TFOTFW: Chapter 38


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Chapter 38: Chapter 38


Chapter 38
Kankuro sat off the side of the bar outside with is head hanging low. Feeling the effects of sheer melancholy. He got Kaminari pregnant and now has a son, worse he lost Dawn forever for he failed again. His heart was broken up into pieces his eyes are inflamed from crying to himself earlier plus rubbing his eyes a lot. Kankuro trepidation the very though of what his little brother would do to him right now.
 Someone was walking up to Kankuro, he refused to see who it was. He over heard a can opening up in addition to the sound of fizz hissing out of the can. Kankuro had a feeling who it might be. Kankuro didn’t care anymore as he looked up to see a towering Vince holding a huge can of Guinness beer in his hand.
“Jesus Christ…man you look like shit Kankuro.” said Vince as he used his trench coat placing it on the ground as a cushion for his ass and sat next to Kankuro.
“Yea well, I feel like shit… thanks for pointing that out.” Said Kankuro.
Vince placed his beer off the side as he dug through his pocket of the trench coat searching for his cigarettes and Zippo lighter. Locating the right pocket pulling it out and was about to light one up himself.. he looked over at Kankuro offering one to him.
Kankuro looked at the pack for a moment before he decided to take one our from the silver case. Taking the Zippo lighter, Kankuro flinched when the flame just about light up and would have burned his face.
“Shit man, why do you have this so dam high for? Smoking some Crack or something?” a slight taunt from Kankuro.
Vince laughed at his commentary.” At least you still have a scene of humor no I don’t do crack…Moron. I have it set on high because of the dam hurricane like weather conditions we get here in Suna.” Vince snatched his lighter back as he lit up his cigarette taking in a large drag. Letting it sit before exhaling it out from his nostrils.
“How is Jayda? I heard she was rushed over to the hospital what happened?” asked Kankuro
“Oh, She caught a nasty flu Influenza type A whish sucks for Jayda to take these meds that tastes like shit but it’s suppose to be safe and efficient for her and the baby she’s caring.” Said Vince as he took another drag from his cigarette.
“Man that really sucks, is she going to stay there for a while or will she be able to go home?” asked Kankuro taking a drag letting it out of his nostrils and mouth.
“Not for another week, unless the dam drugs kicks in she maybe able to return home. Jason is watching Nivalis for a while, until Jayda gets better.” Vince taking the can of beer taking a swallow.
In the Hospital…
 Tausha and Shin were getting ready to leave the hospital with Gaara. As they headed home Gaara know that Tausha wanted to know why Gaara looked so down and why he’s been really quiet. As they arrived home Tausha put Shin in the bassinet as he continued to sleep, she turned on the baby monitor and headed into the living room where Gaara sat in the chair. Tausha walked up to Gaara and asked him what was troubling his mind. At first Gaara really didn’t want to but decided to tell everything of what had happen.
After explaining to Tausha of what happened to Kaminari, Seth, Kankuro & Dawn. Tausha was floored of what she heard. She felt sad at first but irritated of what Kankuro and Kaminari did ended up having a son. While the entire time Seth thought Kaminari was caring his son. Gaara was beat and all he wanted to do is get some sleep, he practically welcomed sleep he found it to be the only calming thing he could do to ease his mind. Often Gaara would reject the very idea of ever sleeping especially that one night finding out that his son was abducted.
Gaara got off the chair as he took Tausha’s hand walking upstairs to their bedroom where Shin was still sleeping. Gaara headed into the shower hoping that a quick hot shower would help him get to sleep sooner. Tausha changed her clothes and got in the bed and watched her little newborn sleep.
The next morning Gaara was woken up by the sound of his cell phone. Tausha mumbled to Gaara in her sleep daze for him to answer the phone. Still groggy Gaara grabs his cell phone to answer he looked at the time & who was calling.
Gaara flipped his phone open to answer the call getting up off the bed and walked out of the bedroom. Half way down the hallway Gaara stopped to hear Malikite telling him that Dawn had the twins. It wasn’t just that, he knew Dawn was having twins… it was what Malikite told Gaara that made him stop mid way.
“Wait a minute, you telling me that the twins Dawn had…is Seth’s?” asked Gaara.
“No, no, actually I think this is all a good thing. I need to go; I will see you in the office later on.” Gaara flipped his cell phone close in his hand tapping his cell phone on the side of his leg as he let the news sink into his head more. A small smile grew on his face. He turned on his heal and returned back to the bedroom to get dressed and also to let Tausha know that Dawn had her twins.
In the Village of Snow…
Sephora waited for her teammates to arrive. Willow was the first to arrive; half an hour later finally the other two showed up Nicodemus and his younger sister Victoria.
 â€śYour late you two; your really testing my patience.” Said Sephora as she tried to settle her temptation of kicking their asses.
“You say that often to the point we just don’t buy in to that crap anymore; besides… what is it this time?” asked Victoria rudely.
“Something or someone in the Water Village is hiding themselves from a S-rank. Furthermore; this mission we are about to embark will not be like the other missions we had before. We have to be on the look out on a few Missing Nins Uchiha Sasuke, Katsume, Kabuto, and the S-Rank Criminals. Uchiha Itachi, Kisame, and Xio.” Sephora pointed out to her teammates showing them each one of the people, right down from their picture and their bio in the see through spear that she held in her hand.
“Nicodemus, Victoria, you head off first; I will be with Sephora as we will tag along near by getting leads form each village we pass.” Said Willow.
Nicodemus cracked his knuckles a deep chuckle escaped out of his mouth. “How nice of you to allow Victoria and myself in taking the lead.” Nicodemus smirked looking at the two as he and his sister took off.
“You know, I seriously do not trust them. Sephora… do you think…” Willow never got a chance to finish.
“Yes, and I know what you are going to ask me, right now we shall stay silent apparently we are being closely watched.” Said Sephora as she and Willow took off fallowing Nicodemus and Victoria.
Kisame and Itachi appeared in the same place where Sephora and Willow last stood.
“Well, they are in for a rude awakening. So what are we suppose to do for now sitting back and watch the show?” asked Kisame.
“No, we are to keep an close eye on the one girl who deals with Glacier. The one that had refused to allow to transform back. Making sure that Nicodemus will not lay a hand on her; you know as well as I do what he does.” Said Itachi.
“Oh yea, well I don’t really get him… he’s just as eccentric moreover anomalous like Orochimaru.” Kisame placed his sword in the snow resting his one left arm on the hilt of his sword.
“We must head off soon; and make sure that no one notices we are fallowing them.” Said Itachi.
Kisame yanked his over sized sword out of the snow draping it over his shoulder like he’s done so many times before and started to head off fallowing Itachi to the Water Fall Village.


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