TFOTFW: Chapter 40


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Chapter 40: Chapter 40


Chapter 40
Neji held onto Sephora at first he was planning on using his jutsu on her to calm her down, but he heard her trying to speak. Sephora was forcing herself to speak but nothing came out. All what Neji could hear was a very hoarse sound. Sephora was furious at herself not being able to speak. She tried to push away from Neji, but that failed he tugged at her letting her know that she is just too injured to push herself.
Sephora felt hopeless her head hung low her white hair curtained around her entire face she finally broke down but in silent sobs. Neji brushes Sephora’s hair away from her face with is hand while using the other hand making her lift up her chin. Not to face him, he knew that she must have gone through a lot. He basically lifted her head just enough to rest on his chest where she continued to break down in silent sobs.
Out in the hallway of the hospital Kiba and Sai ran to see how Sephora was doing only to be clobbered and flew back from the force of impact. Sai knew who threw that sort of blow.
“Owe Sakura, we came here to see how the girl was. I have met her only once in the Water fall village, only to suddenly see her here beaten up badly. I need to know if she is ok.” Asked Sai as he got up to his feet.
“Bullshit Sai! As of right now that girl barely made it alive therefore she will be here for a while that’s how bad she is. Now get out of here before I knock your sorry ass into a coma!” demanded Sakura.
Kiba got onto his feet. “Whooh whooh, wait a minute here Sakura… your not going to do that to me too are ya?”
“No, only to Sai. But I don’t want anyone to visit my patient she is in critical condition.” Said Sakura folding her arms up to her chest.
“Well then why is Neji inside visiting your patient?” Asked Sai only to get blindsided by another blow to his face this time hurdling his body further and slamming hard against the wall knocking him out cold.
Sakura didn’t say anything at all as she walked away leaving a stunned Kiba standing by himself.
A Month passed by, Temari finally had her babies. She had twin girls they were 2 weeks over due, but all are healthy and happy. Chouji had come over to help out Shikamaru on the small things running errands here and there. The Nara house was very busy and not all got their full sleep even poor Enti who had to share his room with his new baby sisters all they did was take turns crying.
Back at the Hospital
Sephora recovered and was sitting in Tsunade’s office with Neji. Sephora told everything of what had happen in the Water Fall Village, how she and her teammates arrived there, however two of her teammates were killed by Glacier. She brought up the part on how her own teammate Nicodemus had chosen to be by Glacier’s side after he saw his sister lying dead on the ground. Nicodemus killed Leon who stood a few feet away blaming him for killing his sister.
 The conversation was about to end until there was a knock at the door; Tsunade was agitated but somewhat knew who it was at the door.
“Come in before I change my mind” said Tsunade.
The door cracked open, Anko stepped in the office walked up to the desk and bowed at her.
“Forgive my intrusion Tsunade; I was over heard Kakashi and Naruto talking about a mission. Just wanted to know if you want me to attend to this mission.” Asked Anko.
“Fine, we need as many as we can get in this mission.” Finished Tsunade.
Anko looked a bit puzzled. “What? This sounds very serious…just how many should be dispatched on this mission?”
Tsunade unclasped her hands only to separated them as if to say “Unsure”
“Tsunade if I may suggest a selected few that I know who are the strongest for putting a stop to Glacier.?” Asked Neji.
“There’s no need to Neji, I pretty much now who is. You two can go now while I start assigning those to this mission.” Said Tsunade.
Neji and Sephora left the office and walked out of the hospital. Sephora had no where to go, and she surely didn’t want to head back to her snow village.
“So now that your out of the hospital, are you heading back to your home Sephora?” asked Neji.
Sephora only shook her head and lowered it a tad in disappointment of why she didn’t want to go home.
“Not really, All who is left of my team is Luscious and Titus. They are both in a mission in the Village of Lightning. I think they will be more shocked to hear of what happened to the other three; two were killed and the other chose to be in with Glacier. Now there will only be three of us, and no Sensei. “ said Sephora.
“Would you like to come to my place and stay there until this mission starts?” asked Neji.
Sephora stopped walking and looked at him curious and slightly shocked. “Really?” was all she said.
Neji nodded. “Come on, You can tell me more of your self and your village.”
The two headed off to the Hyuga clan.
In Suna…
Kankuro’s house felt empty & very quiet; ever since Dawn had her twins he found out that the twins she was caring was not his; another disappointed moment for his part. Soon after Dawn had her twins, Seth and a few others helped them move out of the house and taking the kids too.
What used to be a full house was now down to 3. Kaminari, Ryo, and Kankuro are all who lived in the house now. Their son barely makes a sound if and when he needed something, changing or feeding. He missed the cooking, really good cooking from Dawn, Kaminari just doesn’t like to cook in a way she’s kind a like his older sister Temari. One big difference is that he & Gaara survived her horrible and often burnt foods. Kaminari just will not have it.
 Kankuro is not a bad cook, he just hates watching to food and making sure that he doesn’t burn it. If there’s one thing that Kaminari was good at was cleaning up the place. They recently got a dog, Kankuro always wanted a dog as a kid, so he got one for Kaminari and his son. Kankuro’s part was to be the one to clean up & feed the dog.
 However, he was still sad and felt horrible when he lost his kids and Dawn for good. He’s messed up before, but this was it and it was killing him. Gaara isn’t much help, after all what Kaminari did together that was it. Gaara was pissed off and still is; while Tausha would try to convince him to drop it and not to be mad at him forever.
Kankuro has not slept in days, he now has a bad case of Insomnia to a point he started to walk in his sleep… mainly getting a snack in the kitchen. But that rarely happens. Only when he gets sleep once in a while he will sleep walk, but not all the time.
Kankuro felt ill and for a while now. Thinking that he’s allowing too many things getting to him, there was that one gut feeling that something was going to happen but just could not pin point what that is.
 Back in the Village of the Leaf
Kakashi, Naruto, Danya, and Kiba were discussing about the mission from what, who and why. Then spoke to one another about their plans on how to put a stop to this. Naruto had a nasty headache the whole morning, so did Kiba but not as bad.
“Hey, Naruto how’s your head? You still have that headache?” asked Kakashi.
“Yeah, but I wouldn’t all it your normal kind of headache. I seriously think that something bad might happen.” Finished Naruto.
“Same here, and I agree. This is not your normal kind of headache. You know Naruto he’s normal up and ready for anything even right down to eating his ramen. Danya… how about you?” asked Kiba.
“Oh geeze you guys, no need for me to explain of how I am feeling. I think everyone has that sort of feeling something bad is coming up. I have a lot on my mind, this mission, and other things. I seriously think something bad will happen and will not stop. You both gets headaches, mine are non stop nightmares but I cannot remember of who or what.” Said Danya.
At the Hyuga clan…
Neji and Sephora were talking to one another, until a subject of a few shinobis shocked Sephora.
“Um, is there something about the shinobis that you are afraid of Sephora?” asked Neji.
“Well, only the two; Vince and Dawn its not so much of how they fight or anything. Its more of how they are when there is a serious fight or battle. Both fight, but in ways its like they are not themselves. Like another personality or something. Um this probably doesn’t make any sense to you.” Said Sephora.
 â€śWell, I really don’t know them that well; I have seen how Dawn is and fights. She does have a darker side to her, but see she has two Dragons inside of her. Think of them as a Ying and Yang; however The dark Dragon is what brings out the Dark Dawn.
As for Vince, uh well; he’s tricky for me to pinpoint on just who he really is. He killed off a group of rouge ninjas with Naruto, Kaminari, and Kakashi. One of the ninja said something about Vince, Kakashi went to hear just what he was going to say. He forced one name and pointed to Vince… Vicious. Since then no one really knows just what that was all about.” Said Neji.
“I do…” said Sephora.
“You what? You do? What is it then?” asked Neji.
“That’s Vince’s real name; if you don’t believe me, see for yourself the next time you see his Chinese Fork Swords his “REAL” name is engraved on both of his swords. I know little about him; but he can be like his real name Vicious to people…even me.” Finished off Sephora.
“You; on what and when was this?” asked Neji.
“Oh it was awhile back; He fought against Nicodemus, and Titus. Vicious … well as you know him as Vince he almost killed my teammates. A for me, I basically came in at the wrong time I walked in on him during what I thought was some sort of dispute of his teammate Dawn… I was nearly killed by his own hand telling me that I shouldn’t be ease dropping on people. He hit me hard enough that I blacked out.” Said Sephora.
“Well, that was then and I’m sure you never did got over that.” Asked Neji.
Sephora slightly nodded. She fiddled with her kimono that Neji’s Uncle handed to him for her to change in. She was fiddling with the hem of the sleeve. Off the distance Neji’s Uncle was listening to their conversation; he wanted to know more about not just about Sephora but Vince and Dawn. Both still was a mystery to him until he heard just what was Vince’s real name was. He was glad to have Sephora over in his clan. He moved and began walking up to the two.
“Forgive my intrusion, I just wanted to let you know Sephora…that your other teammates are more than welcome to stay here with us incase they wondered where you were. Oh, and another thing…I had Hinata and her sister prepare a room for you.” Said Neji’s Uncle.
“Oh… thank you.” Said Sephora.

A few hours later they all had dinner, and soon afterwards headed off to bed.

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