Boss Battle - Queen Queso: put that thing back where it came from or so help me - 507 words

Chapter 7: put that thing back where it came from or so help me - 507 words

3. Draw or write about your character attempting to clear away the tide of taquitos or the flood of formaggio by devouring it.


"Better get started," Solomon announced, and dug out three wooden bowls from his backpack. Even while standing slightly farther away, and as a third wheel for the two brothers, Caspian got his share. A quiet grunt escaped from him, as the bowl hit his chest.


The vividly green terrain was plastered with contrasting, bright yellow, molten cheese all over. It was still warm enough to be moved around easily, but it was quite far from the watery consistency it could reach under Queen Queso's command.


Rafael bent down, and scooped his bowl full of that goopy gold. Caspian watched his actions, a terrified expression painting his face pale. His claws carved lines onto the surface of the vessel in his hands. Where was this man's common sense? That dairy had been sitting on the ground for who knew how long - and even if one would've ignored the possibility of harmful bacteria, what else had it caught along the way?

"I thought you said you're... um..." The eternal had a hard time coming up anything that could just stop this madness. What was that word again?

"...intolerant?" Caspian wondered out loud with an awkward girn. Rafael gestured carelessly with his whole arm

"Pfft, just a little bit of gut havoc in the morning."

Caspian's brow furrowed, and he crossed his arms - which was slightly difficult, since he now refused to put the wooden bowl down. A strange comfort, perhaps, though not a bucket.

"I clearly remember you saying that your intestines run away like they're wanted, dead or alive," the eternal argued back. His recollection might've been poor, but things that stuck out like sore thumbs could hang around 'till the end of time.


Not that Rafael listened. His it's not that bad drowned into the cheese as he guzzled it down like a bowl of lukewarm soup.


Solomon glanced at Caspian, who was petrified from unspeakable disgust alone. The man noticed his bright-colored claws scraping yet another set of primal carvings into the bowl in his hands. Solomon's remark of actually wanting that thing back made no difference. It drowned into the imagery in the eternal's head, that scurried around like filthy rats in a sewer pipe.


Halfway through the bowl of cheese, Rafael froze. He pulled the vessel away from his yellow-smeared lips, and dug out something from his mouth. Its texture wasn't really something one would want in their cheese spread.

Seeing the item was just a pebble, Rafael flicked it off his fingers. His tongue spotted something else, and he pulled out a blade of grass. Nothing to worry about. He fished out yet another thing.


But even he had his limits - and a half dead beetle crossed them.


Both Caspian and Solomon stared at Rafael, as he screeched and coughed, and simply put, made various sounds of dying. The eternal glanced at the cheese-filled bowl in the man's hands next to him, his nose bridge crinkling.

"Don't you dare," Caspian huffed at Solomon, and bopped him on the head with his scratched bowl.

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