
Posted May 28, 2024, 3:38:30 AM UTC

#118 - Paperdemons

Something magical is happening! Your character finds themself as a paperdemon, what do they look like? What abilities do they have? 


“They’ve run so many tests on me already. What’s one more?”


Sperix 002. Status; uncoupled. Testing independently from 005.

One small vial of distillate, sourced from a discarded horn of the alternate species of interest [paperdemon], diluted six-fold for a maximum duration of four hours.

Subject was not told beforehand what the solution was, only that he was going to be observed for reaction. 

Subject expressed hesitance until being reassured that the distillate was not medicine, then proceeded to down the entire contents of the vial.

Forgot to disclose to the subject that the distillate was diluted in 97% isopropyl alcohol. Subject experienced an acute headache consistent with previously observed reactions to alcohol consumption; however, side effects of the transformation magic itself cannot be dismissed as a cause for the symptoms.


Key features of the alternate species of interest [wings, horns, claws] present on the subject with an osseous quality, likely pulling from the subject’s original timeline. 

Upon physical examination, wing bones appear to be hollow, like that of an avian creature. Wing membranes resemble cellophane in texture, but are slightly thicker and not as susceptible to tearing. No tests were run to measure flight capacity, due to the subject still complaining of headache and double vision.

Magic abilities are still intact, even enhanced. Inconclusive if this has to do with the subject’s latent element [Sky], and if the alternate species of interest has a larger resonance with that element.

Subject expressed displeasure at being constantly referred to as “Subject”. Note made for future trials to turn off the intercom when doing voice note recordings.


Recorded by Aultiver

Diastrokon Visor, Altereal Focus

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  • May 28, 2024, 5:34:34 AM UTC
    ooo i love the bones
    also, as always, this is so adorable
    • May 28, 2024, 2:24:11 PM UTC
      They're fun to do, indeed ^v^ I saw this prompt and my brain was like "yess an excuse to draw bone wings--"



Scapindex PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1073
343 total points
5 approved points



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