TFOTFW: Chapter 2


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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Kira's Death

“Are you really that dense, you surprise me Neji clearly you would have seen this coming a mile if not more that that away.” Said Lilith as Gavin picked himself up from the ground. Neji merely sneered at the comment form Lilith. “No, we are not body guard of Orochimaru, incase you have forgotten he’s dead! Furthermore, we are here to avenge those that once was allies with us.” Said Gavin as he started to rudely walk away. “Allies? How the hell are they? And well, from the looks of it seems that you are battling with us.” Said Ken rubbing the side of his face after getting hit hard by Lilith.

“Oh man, what a drag! Uh Guys… we need reinforcements…as in NOW!” Yelled Shinkamaru, standing next to Temari and Kankuro. The rest of the gang looked on and noticed more ninjas coming their way. “Oh man, not all of us are capable of fighting every single one of them.” Yelled Temari. A weapon heading towards Temari’s way struck her on her back. Her clothing ripped, and showed a large gash, and Temari went down landing on her knees. “Temari!” screamed both Kankuro & Shinkamaru. Shinkamaru went to Temari while Kankuro used his puppet attacking the ninjas. He too didn’t see the weapon coming his way. Ninja starts and 4 Kunais came his way. Three stuck Kankuro, as he felt the presence of more weapons flying his way he dodged the attack barely. He pulls out 2 of the ninja stars but the one Kunai was stuck on his thigh off the side of his right leg.

On the other side Kira, Kohaku and Kai fighting off the ninjas. “Dammit, these are clones, not shadow clones, but real living ninja clones.” Said Kohaku holding her ground and was soon knocked off her feet be a ninja, something sharp stuck the side of her abdomen. She stood up only to fall back down with a loud cry. Kai and Kira looked to see Kohaku injured and really bad. “Tsunade!” screamed Kira, but soon realized that Tsunade was in the battle along with everyone else. Kai was kicking ass, soon Hitori jumped in the battle. “What happened?” asked Hitori. “Not.. really .. the time.. right now Hitori.” Said Kai dodging every attack along side with Hitori.

“Shino…” yelled Kira, but all she could hear are clangs and the sound of others getting their flesh ripped apart. Someone was standing over Kira, with weapon in hand she struck Kira behind her knocking her out. Kira falls over on top of Kohaku. Makoto not to far off felt something was very wrong, he looked for Kira. Glancing everywhere only to see two slumped bodies on the ground. “KIRA!” Screamed out Makoto. He quickly moves over to Kira only to stop in front of a gigantic guy that looked horribly deformed. All that deformed man did was laugh in an odd tone. Makoto getting impatience about to strike, but was picked up by his neck. The deformed man laughing and tightening his grip around Makoto’s throat. Makoto nearing to black out, until he over heard two familiar voices in the background. “Makoto!” screamed both and off a far distance Ken & Tausha. Running with full speed to help their fellow teammate. One stopped Tausha and sending her a few feet back hard against the tree. Now Tausha knocked out slumped at the tree and now with a broken arm. Ken saw who it was that did it. “You Bitch!” came from now an angry Ken. “Close, it’s Katsume” Katsume now gearing up for another deadly attack. Ken getting ready only to feel wind pass him, he looked in the direction to see Katsume standing over Kira. Ken is stuck and had no idea which one he should attend to most, Makoto or Tausha. Seeing that Tausha didn’t appear to be in harms way at the moment Ken chose to help his Teammate Makoto.

“Why Makoto, you seem to have placed yourself into me trap. You see, (Katsume revealing her sword) I planned on having you were you are now. So that you can watch… ( Katsume gets closer to Kira with her sword in hand and thrusts the sword in Kira ) your Kira.. Die.” Said Katsume as she just glared at Makoto with hate full eyes at him. A grin appearing, then a full smile across her lips. The ground where both Kohaku & Kira laid started to turn red. Ken stopped dead in his tracks skidding on the ground stirring up dirt. He was in utter shock of what Katsume did to both Kohaku & Kira. Filled with rage, and seeing Makoto Ken took his weapon and made sure that it solely hit the deformed guy. Makoto unable to speak or do anything at all for that matter in the situation he was in, he was hoping for death until he felt the tension around his throat loosen and letting Makoto drop on the ground hard.

Makoto now free, was now breathing in air, and coughing a lot. Struggling to go to Kira he over heard Ken’s weapon hitting the deformed guy that once held Makoto. “Die!” Yelled Ken as he swung his weapon around and swung it hard against the Deformed man’s head crushing his skull. Ken kept on impaling him with every hard blow. Ken’s last blow attack ended with the deformed man now in half chucks and blood smeared over Ken’s weapon and himself, he looked over at Katsume.

Makoto crawled to both Kira & Kohaku. Makoto carefully rolled Kira off of Kohaku. Shino came out of nowhere, but came there for Kohaku. Shino himself wasn’t feeling well, and was nearing out of his chakra limits. Sakura who was with Shino, helped Kohaku but was interrupted by Shino. “No, Kohaku is and will be ok.. I have some bandages, look after Kira Sakura.” Said Shino as he picked into his pocket and began bandaging up Kohaku. Sakura froze when she saw Kira’s condition, and was afraid of not only on what to do, but what to say to Makoto.

Ken breathing in hard, and still eying at Katsume. Katsume ready for the attack, but was cut in a lot of areas of her body. Turning around to see Lilith. “You have some nerve to be showing up here Katsume!” said Lilith as she raised up her kunai and using her eyes to see if there’s any areas that Katsume was injured or even for an old injury. Instead, she remembered what Kabuto showed her a way to defeat the appoint. Lilith was fast and struck Katsume in only two areas. Now Katsume was helpless and unable to move.

Lilith kneels down to Katsume’s level. “Now you see why it is that Orochimaru never liked you; you think highly too much for yourself and in the end… it will kill you. Odd I figured you would have figured that simple part out. Orochimaru’s own words to you. Yet, once again… you failed.” Said Lilith as she stood up only to slam her fist hard on top of Katsume’s shoulder, breaking it into 3 places.

Makoto holding Kira and trying to stop the bleeding, his hand covering the deep wound but it still flowed and now staining his hand with her blood. Sakura began to tear up, she really didn’t want to say anything, and surely did not want Kira to die. “I’m…so.. sorry (chocking up, and trying hard as hell not to break down) There’s nothing that I can really do.” Said Sakura now staring down and clutching the grass in her hands. Makoto felt like he died twice, now pissed off and yet didn’t care if he died with Kira. Makoto pulled Kira closer to him his head buried on Kira’s chest. He could hear the heart beat fading away.

Further away where Gaara, Naruto, Vince and Dawn are gearing up for the big battle. A sudden jolt and something struck Dawn hard, breaking her focus on the battle. Falling to her knees and coughing up blood. Gaara went in for the attack, both Vince and Naruto paused and looked at Dawn and now worried on what happened to her. Just when the two was about to get near her Seth stopped them. “No, don’t get near her. Get as far away as possible now.” Said Seth in s more serious tone of voice. Confused both Naruto & Vince. “Why in the hell should we trust you for anyways?” asked Naruto. “SIGHLENCE!” yelled Seth. “Seth! Katsume stabbed Kira! We need to..” yelled Gavin as he didn’t finish what he was going to say as he noticed Dawn and looked back up at his leader Seth.  â€śOh shit! Seth.. we really need to get the hell out of here NOW!” said Gavin looking more terrified than ever.

Before Seth could say anything, the ground vibrated. He stopped in his tracks. “Shit! Naruto, Vince get as far away form here as possible. Get everyone out of here unless you plan on burring everyone now.” Said Seth. “Why? There must be something that you left out on why & Dawn’s condition.” Asked Naruto. “Kira is actually Dawn’s sister… ( the ground thunders more) her older twin sister.” Said Vince making Naruto freak out even more. “Say What!” yelled Naruto.

Everyone else that was in the ninja battle stopped as they too felt the ground vibrate, and thunder under their feet even more. Jiraiya, Tsunade feared the worse. “Hinata!” yelled Jiraiya. Hinata ran to him to see what he wanted. “I want you to use your Byakugan.” asked Jiraiya. Hinata used her Byakugan, and saw a lot of fellow Leaf villagers injured, and others from different villages too. Hinata picked up two bad things and panicked. “Kira’s … she’s… dead. But, there’s something very strong and violent coming… ( Hinata’s eyes widen in horror) Dawn’s Myrith’s Wrath is growing larger & there is something in the black mist.. We must get out of here right away!” said Hinata looking at Tsunade.

Lilith glanced at Kira, and fear took over her. “Everyone stay put, something really bad is going to happen. I will set up a barrier, until then.. DO NOT MOVE, or you will die.” Said Lilith as she summoned her Persian Python  snake to retrieve Tausha and bringing her to where they are standing. “If you know what’s is happening, what was that vibration we had including that second thundering vibration?” asked Sakura wiping her tears away from here eyes. Lilith looked off in the far direction worried about her leader Seth who went to battle, but felt that he knew something bad took place. “That vibration you & everyone else felt was coming from Dawn; she can feel the affects from Kira. Only this time triggered her Myrith’s Wrath into more of a violent rage.” Said Lilith. “Whoh… hold on.. if Dawn can feel what happened to Kira… I.. Ok I don’t get it.” Said Ken looking more confused. “Kira is Dawn’s older twin sister. Furthermore neither one of them even knew that. Until this moment they will.” Said Lilith.

Makoto heard nothing more from Kira’s heart beat. Makoto burring his head more and holding onto Kira tightly. Kira’s head hung and her arms limp. The now lifeless body of Kira. Ken falling on his knees, and felt horrible and didn’t want to hurt Makoto by saying anything. Tausha woke up slightly light headed, Ken held on to her and making sure that not only she didn’t move but to see what just happened.

A red Bird flew by, and someone appeared in front of the mourning group. A tall woman with bright red hair and silver eyes stood near Makoto. She knelt down and placed her hand on Makoto’s shoulder. Not getting a response, but she knew of why. Placing her other hand on Kira’s head a few inches away, her hand began to glow white. Moving her hand slowly to the wound was her hand began to grow brighter. To everyone’s surprise watching the wound heal and soon disappear.

“Who…Who are you?” asked Sakura and Ken. “My name is Angelica, I am a Hybrid. Kira’s would is healed and she will not be up for three days. I came here to aid those that are in need.” Said Angelica. “Oh now I know you, your with Vince. I didn’t know what you did, well until now.” Said Ken as he began to blush a bit as Angelica knelt down to him where she touched Tausha’s arm and healed it. “I need to make this quick. I need you all to return home, lock up everything by means of doors, windows anything that allowed air to come in, must be sealed.” Asked Angelica. “Something bad is going to happen here isn’t it?” asked Shino. “Yes, and this is why I came here.” Said Angelica but was cut off short by Kankuro. “You! You almost killed Dawn.!” Said Kankuro yelling at her. Dragging his one leg, he was in great pain. Kankuro over pushing himself in the battle was beat up, and could barely move much further. But wanted to hit Angelica for what she almost did the last time.

“Spare me of your threats Kankuro, I did not come here to kill her. The Myrith’s Wrath is the one we all should be worried about. The stronger it grows and once the wings are spread out only then should we all worry. If you think Orochimaru’s forbidden jutsu of bringing up the dead to life was bad… you don’t want to be there when the Myrith’s Wrath is able & capable of brining thousands of the dead back to life and using them in battle.” Said Angelica.

On the other side where the group of four stood.

Gaara stopped his attack only to notice a change in the air. Landing on the ground and looking back to Dawn, he panicked. Remembering of what took place two years ago before. “Dawn!” screamed Gaara as he rushed to her hoping to stop Dawn’s Myrith’s Wrath from growing but stopped as he saw the black mist forming around her. “Oh no! DAWN!” Gaara screamed at Dawn hoping to get her out of her state, but it didn’t work. Vince and Seth looked at Gaara & Dawn. Vince’s eyes glowed more and pulsated. He could fell the poison rising from the black mist and had to put a stop to it right away.

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