PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on May 12, 2023, 1:15:37 PM by CrazyShir0 .

Scapindex #pd1073

36 / 100
Character data
Date addedMay 12, 2023, 1:15:20 PM
Date last editedJun 23, 2024, 2:13:49 PM
Owner Scatteriskity
Origins Origins Receipt
Designer URL Designer

Name: Scapindex

Nicknames: Scap, Scappy, Masked Kid/Weirdo, Smoothie Kid, Blueberry

Age: 16. Or maybe 17. Did his birthday pass already...?

Gender/Pronouns: male, he/him

Species: appears human. It's complicated. Formerly; kaorron. Currently; sperix.

Hair color: white with areas of dark teal-gray

Eye color: sectoral heterochromia (desaturated teal/yellow) separated by a line of bright blue. Glows blue in the dark or from the mask.

Height: 5'3" or 160 cm

Birthday: May 13th

Relationship Bond: "It's safer to assume that they only keep me around because I can do something for them." 

Calling: Physical Perfection

Destiny: Industrious

Fate: Cynical


  • Deep Wind Currents [Active] [Manipulation]
    Scap can pull at the threads of wind and air movement in a plane of reality just behind our perceived one. With a simple thought and twitch of a finger, he can call up a small breeze or divert an inconvenient draft. He can also momentarily pause the wind in an area for as long as he can hold his breath - which is to say, decently long. (His record is about 8 minutes and 37 seconds.)

  • Pneumatic Burst [Active] [Offensive] [Defensive]
    As a more complicated mechanic of Deep Wind manipulation, Scap can also redistribute air more abruptly than just changing air flow. By pulling and releasing these 'pockets', he can redistribute air to create a vacuum/low pressure area or a burst/high pressure area. This can be dangerous indoors, especially in a sealed space. However, it's also an efficient way to put out fires.

  • Slipstream [Active] [Travelling]
    This ability is a work-in-progress that allows Scap to dive fully into the layer of Deep Currents. It grants him a measure of extra speed as he rides those winds; however, upon materializing back in normal reality, he doesn't have enough mass to affect anything with much force. Rather, he'll create a Pneumatic Burst radius in the immediate vicinity - sucking air out when he disappears, and forcing air back into a space when he reappears.

Strength: 3

Agility: 5

Speed: 4

Tactics: 6

Magic: 5

Skill: 6

Total: 29

Uncomfortable subject matter: No spicy shipping or graphic descriptions/depictions. Injuries and combat wounds are okay.

Bio: See his character sheet for a more detailed history!

"My name? I dunno. But people call me Scapindex, and that's good enough for me. Yes, I do have a face. I didn't always wear a mask..."

This mysterious, masked musketeer seems to have appeared in the Paperverse following the brief disappearance of Paiko after the Elemental OCL. He claims to know the drakon. Far, far better than anyone else does. And he insists that the drakon must not know about his existence.

He's been called "Masked Kid", "Smoothie Kid", just "Kid" or "Boy" or "Squatter" (okay, so most of these are from one particular grumpy golden dog man). But to most others, he introduces himself as "Scap".

Though given freedom to adventure in the outside realities, he still works part-time for Katanorias, collecting information and exploring the possibilities of creating specific portals to certain layers and dimensions. And get some fresh air, while he's at it.

His latent Sky element has allowed him to merge wind current manipulation with space-bending skills he had learned in the lab, allowing him to pull at the Deep Currents in the layer behind normal reality and become, essentially, one with the wind.

With a nearly inextinguishable life-force and an invulnerability to most physical and environmental damage, he will always get up again after failing, after falling. Achey bones and clumsy steps won't stop him, and what he may lack in coordination and physical power, he more than makes up for in strategy and perserverance.

Paradoxically, he always pays of his debts and returns any favors he owes, yet always seeks the position of assisting others. This almost desperate drive to be useful, busy doing something... perhaps it is his way of coping with a nightmare from his past?


Details for Collaborations and Cameos

People who have seen him with his mask off:

  • Lusabeth
  • Hal Harris
  • Lust
  • Luis
  • Primrose (for that Mario AU >w<)
  • Dee
  • Oria

*Any interaction that occurs underwater will also have his mask off.

Statuses Applied (current ones in bold)

  • As of Portal Posi battle: talisman not worn on mask
  • As of Laguna battle: merfolk form in City of Lost Songs
  • Mid-Laguna battle: mask currently missing. Will probably wear temporary substitutes when going out in public.
  • As of 5/26/2024: New mask generously donated by Dee, made of bone and much more durable than his old one. Talisman reattached onto mask.
  • 343
    Ability Points
  • 4
  • Indomitable Talisman Ability


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