Quest: Announcement

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 22: Announcement

Chapter 22 - Announcement

Chichi set the coffee cup in front of Bulma and sat next to her so they could continue looking at the wedding album together. She stopped when she came to a group picture; all of the Z fighters were there - with the exception of Krillin.

"I wish Krillin weren't being such a jerk," Bulma said, as if reading her thoughts.

Chichi sighed. "Poor Goku - his feelings were really hurt. And I miss Marron and Eighteen. Have you heard anything new from her?"

"Not much. You know Krillin started training again. She's upset because he's gotten into it so much he has even shaved his head. He hardly spends any time with them anymore," Bulma answered, shaking her head.

"Is he still talking to himself?" It was so sad, Chichi thought. One of Goku's oldest friends had become... well... unbalanced. It was worrying. Eighteen had tried to get him to go to a doctor, but he refused.

"Apparently - although he stops now whenever she is nearby."

"I feel bad for her," Chichi said, turning the page.

"You know you can't help someone who doesn't want it. Eighteen knows I'll do anything I can - give her a place to stay if she can't take it anymore - but she doesn't want to do anything but talk."

"It's still sad."

"Yeah - I know."

They fell silent, flipping through the album. Chichi found a much happier picture and showed it to her friend.

"Too bad you couldn't get Vegeta on the dance floor," Bulma said with a smile.

"I tried. At least Goku got out there. Look at his face here; he was having a blast," Chichi grinned. "How about this one? Aren't they cute together? Their tails are so twisted they are almost in knots."

"You should have heard Vegeta after I took that. Bitching and moaning - threatened to blow up the camera," Bulma laughed.

Chichi giggled. "He loves to growl at people, doesn't he? It's fun to watch him with Goku - he gets all grrr-y and protective sometimes."

"Are you kidding me? Goku is the one who gets fierce. He's actually growled at me. Said I hurt 'his prince'." Bulma sighed. "I'm glad Vegeta's finally happy. But sometimes I get kind of... jealous, you know?"

"Yeah - same here. You ask yourself why you were never able to bring out that side of him yourself."

Bulma stirred her coffee absently. "You know...I think we lost them for good the instant they fused."

"You noticed that too?" Chichi nodded. "Goku was so...aware of Vegeta. But they are good for each other."

"I do have to admit," Bulma said wistfully, "It is nice to watch the two of them together. They really do love each other."

"Goku's always been something of a mush, but I think he's rubbing off on the prince. Goku just sort of makes Vegeta...melt."

Bulma giggled at the image of a glowing puddle of Vegeta. "You know they are telepathic, don't you?"

"I suspected it. You can kind of tell when it is happening. Wait..." Chichi flipped through the photo album until she found what she was searching for. She showed it to Bulma. "Look at this one - Vegeta is smirking - that's nothing unusual."

Bulma grinned. "That's not a smirk, girl. That is a leer."

Chichi giggled. "That's what you think. Look at Goku. He's staring at Vegeta - and that expression of his... That is a leer. I've seen it a few times myself. Vegeta is about ten seconds away from getting ravished right there on the dance floor."

Bulma chuckled. "I still can't get over the idea of sweet, innocent Goku being such a perv."

Chichi laughed. "Sweet? Yes. Innocent? Never. Hell - he grew up around Roshi. What did you expect?"

"You shouldn't have told me all that stuff about you two, though - I can't look at him without thinking about the whipped cream."

Chichi grinned. "Maybe you should buy the boys a case - in exchange for pictures."

Bulma stared at her, blushed, and started to giggle. "You're corrupting me."

"I try."


Chichi looked up and smiled as Goku came into the kitchen, followed by Vegeta. He ex was practically bouncing with happiness and Vegeta even had something like a cocky grin on his face. Goku's tail swept a coffee cup off the counter, but Vegeta caught it in mid-air, replacing it with a smirk. Goku scratched the back of his head, grinning sheepishly when Vegeta's tail curled around the tip of his for a moment.

"Hiya, Chi. Hey guys," he said to Bulma and Yamcha, "I'm glad you are still here," He bent to kiss Chichi on the cheek before sitting down in the empty seat beside Yamcha.

"Hi Goku. I just came by to pick up Bulma. Did you want to sit here, Vegeta?" Yamcha said quickly, starting to get up. "I can move."

Vegeta shook his head and stood behind Goku, resting a possessive hand on his shoulder. "I'll stand."

"I'm not sure I feel comfortable with you behind me," Yamcha muttered.

Chichi giggled at Vegeta's smirk.

"Don't worry Yamcha," she laughed. "If he makes a mess of my kitchen when he kills you I won't cook for him anymore."

"That's supposed to make me feel better?" Yamcha complained.

"Leave him alone, you guys," Bulma said, smiling.

"What brings you two-?" Chichi began.

Bulma suddenly jumped to her feet and swept over to Vegeta. Chichi couldn't help but laugh when Bulma grabbed his head in her hands and studied his face. "Vegeta, are you wearing contacts?"

"Let go of me, woman," he snapped.

"Your eyes are blue. Why are your eyes blue?" she demanded.

"I'd let go of him if I were you, Bulma," Goku warned as Vegeta started to growl threateningly.

Bulma released him and grinned. "I'm not afraid of you, princey."

"Can I see, Vegeta?" Chichi asked.

Vegeta sighed but she could tell he was secretly pleased at the attention. "Fine." He turned and looked at her. "Satisfied?"

She grinned. "You look very handsome with blue eyes."

"I know," he replied, smirking.

Chichi couldn't help but grin when Goku tipped his head back and beamed up at the prince. She enjoyed seeing him so happy - she knew she had done the right thing when she made her 'cunning plan'.

Vegeta gave a satisfied smile and turned back to Bulma. "No woman, I am not wearing contacts - by vision is perfect. My eyes have changed color because of how high my ki is."

"Is it something like the Super Saiyan transformation?" Yamcha asked, staring at him.

Chichi was pleased. Bulma's boyfriend was gradually getting over his fear of Vegeta. If the prince hadn't gotten with Goku things might have been different, but Vegeta was so much happier it seemed he didn't care about the man anymore.

"Possibly," Vegeta answered thoughtfully. "I've never heard of anything like it before."

"That's because there has never been anyone as strong as you before," Goku said with pride. "Every time I think I've caught up he jumps ahead again."

She wondered if that is how Vegeta felt over the years. A series of expressions cross the Saiyans' faces and she was sure they were 'speaking' to each other.

"As I was asking," Chichi tried again, "before I was interrupted by someone who shall remain nameless..." Bulma stuck out her tongue at her and grinned. "What brings you two here?"

"They probably ran out of food," Bulma chuckled.

"Actually...we have an announcement," Goku said, the words tumbling out of his mouth, almost as if he couldn't stop once he started. "Vegeta and I that is if we can find out how and it's tougher than we thought 'cos it's been so long but it doesn't matter 'cos we'll find a way no matter what it takes even if we have to use the dragonballs..."

Chichi watched Goku with amusement. He was so flustered he was talking like a kid - he sounded an awful lot like Goten right now. His tail was flicking, hitting Vegeta in the face twice until the prince captured it, making him even more flustered.

"...'Cos I guess even Frieza didn't know 'cos there aren't any files about it on the ship and Piccolo's looked but it doesn't matter 'cos we'll do anything-"

"Kakorr," Vegeta interrupted, squeezing his shoulder.

"I was just..."

"I know, Kakorr. Let me."

Chichi smiled as their tails got more and more twisted. They made each other so happy. Happier than they could have been with either her or Bulma.

"Kakorr has agreed to be my mate."

There was a moment of stunned silence as they absorbed the news - amazingly, Yamcha was the first to recover.


Chichi leapt to her feet and hugged Vegeta, ignoring his annoyed growls. "That's wonderful," she said, turning to wrap her arms around Goku.

She released him and looked over at Bulma, who hadn't moved or said a word. She was just looking at Vegeta. Chichi wanted to rush over and hug her friend - tell her it would be okay - she understood. The poor thing had never gotten to see this side of Vegeta and now that Goku was bringing it out it was breaking her heart.

Bulma really did love Vegeta - still did - but it hurt her more than she could ever admit when he didn't seem to return her affection. She had stayed with him longer than Chichi would have - hoping she could change the prince. Only after she finally decided to leave him did she go to Yamcha.

Recently they had actually talked about how she had broken off with Vegeta. Bulma hadn't voiced her suspicions to anyone else, but secretly wondered if the Kais had somehow influenced her methods. She would have left him anyway, but even at her worst she wasn't that heartless.

"Bulma?" Goku asked, eyes wide with concern.

"I'm very happy for you," Bulma finally said in a soft voice.

"So...mating," Chichi asked, drawing attention away from her friend so she could compose herself, "Is that like getting married?"

"No," Vegeta said. "It is more. Marriage is weak in comparison."

"So what is it?" Yamcha asked. "Some Saiyan thing?"

Vegeta looked at him for a long moment and Chichi couldn't tell if he was annoyed or amused. "Yes," he eventually replied, "It is some 'Saiyan Thing'."

"See, that's the problem," Goku put in.

"Oh good, another problem," Bulma muttered.

Chichi understood Bulma's complaint. After all, the last 'problem' had nearly destroyed both Vegeta and Goku.

"Since Vegeta was just a kid when the lizard blew up the planet he never got a chance to learn a lot of Saiyan customs and rituals," Goku said.

Chichi blinked. She had never considered that. For some foolish reason she had thought because Vegeta was Saiyan he would know everything about them. Of course he wouldn't - he was too young. Much of what he knew had to come to him second or third-hand, not through personal experience.

"But it is important that this is done right," Goku continued. "We have to do certain things in order for it to work. Piccolo's been going through Frieza's files in hopes of learning something, but he hasn't found anything yet."

"I wondered what he was looking for," Bulma said. "He's practically been living in the ship." She chuckled. "I think Frieza was too small for him. He came out the other day and pitched one of the ship's chairs across the yard. Complained about the 'fucking midget lizard bastard'."

Chichi smiled. Bulma was trying to make the best of it. And it was nice to know Vegeta and Goku had such a good friend in Piccolo - he hated being in closed spaces even more than Goku did. For him to spend hours cooped up - he really cared about them.

"Too bad those two we fought with were such psychotic bastards," Yamcha said, "Otherwise you could go and ask them."

Vegeta looked down at him, confused. "Nappa?"

He shook his head. "No. I meant those two in that room on The Lookout. But they seemed to be pretty non-verbal."

Chichi could hear Vegeta's sharp inhalation and Goku's eyes got wide.

"What?" The prince seemed stunned.

Yamcha looked confused. "Kami said you used it too, Goku."

"What room?" Vegeta demanded, nearly growling, tail snapping.

Yamcha seemed to recoil, his eyes darting between Goku and Vegeta. "I told you before - at the wedding. The one where we trained to fight you and Nappa. It was supposed to be sometime in the past. All I know is they were too strong and we lost. It had a weird symbol on the floor and a pendulum-"

Goku beamed and grabbed his friend in a crushing hug, ignoring his yelp of fear. "Yes! Of course! How could I have forgotten?!"

Chichi grinned as Yamcha, still trapped by Goku, looked up at Vegeta in terror. She had been around the prince more than Yamcha had and could recognize when he was angry - and from the way his tail was swaying she was pretty sure he wasn't pissed.

"Vegeta, I- I-," Yamcha stammered.

Vegeta snorted with amusement. "You should hug him back, ningen. This might be your only chance. Before he forgets himself and crushes your ribs."

Yamcha tried to make a relieved chuckle, but it came out as more of a gasp. "Too late."

"Kakorr... be careful or you will break him."

"What?" Goku looked up at Vegeta and blinked in confusion. "Oh Yamcha. I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" he asked, releasing his hold.

"I'll live," he groaned, rubbing his side.

Goku jumped to his feet, his tail an out of control lethal weapon, smashing a mug. Chichi shook her head in amusement. At least it was a cheap one. Even Vegeta seemed surprised at the destruction he was causing in his happiness.

"Calm down, Kakorr."

"Can't," he said, putting his arm around Vegeta's shoulder, nearly pulling him off balance in his enthusiasm. "We've got to see Dende."

"Good luck," Chichi said as Goku raised his fingers to his forehead. "Let us know."

Goku and Vegeta vanished and Bulma burst into tears.


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