PaperDemon Art RPG

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Crystal Wyrm Boss Fight

  1. Posted on Aug 22, 2023, 9:12:22 AM UTC
    ID: 44625 | #123

    Siet charges up a powerful blast of Sky and casts it with breathtaking precision, hitting the Crystal Wyrm for 124 damage!

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Critical hit!

    The Crystal Wyrm collects its elemental power into a seething ball, then casts it at Siet for 27 damage.

    Siet counters for 11 damage.

  2. Posted on Aug 22, 2023, 11:13:54 AM UTC
    ID: 44627 | #124
    Cover for Boss attacks

    Boss attacks ยป Varick and Tanner Create A Shelter in the Storm

    Last updated Jun 7, 2024
    Total Chapters 83

    Varick summons Fire alongside Tanner Maineโ€™s Earth, and the two swirl together to create a blast of Metal that sends the Crystal Wyrm flying for 1094 damage!

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Critical hit!

    Crystal Wyrm appears weakened.

    With an impressive show of acrobatics, Varick avoids a sudden blast from the Crystal Wyrm!

  3. Posted on Aug 22, 2023, 12:33:12 PM UTC
    ID: 44629 | #125
    Cover for PDARPG MISC

    PDARPG MISC ยป Crystal Wyrm - bob and weave - 251 words

    Miscellaneous writings for PDARPG, that don't really fit to other story submissions. A lot of bosses, apparently.

    Last updated Jun 21, 2024
    Total Chapters 23

    Caspian summons Water alongside Hiisiโ€™s Water, and the two swirl together to create a blast of Water that sends the Crystal Wyrm flying for 486 damage!

    The Crystal Wyrm's heavy strike catches Caspian off guard and inflicts 17 damage.

    Caspian counters for 21 damage.

  4. Posted on Aug 22, 2023, 7:44:19 PM UTC
    ID: 44635 | #129

    Shingen summons Fire alongside Foโ€™s Fire, and the two swirl together to create a blast of Fire that sends the Crystal Wyrm flying for 450 damage!

    Crystal Wyrm appears weakened.

    Shingen casts a defense buff on Fo.

    Shingen scrambles out of the way just in time to avoid the Crystal Wyrm!

    "Hey you guys! I wanna play, too. Take that, Judy."

    Shenshort attacks Crystal Wyrm for 10 damage.


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