PaperDemon Art RPG

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Crystal Wyrm Boss Fight

  1. Posted on Aug 24, 2023, 8:48:17 PM UTC
    ID: 44685 | #142

    Apirka Trom and Constantine twine their elements together until they burst into a stunning cascade of Celestial! The Crystal Wyrm rocks in the air, taking 405 damage!

    Apirka Trom casts an attack buff on Constantine.

    The Crystal Wyrm rears back, summoning its elemental power to blast Apirka Trom for 23 damage.

    Apirka Trom counters for 13 damage.

  2. Posted on Aug 25, 2023, 3:09:11 PM UTC
    ID: 44694 | #148
    Cover for Crystal Wyrm Boss Event

    Crystal Wyrm Boss Event » 001 - Bone Giant - ( Prompt 4 - Giant Construct)

    All written attacks of the boss - The Crystal Wyrm

    Last updated Aug 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 2

    Don Dalv Blackhand charges up a powerful blast of Earth and casts it with breathtaking precision, hitting the Crystal Wyrm for 75 damage!

    Crystal Wyrm appears weakened.

    The Crystal Wyrm lashes out at Don Dalv Blackhand, hitting for 50 damage.

    Don Dalv Blackhand has passed out and is out of the fight!


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