TFOTFW: Chapter 19


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Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Shinkamaru and Temari walked together up to the corner, Temari knew that this wasn’t the route to his place. “Shinkamaru, I thought you said we are heading to your place?” asked Temari using her fan to shield herself and Shinkamaru form the pouring rain. “I have to inform Kurenai about Asuma first.” Said Shinkamaru not looking forward to bring her bad news. The two headed up to the door where Kurenai lived and knocked; Anko answered the door. Shinkamaru didn’t know she was there. Anko let the two inside; they heard muffed crying. Clearly Anko told her of what happened to Asuma. Shinkamaru stood only a few feet away form where Kurenai sat on the bed sobbing. Anko telling Shinkamaru about Kurenai’s current condition. Shinkamaru spoke up. “I will help you out in anyway that I can for you Kurenai, for the honor of Asuma. He fought for our village and prevented any further damage to this place.” Said Shinkamaru. “Thank you Shinkamaru, I know that Asuma would be proud of your missions and the things you have done to prevent anything from happening. (Kurenai looks up at him) Asuma said that you were always calm when things got bad during or in the middle of a battle. Thinking of what the possibilities were, thinking & planning ahead is what got everyone else through.” Said Kurenai.

“You guys should go, I’ll stay here with Kurenai.” Said Anko and passed the two an umbrella of hers to use. “Thank you.” Said Shinkamaru taking the umbrella form Anko. Temari and Shinkamaru headed out the door. Shinkamaru popped the umbrella open, and the two walked together to his place.

The two finally arrived Temari was freezing from the weather and the clothes she wore was a bit damp from the rain. Shinkamaru left the umbrella open setting it off the side on the tile floor for it to dry off. Temari was about to sit down on the couch until Shinkamaru prevented her to sit. “I think you might need a change of clothes. Follow me, and I’ll have you wear something warmer and less damp.” Said Shinkamaru Temari blushed a bit. “Oh ok… hey would it be too much to ask if I can have a quick shower?” asked Temari. “Sure thing, in fact go ahead and start up the shower. I’ll look for something for you to wear.” Said Shinkamaru pointing out where the one shower room was. Temari didn’t hesitate as she went inside turning on the shower to near hot. Temari failed to shut the door; she was more interested in getting into the hot shower.
Shinkamaru headed up to his room, into his closet and grabbed a box inside that held his mother’s clothes. Searching through what Temari could wear and would keep her warm. All what was there was summer like Kimonos, which would not help Temari to keep warm. He spots a Furaso, then a long robe. “Oh, finally this will work.” Said Shinkamaru as he pulled it out of the box another material fell out from under the robe. Shinkamaru spots it. Picking it up to see what it was, happy to see it matched. He folds them up nicely and headed down where Temari was taking her shower.

Shinkamaru assuming that Temari was in the shower he walks halfway in hand on the door to open it more and nearly drops from a massive nosebleed. Stumbling he quickly turns around the corner hoping that Temari didn’t notice him there. His cheeks flushed. Shinkamaru saw Temari naked as she was heading into the shower. Trying to calm himself down and hoping not to slip up… he turned back around and went inside of the shower room where he placed the clothes for Temari to wear on the bathroom counter top. Shinkamaru headed to the room where he loaded up the small wood burning stove, and started a fire.
The fire started to eat away with such hunger and thirst of wood as Shikamaru watched the wood slowly melt away from the fire. He backed away to avoid the fire to touch his eyes and probably caused all his eyebrows to fall off as he took one of the fans not Temari's of course, for how would he be able to use that huge fan just to blow a little fire away? What a silly thought that can turn into a comical cartoon. Shikamaru laughed at that little idea, he could've drawled it but he was no artist unlike Sai and in other hand...he was too lazy to draw one either. Shikamaru set the small fan aside as he stood up, wiping some ashes that had befallen upon his pants as he sighed. His ears picked up a small melody heard from the shower. Shikamaru smirked to himself, it was a lovely lullaby sang from Temari as Shikamaru decided to make a small tuna sandwich for both of them and have a waiting glass of fresh lemonade or hot coca if they have any marshmallow that is. And Shikamaru would not go out in the rain just to buy a pack of marshmallows, which would seriously become troublesome and a waste of time.
Temari peeked out of the restroom as her body was all wrapped up especially her blonde hair in a towel. A faint blush formed from the surface of her cheek, " uh...Shikamaru um.... where’s the clothes you gave me?" as Shikamaru almost alarmed to see her astounding yet wrapped up figure as he tried hard to avoid his eyes away from her, " uh.... uh..door..the" as his mind's eyes returned a naked image of Temari again. Temari nodded and smiled, " whoops! probably miss it from all the steam haha!" as she turned to look back by half shutting the door and cried out, " Oh my! Thanks Shikamaru!" she smiled back before waving and closed the door shut to dress up.
Shikamaru wiped a sweat rolling down from his bro as he finished fixing their little snack he had made just for both of them as he turned scarlet too, " whoo boy....troublesome me..." as he took the glasses of hot coca whom he finally found marshmallows and took the sandwich along with him to the living room.

Temari came into the room where she saw Shikamaru sitting on the couch and tightening his hair that sat high in a ponytail. Temari laughed when she hear him curse. Shikamaru’s hair band broke. “Oh man, white drag, that was my last one.” Said Shikamaru dropping his hands to his sides and slumped his head down. Shikamaru lifted his head up to see a hair tie left on the table. “Kewl, I’ll just use this one.” Said Shikamaru taking the black hair tie and ready to slide the black band around his wrist making his fingers flex only to see Temari as he was ready to put his hair back up… the hair band slipped and shot him in the eye. “Ugh! Crap! (Looking down to see where it fell) Dam that band matches the flooring.” Shinkamaru feels with his hand and finally locates the band. Temari sat next to Shikamaru; he finally got his hair back up in the same fashion ponytail. Shikamaru pointed out the sandwich he made along with the hot chocolate. Temari grabbed the sandwich first, nearly finishing it she placed her sandwich half way gone on the plate where she took the hot cup of hot chocolate. Temari just about burned her tongue. “OMG I guess I should test this before I even take a drink.” Said Temari placing the mug back down and began fanning her mouth. Shikamaru tried to hold in his laughter. “Sorry, I guess I make it too hot.” Said Shinkamaru.

Temari looked back at Shinkamaru telling him that she was sorry to see what happened to his Sensei Asuma. Shikamaru sank in the couch more placing his feet up on the coffee table only to notice the last minute that he smashed his sandwich with his shoes. “Oh man.” Said Shikamaru removing his feet, too late to save the sandwich now. Shikamaru took off his shoes. Temari got up to remove the plates, and brought them to the kitchen counter. Temari returned and sat on the couch. Just before the two could even speak, the power went out right after a lightening bolt went off outside. “Man, what a drag! At least we have the fire as our light…err sort of.” Said Shikamaru. “I wonder…if Sakura had her baby yet, it’s been hours. I hope everything went ok.” Asked Temari.

Shikamaru thought to himself for a moment. “When I first heard about Sakura and her baby with Sasuke, I was hopping that it was just a lousy rumor, only to realize it was true.” Said Shikamaru, he turned to see Temari holding on her arms and appeared to be cold. Shikamaru draped his arm around Temari pulling her closer to him. Temari blushed, but was glad that the lights were out from the power going out. “How is Kankuro doing, he’s by himself now right?” asked Shikamaru. “No, Kankuro isn’t by himself at all. What do you mean by that? Because I’m not with him to keep him company or something?”  asked Temari. “I was referring to Kankuro and Dawn. How is he taking things now that Dawn had a baby from her own Teammate and Leader Vince?” asked Shikamaru. “He, still feels that it was his fault for even getting starting a fight with Dawn and Osiris. Long story of how. But what was done is done.” Said Temari. “Well, are they back again or no more?” asked Shikamaru. “They are back together.” Before Temari could finish, Shinkamaru spoke up. “Then why isn’t Dawn here? I can understand why Gaara isn’t here. He & Tausha are waiting for their first baby.” Asked Shikamaru.

“Well, Kira had her baby a month ago. When she had the baby, Dawn told Kankuro that she was pregnant…with his child. So Kankuro is happy about that. Well, the two was suppose to be up here to see what they are going to have. But since Sakura started her labor and going to have the baby. Kankuro left with me to come here. Making sure that Sasuke didn’t do any harm to both Sakura & the baby.” Said Temari. “Kankuro and Dawn are back together then eh? That’s good plus they are expecting a baby…so soon after Dawn just had a baby with Vince?” asked Shikamaru. Temari took the towel off her head. “I guess yea. But at least it’s good to Kankuro happy about Dawn pregnant and having his baby. Ophelia is excited about Dawn and plans to make a few cute out fits for their baby already she’s made a dozen or so. I wish I had that sort of talent…making your own clothing.” Said Temari.

Temari’s phone rang; she gets up off the couch and feels her way down the hallway to look for it. Cursing to herself as she ran into the wall, and a few things. Finally locating her phone she answered it. It was Naruto on the phone telling her that things are alright for now and that Sakura had her baby. Temari headed back down to sit back on the couch next to Shinkamaru. “What did Sakura have Naruto?” asked Temari Shikamaru listening in to the conversation. “She had a boy, and a big boy at that. But everyone else there is keeping their eyes peeled incase Sasuke shows up around there.” Said Naruto. “What did Sakura name the baby?” asked Temari wondering if Sakura named the baby just yet. “No name yet…after all, she’s still getting over what happened to her back then and the delivery seemed long and tiring for her. No one knows the name yet.” Said Naruto. Naruto informed to her about how He and a few others are going to be on the look out for Sasuke then hung up the phone. Temari flipped her cell phone and sighed. “Is Sakura ok now she had the baby?” asked Shikamaru. “Sort of, * Sighs again * It’s like going back all over again when Dawn had her baby from Orochimaru. The only difference was that she and the baby nearly died.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to; but…did Orochimaru…use Dawn?” asked Shikamaru. “He…he did more than just using her, I’m not going into detail of how. But I am sure that at one time he planed to use her mainly of the abilities she was capable of using. Orochimaru wanted power, using us the people from our Suna village Just so he can buy some time to destroy Konaha, and ended up killing Sarutobi. A lot has happened then; now with Sakura and the arrival of her baby. It’s like bringing back horrible memories again.’ Said Temari tossing her cell phone on the floor.

Shikamaru reliving the moment where Hiden killed his Sensei, and telling Kurenai the news. Worse part was that the baby she was caring was Asuma’s and he would never get the chance to be there for both Kurenai and the baby. Temari looked over at Shikamaru he looked down and was reliving the last moment of his sensei’s fight and the bad news he had to send to Kurenai. Temari made her move on him placing her hand under Shikamaru’s chin. Shikamaru looked up at Temari at first still dazed at what happened to his sensei only to realize what Temari was going to do. Temari kissed him. Shikamaru paused for a moment to ask if Temari if she was in an uncomfortable position. It snapped in Shikamaru’s mind too late to realize what he said. Temari smiled at him and made him turn her way tugging at him. Shikamaru looses his balance and the two fell back. Temari down on the couch Shikamaru on top of her. His cheeks flushed. Temari giggled at him. “Women are so troublesome.” Said Shikamaru. “What are you going to do about it Ne?” asked Temari. Shinkamaru kissed Temari this time catching her off guard. Shikamaru paused for a moment. “Mmm… Chocolate” said Shikamaru continuing on kissing Temari.

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