroking the soft hair. He could tell how upset the boy was, but Trunks was stubbornly trying to hide it.

"No he doesn't. He won't even let me visit him. He leaves every time I come over."

Goku hated Frieza. Hated him with a passion he didn't know he had. Because of the fucking lizard Vegeta had not seen Trunks in two months. He had tried once - saw Trunks before the boy spotted him. That had been a very bad day - Vegeta had felt...something...and had to leave immediately. His prince was terrified the brainwashing would make him hurt his son. Vegeta was suffering as much as Trunks was, but at least he knew why. Trunks had no idea what had happened - and Goku hoped he never would.

"It's not your fault, Trunks. Your dad is sick, and he doesn't want you to catch what he has." GodS, he hated lying, especially to kids. He was horrible at it anyway - but he had to do it.

"But you get to see him," Trunks protested. "Piccolo too. It's not fair." He was so upset he almost whined.

"I-I already had it, so I can't catch it again. And Piccolo can't because...he is a Namek." Goku felt Goten shifting as he woke up and hoped his son wouldn't tease his friend.

"So? I don't care if I get sick. I wanna see him."

Goku closed his eyes and held Trunks closer. He hated this. Hated the damned lizard. Hated his psycho doctors. They had to do something - anything - to fix this.

"Your dad cares. He doesn't want you to get hurt or sick. He cares about you."

"But I miss him," the boy said sadly.

"I know Trunks. He misses you, too. He asks about you every day."

"He does?" Blue eyes looked up at him hopefully.

"Uh-huh," Goku said, smiling. "I tell him how strong you are, how well you fight, and how much you've improved. Your father is very proud of you."

Trunks settled himself more comfortably and Goku smiled as a lavender tail looped around his wrist.

"Hey Trunks," Goten said, "You can share my daddy with me until yours is better."

Trunks looked at his friend, almost embarrassed. Goku could tell he had forgotten Goten was there. Then he made a tiny smile.

"Thanks Chibi," he said. He looked up at Goku. "When is Dad going to be better?"

"I don't know. But you will be the first one he sees, I promise." He hated that lizard.


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