TFOTFW: Chapter 23


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Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Tsunade passed Danya her baby girl to her. Tsunade left the room, but someone entered inside and to visit both Mother & child. Danya felt a presence and looked up to see Neji. She didn’t know what to say or if she should say anything at all. “I mainly came here to see if both you and the baby were ok. I will leave now.” Said Neji coldly at Danya. “Neji…wait I wanted to… (The door closes) thank you…” said Danya and her tears threaten to pour out of her eyes, but she would not allow it.

A week goes by, Danya and her newborn Daughter now at home. Danya felt hopeless and very alone. Neji and even Tsurento really bothered to see her or stay. Nothing, Tsurento was on her mind a lot. She didn’t understand why he didn’t come to see both her and his own daughter. Then to hear how coldly Neji just left her room. Danya slowly slipped into Post modem, she would still care and do what is needed for her newborn, but for herself she no longer cared. She even had the phone line off. Including her cell phone.

In Suna…

Gaara was pacing back & forth in the room at his place waiting for the news of Tausha and their baby. Kankuro tried to calm Gaara down & convincing him to relax. Nothing seems to work for him. Dawn was with her two boys in the guest room. Osiris was asleep Dawn was nursing Mirroth. Her condition was getting worse, She was getting tired easily, and more often not quite getting her sleep. She felt ill every time no matter what. The family of 4, mainly came to settle Gaara, and hopefully to see Tausha and the baby. Another part was for both Kankuro and Dawn to find out what they are having and how far long Dawn was. She was getting sick, and a lot of times felt helpless on the simplest tasks. Dawn’s hair has grown longer, but she started to throw her hair up into a messy bun.

Gaara stopped passing as he heard a faint cry from a newborn. Kankuro didn’t hear off the side as he sat there tired as hell and drinking coffee to keep him awake a bit more. Ophelia let Gaara inside their bedroom to see Tausha and the newborn. Kankuro felt so dam tired… he didn’t even hear Gaara running out of the room and nearly giving Kankuro a crushing bear hug. Kankuro holding the coffee mug with two hands and half way finishing the last drop.. he spilled most of it on himself.

“It’s A BOY! A BOY KANKURO!” yelled Gaara. Kankuro being lifted off his chair and squeezed to death in Gaara’s grip. “RUgh... Ugh… Can’t…Breathe…” said Kankuro. Gaara let his brother drop back into his seat. He catches his breath. “Congrad…dul…ations * Yawns long * Btw the way… enjoy your first few months of lack of sleep… Oh wait.. you never seem to have that…* Yawns again * problem… meh never mind then. I got to see how Dawn is doing.” Said Kankuro dragging his feet on the floor, and obviously heading to the wrong room & door. “Uh Kankuro? Where are you heading?” asked Makoto trying to hold on to his laugh. “I’m going to see…* Yawns * Dawn and the boys… why?”

“Oh well, I don’t think they will be in there”
“Why not?”
“Um, (Laughs) because that is the laundry room”

Makoto helps Kankuro to the room where both the boys and Dawn was in. Osiris was still asleep, Mirroth was in his basinet asleep, and Dawn crashed too. Kankuro stepped only a few feet where he let himself crash on the bed. He was beyond tired, and he was out cold on the bed lying on his stomach. The impact caused Dawn to stir slightly. “Ugh… no more ramien …for me…Please.” said Dawn returning back to sleep. Makoto left the room covering his mouth, covering his laugh. Kira walking down the hallway with her daughter in her arms. “Makoto? What are you laughing at?”
“Oh, I guess this is the longest Kankuro stayed up with Gaara. He stayed up for 3 days!”
“OMG! Three days? He must be beyond tired.”
“Yea,  (laughs again) he just about headed to the laundry room. So let him know that it was the wrong way. Helping him to his room he crashed on the bed. That was the end of him. He caused the bed to move, making Dawn wake up slightly… but it was funny what she said. “Oi no more ramien for me…please. She went back to sleep.”
“Dawn hasn’t been feeling that great lately.”

“Feeling what sick?” asked Makoto. Kira had him fallow back into the living room where she told him of the details of Dawn’s condition.

The next few days…

Kankuro took Dawn back home, Jason watched the boys and going with them back to their place. Dawn wasn’t feeling well at all, her body ached, chills, she was uncomfortable no matter what. Osiris and Mirroth were in their rooms playing. Kankuro was on the side lying next to Dawn while her brother Jason using his medical jutsu to see what was going on for the twins she was caring and her health. All seemed well, but what scared him most was that the twins inside were ready to deliver, but dawn’s body was not capable of delivery. He was hoping that she would have a normal delivery when she had Mirroth. However the boy was sitting sideways making Dawn very uncomfortable and a lot of times there were positions where it was impossible for her to move or sit a certain way. As much as he would have liked for Tsunade to be by his side, but that would take three days for her to get here when there’s a chance that Dawn’s twins will be delivered in two days tops if not less. This he worries about.
“Kankuro we should leave Dawn alone for a short time, I need to go over some paperwork that Gaara sent you” asked Jason. Kankuro knew he was hiding that short conversation and a lie. Obviously something serious he had to convey to him at once. He leaves Dawn’s side and follows Jason out of the room.

The to stop in the living room where they chatted about what was going to happen, and what to expect. “Tsunade will never get here in time, it’s a 3 days walk just to get here, not enough time incase the twins are ready to deliver. However that being said. My main worries are that she might have another C-section done. The boy is sitting sideways while the girl is sitting in the right position. This is her main reason why she’s been feeling ill and not comfortable for a while. I have no idea who else to help me. Angelica just had her baby girl, Tausha just had her son, Kira isn’t a medical ninja. I have no idea who else in this village has the right ninja jutsu skills to assist me.” Asked Jason.

“I was going to say Kaminari… but she & Seth are out on a mission. I haven’t heard anything from them in 2 weeks. Oh, what about Gavin? You know the one that is staying in this village with Seth’s son Talon. He’s a skilled medical jutsu. Everyone else that lives here never learned the skills, only the few are just now studding to become one.” Said Kankuro. Jason agreed to that Gavin should help him assist. Without hesitation, he calls Gavin’s cell phone.

3 hours pass…

Gavin arrived with Talon at Kankuro’s house; Kankuro took Talon and showed him where he can hang out with the boys. Talon still never got over the loss of his mother & the possibility of a baby sister months ago. Walking in Talon saw a 9-month-old Mirroth chewing on a toy and Osiris playing the Wii. Talon sat next to Osiris and just watched the game.

Gavin talked to Jason about the condition that Dawn was in and the possibility of her twins going into labor possibly early than the two days he said in the beginning. There was a knock at the door. Jason was slightly agitated and didn’t know who or what was at the door. Kankuro opened the door to see Kira. She was alone, and told him that Dawn was calling out to her for a while. Informing about Makoto was at home watching their baby girl.

On day passes by…

Kankuro woke up in a jolt, He called out to all three Kira, Jason and Gavin. Gavin and Kira were in the kitchen drinking coffee, Gavin spit in the cup and partly over his face making Kira laugh. “Dam! Kankuro can be a drill sergeant with that sharp loud voice of his.” Said Gavin taking the kitchen towel to wipe the coffee off his face. The two head into the bedroom Jason comes flying into the house he stops and grabs himself some coffee. One sip made him cringe. “Oi! Blah… dam... that is seriously strong ass coffee!” said Jason as he heads to the bedroom where the others are.

10 hours of intense labor…

In the end Dawn didn’t need the C-section done, the baby boy inside turned the right way. Both of the twins was delivered and both are ok including Dawn. She had one of each a boy born first was named Alexander, and the baby girl was born 10 minutes after and was named Skyler. All three left the bedroom to leave both of the parents and the twin newborns alone. Gavin crashed on the couch; Kira sank into the lazy boy chair. And Jason leaned up against the wall.

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