
Posted May 28, 2024, 3:45:24 AM UTC

#118 - Paperdemons

Something magical is happening! Your character finds themself as a paperdemon, what do they look like? What abilities do they have? 


“I used to wonder… if my species is just an immature version of the storybook dragons. I have concluded that we are relatives. But I will never grow wings and horns on my own. Unless magically-induced to do so.”


Sperix 005. Status; uncoupled. Testing independently from 002.

One small vial of distillate, sourced from a discarded horn of the alternate species of interest [paperdemon], diluted six-fold for a maximum duration of four hours. *Note: based on a small issue with 002’s trial, the solvent was changed from isopropyl alcohol to iced lemonade.

Subject was told beforehand what the solution was, and consented testing, but was not told that anyone would be observing save one other researcher in the room [Telerand]. Voice notes were taken from behind the observation mirror. The intercom was confirmed to be off.

Subject drank the diluted distillate quickly, then complained afterward of a headache, likely attributed to “brainfreeze”. However, similarly to 002’s trial, side effects of the transformation magic itself cannot be dismissed as a cause for the symptoms. Solvent optimization was noted as an issue to be addressed.


Key features of the alternate species of interest [wings, horns, claws] present on the subject with a crystalline quality, attributed to the subject’s latent element [Earth, mineral class]. Region of “secondaries” on wings are scaly with a leather-like membrane; region of “primaries” are more like hardened feathers, blade-like.

Upon physical examination. A single test was attempted to measure flight capacity. Subject managed to achieve a height of two feet using only the force of wing strokes, but quit shortly after. Apparently the weight of the wings puts strain on the subject’s otherwise small frame. Subject inquired about fire resistance tests; request was denied. 

Once released from formal observation, the subject proceeded to run around with 003 and 004 for the next two hours before promptly and abruptly falling asleep in the recreational area. Uncertain if this is a side effect of the formula or simple energy exhaustion.


Recorded by Aultiver

Diastrokon Visor, Altereal Focus


Paiko is enjoying being dragon-y for a day, with the wings and horns his species lack, that distinguishes him from his more well-known cousins. No, he's still not fireproof. 

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  • May 28, 2024, 3:54:53 AM UTC
    He's so cute. The wings look amazing
    • May 28, 2024, 2:20:42 PM UTC
      Aww thank you ^-^ He's having a little trouble with the weight though... not used to having an extra set of flappy limbs pulling down on his shoulders





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