Quest: Home

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 31: Home

Chapter 31 – Home

“Popo!” Piccolo bellowed. “Get your ass in here! Now!”

Something was wrong. Something was seriously wrong. It had been four days now, with things staying relatively stable. Vegeta and Goku’s ki slowly continued to decrease, but going without food and rest, that was only to be expected.

But all of that had changed in an instant. He had felt their kis build and then begin to drop rapidly. It was almost as if they were gearing up to fight a battle, but where their power would normally continue to climb theirs leveled off, then started to decrease.

“Piccolo?” Gohan said, staring at the flickering circle in horror, “What’s wrong with them? What’s happening?”

Piccolo growled. “I don’t know. PO—!”

“Mr. Piccolo called?” the genie asked, standing calmly at his side as if he had been there the entire time.

“I hate it when you do that,” Piccolo muttered.

“Mr. Popo, what’s happening to Dad and Vegeta?” Gohan demanded.

Mr. Popo looked for a moment, and then walked slowly around the circle, nodding thoughtfully.

Piccolo scowled at him. “How long is this going to take?”

There were flares and flickers of increasing intensity and it seemed like the designs on the floor were twisting.

“Someone has cast a similar spell,” Mr. Popo finally said. “It will affect Mr. Goku and Mr. Vegeta.”

“How?” Gohan asked, voice calm, only his flicking tail betraying his anxiety.

“What in the hell are you talking about?” Piccolo demanded.

“There is a second doorway,” Popo said patiently.

“What does that mean?” Gohan asked.

~~I imagine someone is trying to prevent the Saiyans from returning to Earth,~~ Kami put in.

--Someone?! It’s the fucking Kais.—

“They will be confused. Mr. Goku and Mr. Vegeta will not know which one to use. They may be lost,” Popo said, shaking his head sadly.

“If they use the wrong one, they’ll be helpless,” Piccolo said. “They aren’t strong enough to protect themselves.”

Gohan growled deep in his chest. “We have to do something. I’m not going to stand by and lose my dad again.”

“Hey guys?” Yamcha said worriedly, looking behind him, “Am I imagining it, or is the pendulum starting to sway?”

“Can we get to it?” Piccolo asked. “Shut it down?”

Mr. Popo shook his head. “I am unable to locate the other doorway.”

~~Another Guardian may have a room like this, Piccolo. This may just be a coincidence.~~

--Bullshit. You know as well as I this is deliberate.—

“Something is wrong with Vegeta!” Yamcha gasped.

“Fuck,” he muttered. His friend was collapsing in a heap against Goku, his body twitching spastically. He could see cuts erupting on Vegeta’s arms, blood starting to well up and pour from them. Piccolo swore he could smell burnt flesh as Vegeta’s ki plummeted.

“Come home, Dad,” Gohan whispered. “Come home.”

The circle was becoming more misshapen as sparks began to shoot around the borders, the designs on the floor writhing.

“We have to do something,” Yamcha said.

“I’m going to get them out of there,” Gohan announced, advancing towards the twisted design.

Piccolo cursed and grabbed his tail, yanking him backwards. Gohan fell to his knees with a cry of pain.

“Damn it kid. I’m not going to lose you too.”

“I have to save them,” Gohan insisted.

“There has to be some way of telling them which door to use,” Yamcha said helplessly.

“I’m open to suggestions,” Piccolo grumbled.


Goku could barely move – barely focus. He could feel the bond twisting and Vegeta’s pain was his own. His heart was pounding and he could feel the ki beating against him, crushing him against the body of the jihibiki. He felt his ribs cracking and grinding together as the onslaught continued. Organs were crushed and pummeled by the still building attack. Nerves sang in agony as heated desert sand was blasted at him, through him, burning and cutting his skin.

It was too hot, too strong, too overwhelming. He didn’t have enough energy left to protect himself. He was collapsing, strength fading, defenses failing - dying.

“Kakarott!” Rouba exclaimed, echoing her shout in his mind.

He blinked, feeling the bond snap him back at the sound of her voice, stunned at the realization he was doing nothing to save his prince. He returned his focus to the woman, gathering his waning ki to destroy her.

“No, shadow – she is a dairi and is being controlled. There – by that rock formation,” Rouba said.

Then he saw where Rouba was aiming her attack. An Osekkai was there, watching, concentrating intently on the woman. And next to him was – GodS! – a Kai! Goku could feel it now; he could practically see the energy flowing from him – the little bastard was feeding ki to the woman trying to kill Vegeta. Goku growled his anger and drew on the last of his resources, firing a massive explosion at the Kais, secretly relieved the Rouba was attacking with him.

The Osekkai saw it coming too late, shrieking in pain and terror as the combined flare of energy hit him; killing him instantly. Unfortunately, the Kai managed to deflect the blast enough to survive. He staggered, glaring at Goku and Rouba, vanishing just before Sakka’s wave reached him.

The ki that had been slowing him down vanished. Goku turned to help Vegeta. To his horror, he realized even though her ki was now at normal Saiyan levels, the woman had not stopped her attack. He was about to make her stop with his fists alone when Yasai stumbled to his feet and fired his ki at her, knocking her out.

::Vegeta!:: Goku rushed to his side, barely catching him before he crumpled to the ground. Yasai, breathing heavily, tried to get close, but he snarled at the brat, warning him away.

Even though his prince made no sound, he could hear Vegeta moaning in pain through their bond. Goku could feel the agony throughout as his damaged body twitched and shuddered. The Kai’s attack got through Vegeta’s weakened defenses. His breathing was labored and rasping and he was barely alive.

“Foolish child!” Rouba exclaimed, slapping Yasai. “Why did you leave your guards? Don’t you know a distraction when you see it?” She pointed at Vegeta. “This man will die because of you.”

Goku heard her and shook his head. It wasn’t possible. Vegeta couldn’t die – not here, not now. They were here so they could be together forever, not to be separated when their goal was in sight.

“No,” Yasai whispered, clutching the pearl to his chest.

“Yes, brat. Go home. Tell your father to make room for me. You have gone too long without a proper education. I will be moving to the palace before the next sun-cycle,” Rouba snapped before turning her back on the distraught young prince, her tail clicking her annoyance.

“Cub, what have they done to you?” Rouba rumbled worriedly, dropping to the ground beside Vegeta. Goku barely heard her murmured, “Have I failed you now as I will in the future? Will you blame yourself for this as well?”

“This isn’t real,” Goku whispered to himself. He had to calm this panic and remind himself this wasn’t real. This wasn’t really happening. Vegeta wasn’t really dying.

“Yes, he is, child,” Rouba crooned, stroking Goku’s hair, “I told you – you have substance. That is why I could give you gifts.”

“Why? Why did this happen?” he pleaded with her, meeting her smoky eyes, needing to understand.

She purred as she gently wiped blood from Vegeta’s face. “The Osekkai sent the jihibiki. I’m sorry, child. I should have felt his influence over the beast – I never would have let you two go after it if I did. By the time I realized what he had done it was much too late. It brought your Vegeta out in the open and made him an easy target. And their use of a dairi meant only the young prince could stop her without serious consequences. That is probably why they went after the boy first.”

Goku cradled his prince closer, feeling the pain the movement caused through their bond. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Everything was going wrong. “Can you save him?” he asked desperately.

She brushed tender fingers over Vegeta’s brow, brushing the sweat-soaked bangs out of the way. “No cub. I cannot heal your Vegeta. If you remain here, he will die. These injuries are beyond my skill. You must return home.”

How? That was the problem. Was this yet another attack by the Kais? He didn’t know how to get home anymore. It felt like there were two doorways, drawing him in opposite directions. It was tearing him apart, confusing his senses. He could hardly focus – the only thought pounding through his brain was the fact that Vegeta was dying and he was doing nothing to prevent it.

It was agony as he felt himself being torn in two, his body pulled apart and split. Earth or sky? Each was equally strong, confusing him so he didn’t know which way he should go. Which way should he let the power pull him? What if he chose wrong? Vegeta’s ki was failing him and he had none left to give him. Which way?

“Shadow?” Rouba asked softly, brushing his cheek with her tail.

“I’m lost,” he whispered, staring at her with wide, desperate eyes. “Which way do we go?”

“What are your instincts, child? Have faith in your abilities. You must decide quickly.”

He stared wildly around him, clutching Vegeta tightly, wincing at his soft groan of pain. Gohan…Goten…Chichi…Piccolo…his friends…where would they be?

The Earth had always been his anchor – a source of strength. It was like his family - safe – constant – reliable. Its pull was strong and comforting. But what if he was wrong? He only had once chance.

He glanced at the twin suns overhead, their energy flowing through him. His family – they were also like the suns – warm and life-giving – always changing.

“Go home, child.”

Goku looked around; drinking in the sights and scents of the desert, trying to memorize a home he couldn’t remember and made his choice.

He closed his eyes.


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