TFOTFW: Chapter 18


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Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Back in Konaha…

Sakura was rushed over to the hospital, her Mother, Naruto and Lee helped Sakura there and are on the look out for Sasuke if he ever showed up and attempted to do harm to Sakura or worse to the baby. Naruto and Lee stood out in the waiting room. Kakashi, and Asuma kept guard at Sakura’s door while she was going into labor. The only people allowed with Sakura were her Mother, and Hinata.

Jiraiya was up on the rooftop just above where Sakura’s room was. Watching for any signs of Sasuke, if he showed up he and the Anbu team would be ready for battle. Ino, Shinkamaru, and Kiba showed up in the hospital where they saw both Lee & Naruto in the waiting room. “How is Sakura doing?” asked Ino with her hands in her pockets. “She’s in labor, that’s all we know; all of the Anbu are out guarding the village and Jiraiya is up on the rooftop making sure that Sakura and her baby will be safe.” Said Lee. “Man, it’s not right what Sasuke did to Sakura; He’d be dammed to show himself back here, and the nerve to try attacking anyone.” Said Kiba. “I only came here to speak to you Naruto, its important.” Said Shinkamaru. The two walked halfway down the hallway to have their discussion. “I wonder what Shinkamaru has to say to Naruto.” Asked Ino. “Well, between the weather we are dealing with here, and Sakura going into labor…I have a bad feeling something might happen. Akamaru isn’t here with me, not just because not pets allowed here; but he’s been acting as if there was some sort of threat was nearing him… or us.” Said Kiba.

“Naruto, you know as well as Kiba and I…Sasuke might show up.” Said Shinkamaru with his arms folded up to his chest. “Right…We need to gather as many people and make sure that nothing happens to Sakura and her baby. I’ll call…” before Naruto could finish his cell phone rang. Answering the call, it was Neji. Naruto’s eye widens and looked up at Shinkamaru. “Shit…” was all Naruto said. Shinkamaru narrowed his eyebrows. “Dammit, Let go! (Shinkamaru turned around ran down the hallway with Naruto) Ino Stay here, Kiba lets go!”

The Three ran out of the Hospital. “Uh Hey! You guys! What’s going on?” asked Ino only to be stopped by Lee grabbing onto her arm. “No, you should stay here like Shinkamaru said.” Said Lee. Ino yanked her arm out of Lee’s grasp. “Why are you not tagging along with them Lee?” asked Ino looking rather miffed she wanted to join with the guys, she knew of what they were after. I plan to stay here to, not just for my own sake, but to guard Sakura making sure that Sasuke or anyone of his henchmans don’t make it in here or near Sakura!” said Lee making Ino relax a bit. “True, Ino looks back at Lee) you really care for Sakura don’t you?” “I do, but this better not be your idea of thinking now you have a chance at Sasuke…Especially after what he has done!” said Lee. Ino taken back from what Lee’s comment. “Wha? That was back then, before he left Konaha, and far before of what…he did to Sakura. How Dare you to even think or assumed what was going on in my mind!” said Ino pissed off she was about to walk away form him but ran into a tall man. “Hey! Why don’t you… (Ino looks up) uh…” Ino never got a chance to finish when she saw a man standing tall down at her. “I know where I was going, but you clearly didn’t pay attention.” Said Leon with his hands resting on Ino, basically preventing from her from falling back from the impact.

“Leon? Hey your form the Water Village, what brings you hear?” asked Lee. Leon looked over at Lee and smiled; Leon moved his hands away from Ino as moved to greet Lee. Ino blushed she didn’t bother turning around yet. Turning her eye to the corner and saying to herself * OMG! What a hottie! Leon *squeals * Oh he smells so good! *

TenTen showed up with Jayda and paused to see Ino blushing. “Oh looks like Ino must have met Leon.” Said Jayda pointing out Ino making TenTen laugh. Ino snapped out of her trance and gave the two girls the look of annoyance. “TenTen… and...uh who are you?” asked Inu. Jayda standing near Ino; she was from the Water Village just like Leon. Her hair was shoulder length, the front of her hair was long. Dark blue eyes and jet back hair. Her outfit was in blue with white trim, her top however stood out the most. She was tall too at 6’1 Dam!

“I am Jayda, I’m in Leon’s team.” Said Jayda walking up to Ino placing her arm around her shoulder and Whispered to her ear “Someone is blushing…could it be that you have a crush on my teammate & leader?” asked Jayda. Ino froze in place, but saw TenTen off the side giggling at her. “I… uh… What?” Said Ino blushing more. Jayda giggled at her turning her head at TenTen letting her know she was going to grab a drink and if she wanted one. “Nah I’m good thank though.” Said TenTen. Jayda left the waiting room to get herself a drink. Ino ran to Tenten grabbing onto her arm and dragging her around the corner.

“TenTen…I haven’t heard form you in a few days… I wanted to know how things are with you & Neji?” asked Ino. “Uh, Neji and…me? (Ino nods) Uhh…nothing at all. He’s been with… himself.” Said TenTen. Ino didn’t understand why. “Uh, but… Since Neji and Danya broke up… I thought…” Ino never finished. “No, they are just going through a rough time so he’s seeing no one.” Said TenTen. “Well, then…who are you seeing?” asked Ino. TenTen smiled and pointed her index finger up. “On one condition…(Ino Listens & agrees) You got to follow what Jayda has for you.” Asked TenTen. “Meh whatever it is I’m up for it…bring it on!” said Ino completely unaware of what she just agreed to. **Oh no… WTH did I just agree whatever Jayda had for *gulps* Me?? **

“I’m seeing Kiba.” Said TenTen; Ino flipped out. “Eh?! Kiba?”
“Yea, actually he asked me out, and well (TenTen blushes) I actually like him. Ino’s face expression went blank. “Um wow, I wouldn’t have expected to see the two of you. I don’t get it… you guys used to fight... I mean fight a lot at each other’s throats.” Said Ino looking puzzled to see why now they are together. And furthermore, WTH is she blushing for anyways. Something clicked in Ino’s mind. “Wait a minute…TenTen you…” before she could finish TenTen looked away blushing madly. Jayda found the two girls gossiping to one another. “So…Ino (Ino Turns to see Jayda) Who is this Sasuke I’m over hearing? I walked by Leon and  um.. bushy-brow guy saying something about Sasuke and how he might show up here?” asked Jayda. “He…(Ino dips her head down and sighs) He used to be in our village, and well he’s considered in my mind no friend anymore, especially what he has done.”
Jayda nodded “I see…went from good to bad. Hey, I need to know if you know anyplace in town where to get some piece and quiet, normally I’d just hang out outside, but the weather and the issue of this Sasuke everyone is talking about kind a eliminates the fins here.”

“Maybe the newly built Mediating house? I hear it helps people trying to relax and or focus on their missions there. The walls are pretty thick enough that if there’s a blast outside… no one in there will even notice it. That’s the only place I know of, I might head over there myself.” Said Ino. “Oh ok, because I normally would hang out in the library, but they are closed due to what’s going on around here.” Said Jayda

Ino let the girls know where she would be, and let TenTen know when Sakura has her baby. Ino left, leaving the two girls by themselves. TenTen smiled at Jayda. “You’ve got something you plan on Ino?” asked TenTen. Jayda only smiled.


Naruto, Kiba and Shinkamaru met up with Neji, Kankuro, and Temari. Neji informed to all of them of the whereabouts of Sasuke and his group are. But there was one that bothered Neji. “Everyone is doing their part in keeping an eye out for Sasuke and his group. But, there’s one…Hiden!” “Something is wrong…very wrong.” Said Shinkamaru looking off the distance. “We should head over there and see this…Hiden; Neji use your Byakugan let us know what happening or if anything is happening.” Asked Naruto Neji used his Byakugan.

Neji saw a battle between both Hiden and Asuma. “Shinkamaru, your senseis is in an intense battle and its not looking good.” Said Neji. Without hesitating everyone fallowed both Neji & Shinkamaru to the scene of the battle.

The Group arrives and seen the damage was done. Asuma taking the Fatal fall Hiden allowing himself not for the attack but for allowing his injuries and blood transfer into Asuma. The once coming from Asuma A fatal blow to Hiden’s chest crushing his heart.. Hiden done and transferred the damage right back at Asuma. Damage done and no going back. Shinkamaru went to his fallen Sensei. Everyone else stood there in disbelief of the death of Asuma. Shinkamaru reached into Asuma’s top pocket where he took the pack of cigarettes and lighter. In memory & Honor of his Sensei; Shinkamaru takes a cigarette out of the pack, and lights it up. One thing hung in the back of his mind and bothered him a great deal. What the hell and how can he just return to the Apartment where Asuma’s wife lived Kurenai. She was pregnant with Asuma’s baby. “Shinkamaru…” came the worried Temari draping her arm around Shinkamaru’s waist.

Kakashi and Gai stood near by the group and saw Asuma. Everyone stood in silence. The Medical ninjas came by to pick up Asuma and take him to the hospital. The rest of the group followed the medical ninja, but never went inside of the hospital for two reason, one the loss of Asuma the other was Sakura having her baby.

“We have to continue to be on the look out incase Sasuke shows up.”  said Gai Kakashi nodded and the two disappeared. Neji used his Byakugan to see if Sakura had the baby yet. He could see that Sakura was still in labor and it was hard labor for her to handle. “Sorry about your Sensei Shinkamaru.” Said Naruto looking down at the ground. “Thanks…but I will fulfill Asuma’s revenge no matter what.” Said Shinkamaru who continued to smoke the cigarette.

TenTen ran out of the hospital paused to see the small group in front of her. “So… what happened to Asuma is true.” Said Tenten with a sad expression on her face. Kiba took TenTen’s hand telling her to head off with him. TenTen went with Kiba leaving the group. Naruto and Kankuro said their good byes and left. Now it was only Temari standing with Shinkamaru and Neji who leaned up against the building looking down.

It began to rain again this time heavy, making the three to leave the front of the hospital. Neji went back to his place. Temari knew she might be in the way of Shinkamaru being he lost his Sensei, she decided to head back to the Inn only to feel his hand snatching her wrist. Temari look up at Shinkamaru. “Come stay with me, I’m sure Kankuro would want to be alone. Besides you were going to tell me things that were going on, I’d like to know who it is your talking about…if you don’t mind.’ Asked Shinkamaru. Temari agreed and went with Shinkamaru to his place.

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