TFOTFW: Chapter 8


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Chapter 8

        The Rise of another Black Dragon

Itachi standing with Dawn as Vince comes up to take Dawn away from Itachi and takes off. Itachi watched as the two disappeared into the trees. He wanted Dawn, to have both her son and Dawn to stay with him. Itachi turns away and heads back inside the hide out.

Vince and Dawn jumping from branch to branch in the high trees, neither one of them spoke. Something made Dawn stop in her tracks. Standing near the tree above she looked down to see someone with white long hair fighting the corpses that Dawn summoned hours ago in the search for Sasuke Uchiha. Vince jumped down next to Dawn where he grabbed her and leaped off in another direction. A crash of something metal that was ready to strike where Vince & Dawn was standing. “Shit…It’s Sasuke.” Said Vince as he dodged every attack. One actually struck Vince a crossed his chest. Vince caught Sasuke’s weapon. “Dragon’s Fire!” said Vince as a ball of fire was coming Sasuke’s way in both directions one from the sword the Vince had in his hand, another heading straight at Sasuke. Vince paused to see that Dawn moved and was ready to kill Sasuke.

Sasuke sees Dawn coming his way, but noticed Karen was going to attack Dawn. “Anubis blade of Death!” yelled Dawn as she summoned up a blacked mist form of Ancient Anubis, Karen stalled and starred at it in fear. The Anubis charged after Karen and struck her with it’s over sized speared blade. Karen’s blood flew everywhere the wound was deep. Dawn made sure that Karen died. “Do you really think you can kill me that easily?” said Sasuke making Dawn turn around the black vapors began to swarm around Dawn. Ultamia who appeared in the battle scene swung her weapon that flew vigilantly at Sasuke. “Obviously yes…after all; my weapon did strike you.” Said Ultamia. Vince dropped down to get a hold of Dawn and getting her out of the way. “I have to destroy anyone and everyone who posses the Dragon in them” said Sasuke. “Dragon of Darkness!” said Ultamia as she transformed her self into a Black Dragon.

Just a few yards away form the scene…

“Dammit, why are you pulling me away when I was ready to kill Sasuke? This is my chance to destroy him!” said Dawn fuming at Vince; he pulled Dawn closer to him placing his hand on Dawn’s face as his elongated fingernails rested on her jaw line. “I will not allow you to head on into battle, nor will I allow you to risk both yourself & our unborn child live. I will never forgive myself, and worse neither will Gaara if anything was to ever happen to both of you.” Said Vince. Dawn felt something warm running against the palm of her right hand. Upon inspection, she noticed Vince’s wound he got from Sasuke. “You’re wounded…(Dawn inspect Vince’s injury more to see that it went it pretty deep.) I cannot have you go in and fight Sasuke in your condition.” Said Dawn. Vince summoned his Iguana for it to protect Dawn; Vince took off back in the direction where both Sasuke and Ultamia were fighting. Vince taking out both of his Chinese fork swords whipping them around and saw his chance for his attack.

Sasuke was too late to dodge Vince’s attack as the Chinese fork swords did their job in slicing Sasuke, even worse Vince used his swords s the connected by the hooks removing Sasuke’s sword out of his hand. The sword flipped up into the air. Sasuke leaped up to retrieve it, only to be snatched by Vince‘s swords. Vince violently swung now triple the length of swords at Sasuke. Sasuke hit him more than just a few times; three strikes managed to cut deep on Sasuke’s left arm, across his chest, and on across his face. Ultamia who was in her Dragon form began to fade away. Her chakra was running now. Ultamia now back in human form she grabs her over size sword from behind where it sat in a thick sheathe. She pulled it out revealing the deadly blade as she began to make her move on the injured Sasuke. But something caught her eye; someone moved fast above her. This was a costly mistake, wondering what it was, and looking back to Sasuke and Vince to continue her attack Sasuke summoned a mound full of snakes and headed towards her. Vince moved quickly to dodge the attack away from Ultamia. It was too late, both were hit and together they flew hard against the tree. Sasuke’s snakes coiled around both Vince and Ultamia’s bodies.

Dawn got away from the Iguana and summoned both of her Dragons. “Myrith’s Wrath…Soji’s Light Unite!” The ground shook, Dawn’s eyes turned white, and both of her Dragons began to appear. Dawn raised her left arm up her fingernails extending out as a red orb formed around her fingertips. She flicked her wrist and swung a long red glowing whip. You could hear the wind howling, but it was from the whip heading at Sasuke. It struck him hard enough that brought him down on the ground.

Vince summoned up his Red Fire Dragon; Vince’s Dragon spirit helped him burn the snakes that were once coiled around both Ultamia and Vince to the tree. Now both are free. “Two Dragons…I cannot summon my Dragon, I’m almost out of my chakra.” Said Ultamia. Vince ran to Dawn when he saw Sasuke beginning to recover and planned to attack Dawn. Vince stood in front of Dawn; Sasuke got his sword back and struck it in Vince. “VINCE…NO!” yelled Dawn seeing Sasuke’s sword sticking out of the back of Vince. Dawn went to the front of Vince, were he glared at Sasuke and spitting up blood. Dawn grabbed the blade of Sasuke’s sword and tried with all of her might to remove it. She made the sword move a few inches away, but as a result cutting both of her hands. Now her blood began to run through her hands and most of it landing on the sword.

“What a perfect ending, I shall kill you both where you two stand!” said Sasuke as he pushed forward making the sword sink back into Vince more, and slicing Dawn’s hands when she continued to force it to stop. Ultamia began to assist the two, until a tall figure wearing a black cloak with red clouds got in her way. “Stay here, I shall finish this.” Said Itachi making Ultamia gasp. Itachi pulling out his Kitana and headed straight to Sasuke. But Sasuke broke free, pulling his sword out of Vince’s chest and cutting Dawn’s hands more as she and Vince dropped on the ground. Itachi stopped in his tracks, pissed off that his little brother ran off. “Dam him!” said Itachi as he turned his attention to the two on the ground. Dawn couldn’t move much due to the injury of her hands as she went to aide Vince. The grass began to turn red Vince’s blood wasn’t stopping. Ultamia now standing near Itachi and saw the devastation.

“If we don’t move out of here now, he will die.” Said Ultamia. “Right, Kisame…Take Vince, we need to get back to our place before Sasuke comes back.” Said Itachi. Kisame knelt down and picked up Vince and began to head off. Itachi knelt down and picked up Dawn. “Dawn…I need you to relax…otherwise you will cause your unborn baby stress.” Said Itachi making Ultamia look even more worried. “OMG… She’s pregnant?” said Ultamia. “Come…we have to hurry.” Said Itachi. They both headed to the hide out.

Back in the hide out…

Kisame laid Vince on the bed opposite side where Dawn once resided. Kisame heard the others coming in. But Kisame only saw the girl with white hair and a red mark on her face coming in. “Please, I need you to help me.” Said Ultamia as she began to take off Vince’s trench coat, and with her nails shredded Vince’s black shirt. Dropping the material on the floor. Kisame returned to the room with some bandages and laid them out for Ultamia to use when ready. “I have what I need, now I need to be alone it’s my turn to do my part.” Said Ultamia as Kisame left the room.

“OMG… this is really deep and bad. I just hope I am too late.” Said Ultamia as she began to summon hand signals and placed both of her hands on Vince’s chest. She snapped her eyes wide. “NO!” She frantically tries to stop the bleeding, and at the last minute she makes here eyes form tears. Within moments, two silver teardrops fall away from her closed eyelids and land in Vince’s deep would. Ultamia opened her eyes, and sees that it was working. She watched as all of the arteries, blood vessels and muscles began to heal. Soon after word Vince’s skin also began to heal leaving no marking or scarring. Ultamia now relieved she removed her hands off Vince’s chest, she began to make her way out of the room. She shut the door, but left a wide enough gap just incase if she has to see how he was doing with out disturbing him.

She walks up and only sees Kisame. “So, you are the one that Itachi was looking for some time now. Do you remember us?” asked Kisame. “Yes, it was a while back. Your Kisame and the one who I don’t see here is…” said Ultamia, but for some reason could not remember his name. “Itachi Uchiha.” Said Kisame. “Yes…now I remember him & his name. Tell me do you know who the girl is that Itachi carried here?” asked Ultamia. “That is Dawn; why?” asked Kisame. “She posses two Dragons in her, and both are the strongest I’ve seen and encountered. I can transform into a Dragon, but I’m sure you already knew about that.” Said Ultamia. “No, I haven’t not yet.” Said Kisame. “Once thing worries me, that girl…Dawn she’s pregnant. Who’s the Father of her child?” asked Ultamia. Kisame shocked. “She’s pregnant? I…I don’t know who the Father is.” Said Kisame.

In the bedroom across from where Vince rested. Itachi sat on the bed with Dawn holding on to her against his chest trying his best to sooth & comfort her.  While he wrapped up bandages around each of her hands. Off the side Ultamia stood by the door that had a large gap enough for her to see in there.

“Sasuke, Dam him for the shit he has done to you. He will die for his actions!” said Itachi as he stroked his hands through Dawn’s hair, brushing her long bangs away from her face. “Would it be any different if I haven’t left here in the first place?” asked Dawn causing Itachi to pause, placing his hand on her jaw line pulling her head up as he lowered his head down to her. “I don’t think there is any difference whether you stayed or not. As I said, Sasuke is out to kill all who posses the Dragon spirit. And he will see to it that all are destroyed.” Said Itachi. And he moved his hand down to Dawn’s stomach, he could feel the baby inside of her growing rapidly inside of her. “You and your baby are safe now; I will see to it that you get the proper care and rest.” Said Itachi. Ultamia who was overhearing the conversation covered her mouth * Ohh…Itachi? He’s the Father to her unborn baby. I knew from all those rumors are not true. He is not callas or cold as they ass claim him to be *
Ultamia continued to listen and watch the two through the gap of the door.

“Itachi…how is Vince doing? Is he going to be alright?” asked Dawn looking sad and tired at Itachi. “Vince is resting right now, just going to have to wait for a few days for him to recover from his injury.” Said Itachi and he felt something shift under the palm of his hand, looking down to see that the baby inside her was growing rapidly. Itachi did not have anything for her to wear now that her stomach started to grow. He took off his long cloak, letting it drop behind him on the floor, and started to pull out his black shirt that was once nicely tucked in his pants out and took it off. Setting his shirt aside as he began to remove Dawn’s clothes.

Dawn now free from any restricting clothing he took his shirt and put it on Dawn. Itachi looking at the pillows, grabbing a few and piled then along the wall where he scooted backwards now against the wall reclined position and grabbed another more softer pillow for Dawn to rest her back. He had her lying down on her back with a slight incline and rested her head near his. Itachi gazed at the baby slowly growing, he couldn’t resist as he placed his hand on Dawn’s growing stomach, caressing. “Is there something wrong with my baby?” asked Dawn. Itachi looked away from the growing baby to Dawn. “Nothing wrong with your baby…see for yourself.” Said Itachi as Dawn looked at her stomach to see the baby inside of her growing rather rapidly than the time she had Osiris. “I don’t have a choice do I now; it’s now obvious that I do have to stay here…But I don’t think anyone here knows how to deliver my baby.” Said Dawn.

“Well, you have me, and Ultamia.” Said Itachi “What do you think I will have a girl or a boy?” asked Dawn looking up at Itachi looking at his Sharigun eyes. Itachi removed his hand from Dawn’s stomach up to her face. “You will have yourself another son. Osiris will become a big brother to him.” Said Itachi looking into her eyes he can see and hear her thoughts. Hearing her thoughts was new to him, yet he did hear her thoughts of what she wanted so he complied. Lowering his head down and kissed Dawn.

Dawn moved her hand away from her growing stomach to Itachi’s bare chest. Sliding her hand upwards where she pulled the red string that held Itachi’s hair back. His hair escaped and the red string fell the same time as his hair did around his face. Itachi deepened the kiss more, causing a moan to escape from Dawn. Itachi dipping his hot tongue in and out of Dawn’s mouth, only to nip at her lower lip, licking it and nipping on her lip often. Itachi was caught off his guard when Dawn began to do the same to him.

Ultamia’s face flustered, backing away she darted her way to go outside and get some air. Kisame chuckled at the redden face on Ultamia. “I’m…going out to get some…air.” said Ultamia blushing madly. Kisame chuckled even more as he shook his head in disbelief. “Oh yea…sure you are Ultamia.” Said Kisame teasing her. “Well, no need for me to know what’s going on over there. Ahh…I hope there’s some Sake left… I need a drink.” Said Kisame still chuckling to himself while on his way to the other room.

The next Morning…

Ultamia was asleep in Vince’s room on another bed facing the opposite side. In the other room where both Itachi and Dawn were they were asleep. Itachi woke up with a chill, he forgot that he took off his shirt last night to put it on Dawn. He got up made sure not to disturb Dawn. He went to the near by closet and grabbed the black shirt to wear. He returned back to the bed where Dawn was still asleep; he leaned over and check to see how she and her baby was. To his surprise it grew more. He knew he needed supplies for her. He leaves the bedroom walking across the hall to the other bedroom where he opened the door and saw Vince asleep, but did not see Ultamia. He leaves the room only to see Ultamia in front of him. “Is Dawn alright?” asked Ultamia. “We need to get some supplies for Dawn… (Itachi looks to the bedroom where Dawn was in.) Her baby grows fast inside of her, no telling how long we have before she starts going into labor.” Said Itachi. “I know I have some supplies with me, but surely not enough. Dawn has and older brother I know him a while back and how to contact him. But I need to be with Dawn.” Said Ultamia. Itachi nod, and Ultamia went into the bedroom where Dawn just woke up.

“Dawn?” asked Ultamia. Dawn looks to the door way to see Ultamia. Ultamia walks in the room and sat on the bed next to Dawn. She was shocked to see Dawn’s condition. “Oh wow, your baby seems to be growing fast.” Said Ultamia. “You’re here to ask me to get a hold of Jason…my older brother right?” asked Dawn. “Yes…I need to know how I can contact him do you know who I can help?” asked Ultamia. “There is a red tail Hawk that is a messenger for Jason. All you do is summon a Hawk sign, closing your eyes and call out to him…he only responds by telecommunicating through your mind. Write a list of what you need, then once the hawk arrives, you can give it to him in his message holder attached to his leg.” Said Dawn. “Do you want your brother here?” asked Ultamia. “I know of two others that will tag along with him. Put down the names…Shino and Kohaku to come with Jason.” Said Dawn.

Without a second thought Ultamia got off the bed, went over to the dresser that had a empty scroll, grabbing the pen she writes down the supplies she would need for Dawn, and the list of who it is to be coming to their place. Finished with that, she left the bedroom walking past Itachi and headed out on the balcony where he did what she was instructed. Itachi fallowed Ultamia but did not bother her seeing that she was concentrating. With in a few moments a huge hawk flew down and landed on the branch of a tree. Ultamia placed the scroll in the canister located on its leg, soon the hawk flew away. Itachi walked up behind Ultamia. “The hawk will send the message to Jason?” asked Itachi surprising Ultamia that he was near her. “Yes…Jason? You know her brother?” asked Ultamia. “I do know him, it’s been a while but I do know him.” Said Itachi. “I’m going to see Dawn, at least to get to know her.” Said Ultamia as she turned around and headed back to the bedroom where Dawn was.

Ultamia walked in the bedroom. “It’s just me.” Said Ultamia as she strolled to the bed and sat near Dawn. “May I?” asked Ultamia. “Sure.” Said Dawn. Ultamia placed her hand on Dawn’s stomach. She felt movement inside. “Wow, hard to believe that only yesterday you didn’t have this, now…you do. How is this possible, I mean for a baby to grow this quickly inside of you like this; are you in any pain?” asked Ultamia. “It’s possible, I was created to be the ultimate weapon along side like Gaara, and I don’t know much on how or why.. but it’s no different when I had my first son; this one is…growing faster.” Said Dawn. “Your first son? How old and what did you name him?” asked Ultamia even though she over heard part of the conversation between Itachi & Dawn last night. “I named him Osiris he’s three and a half. In January he’ll be four years old.” Said Dawn. “So he’s going to become a big brother, BTW where is your son?” asked Ultamia. “He’s at my Bother’s place. Jason’s wife is watching him.” Said Dawn as she felt pain running up her spine. “Are you ok?” asked Ultamia looking worried. “Oh…man.. that really hurt, uhh…phew…I have no idea what the baby is doing in there, but that hurt.” Said Dawn.

“Have you thought up any names for the baby?” asked Ultamia. “No…I haven’t yet.” Said Dawn. “How far long are you know?” asked Ultamia. “Your guess is as good as mine, one thing is for sure…I don’t want to go through labor early…I’ll be pissed.” Said dawn causing Ultamia to laugh. “I don’t blame you, if I was in your condition I would be too.” Said Ultamia now her turn making Dawn laugh. “Can I ask you something?” asked Dawn. “Sure anything what is it?” asked Ultamia. “Well, one I’d like to find the moron that started using this one lame ass term or slang…Just who in the hell invented the phrase preggers?” asked Dawn causing Ultamia to laugh. “OMG…(laughing more) Oh I agree…it sounds so…how can I put this lightly as possible?” sad Ultamia before she finished. “Just poor the lard all over the turkey and throw it into the fryer already and get it over with.” Said Dawn teasing. “It is the most crappiest phrase ever to be said in the first place. My Gawd!” said Ultamia now both Dawn and Ultamia laughing.

“Well, I’m glad to see that both of you are happy. So…how long have you and Itachi been going out?” asked Ultamia. Dawn froze in and confused. “Huh?” was all Dawn asked. “Seriously…I mean your having his baby.” Said Ultamia. Just before dawn was about to even tell Ultamia, Itachi was at the doorway. “Vince is starting to wake up.”

Ultamia turned to Itachi, and got off the bed to see Vince. Itachi moved out of the way to let Ultamia out. Itachi stepped back into the bedroom see Dawn. He sat on the bed and asked her how she was doing. “Umm…well, for starters…who and where did Ultamia get the idea of me having your baby?” asked Dawn. Itachi arched a delicate eyebrow at Dawn’s question. “Oh? She probably was over hearing our conversation last night. See that old Mirror?” (Itachi pointing out the mirror in the corner slightly faced where she can see her reflection and the door way) She was also watching us, I know this because I saw her reflection off that very mirror last night.” Said Itachi. “How much longer do you think I have…I mean please don’t tell me that I’ll be near labor with in the next few months?” asked Dawn looking worried. “Well, you won’t like what it is that I’m going to say.” Said Itachi. “Oh no… I am? Are you kidding me? Before the end of this week!” said Dawn worried. Itachi forgot the fact that Dawn read his mind. “You’ve been reading my mind.” Said Itachi.

In the other bedroom…

Vince sat up on the bed, and clutched onto his chest, there was a great deal of pain going through his chest as if it was crushed. “Don’t move, you will cause your injuries to reopen again!” said Ultamia. “No…It will not reopen; I have to see Dawn.” Vince getting off the bed causing Ultamia to panic more. “Why? She’s in no condition, I will not have her all worked up and worst to cause her baby any further stress.” Said Ultamia. Vince looked at Ultamia in question. I know that, but I have to be there she needs to know what to expect before the end of this week.” Said Vince now standing up, but looked around for his shirt only to see it in half on the floor. “Dammit…I’ll be pissed off even more if my Trench coat is cut up.” Said Vince as he spotting his trench coat on the floor, inspecting it and glad to see that it wasn’t ruined. Vince headed to the dresser and saw a stack of black shirts in there “Gee, I guess I’ll settle for the pink one here.” Said Vince causing Ultamia to look at Vince in question only to see that he was putting on the black shirt over his hard chiseled chest making Ultamia blush and turn away. She laughed at Vince’s sarcastic tone.

“Why are you in such a hurry and what are you talking about Dawn needs to know something before the end of the week?” asked Ultamia. “Dawn will be delivering our baby.” Said Vince. “Yours?” said Ultamia now lost. Vince paused and looked at her somewhat pissed off. “Yes OURS, translation She is caring my child in her; so yes I am the Father to her child.” Said Vince. Ultamia shocked, and now knowing the father to Dawn’s baby; what shocked her even more was when she saw both Itachi & Dawn together last night. But rather getting into an argument or worse a fight. She held that information back. Vince asked Ultamia where Dawn was, she pointed across from the room they were in. Vince walked out of the bedroom and into Dawn’s room.

Vince stopped mid way to see Itachi sitting on the bed next to Dawn, Itachi glanced at him and got off the bed and moved out of the way. “Vince? Your alright.” Said Dawn looking more than happy to see that Vince was alright. Vince was about to tell Dawn of what was going to happen, but Dawn had already knew. Vince asked how did she know only for Dawn to point out who did. Vince glanced at Itachi who was standing against the with his arm crossed then moved his one arm to see him tap his index finger to his head. Indicating that Dawn had read his mind. Vince looked back at Dawn letting her know that he would be there with her.

Itachi felt a tap on his shoulder, turning his head to see Ultamia and asked him to fallow her to the balcony. Itachi jerked himself off the wall and left the bedroom to see what Ultamia wanted.

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