PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Sep 7, 2023, 5:28:51 PM by Minimaid . Makeover kit

Kyanoko #pd603

80 / 100
Character data
Date addedSep 3, 2022, 6:49:06 AM
Date last editedOct 13, 2023, 1:59:18 PM
Owner ToastyCinnabear
Designer URL

Character Name: Kyanoko

Character Age: 330

Character Species: Tanuki

Hair color: No hair, but brown fur

Eye color: Green


Brief Biography:

 Kyanoko was raised in a small tanuki community outside of a human trading post village. The tanukis and the village folk often engaged in trade and Kyanoko took great enjoyment in the act of bartering. She was 20 when she strapped on her favorite sandals, pulled on her lucky green jacket , and placed her special tanuki leaf on her head before kissing her mother goodbye. She set off on her personal journey, expanding her trade and finding delight in all of the new goods that she came across- new spices, new arts, new artisanal goods. Kyanoko loved them all.


To keep herself occupied on the road, Kyanoko took up brewing. She found over time that some ingredients would react together in interesting ways, creating mystical effects for those who would drink them. She always travels with a special barrel, which somehow always knows what the drinker wants from a brew. Some would pour from the barrel and get coffee, others tea, and some even would get alcoholic brews like mead.


But after a few hundred years, trading became boring. Kyanoko felt like everything became a routine, even her brewing. Sure, it was exciting when a spice that took a decade to grow created a new harvest when she was 50, and ten years was a fifth of her life span. She would make a life-changing decision- she was going to explore other worlds. Kyanoko hugged her mother, regathered her essential supplies, and held her breath as she walked through her first portal.


Brief Description:

Kyanoko is a five foot six inches tall, hefty tanuki woman with muscular arms. Her fur lays in earthy brown tones as a base and her arms, legs, chest, tip of her tail, and eye masks are a warm black. She has copious fluff around her head and stylizes it in such a way that makes it hard to tell when her face ends and her neck begins. She has a large smile that makes her tiny eyes disappear under her round cheeks. She loves the color green because it matches her green eyes and likes wearing clothes that show off her curvy body- after all, a fat tanuki merchant is a successful tanuki merchant! She always wears a special leaf on her head, that no matter how much or however she moves, always finds its way back to the top of her head. She claims the leaf is the source of her magic and it is very precious to her, even more than her special barrel.


  • 246
    Ability Points
  • 4
  • Lucky Talisman Ability


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