
Tag type: Official Filter tag
  • Cover for Nihilistic Rage

    Nihilistic Rage

    ni·hil·ism - the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless... An extreme skepticism that nothing in the world has a real existence. 

    After an unfortunate end to Silas's life, the man is reborn under strict contract with the demon king himself. Forced into a new life of bounty hunting in his futuristic city he must combat against criminals and civilians alike... in search for a way to free himself from the shackles of a higher power he never believed in. 

    Last updated Jul 1, 2024
    Total Chapters 7
  • Cover for Tales of a Southern Gentleman

    Tales of a Southern Gentleman

    The adventures of Vernon Ross, a diary of sorts. Recolections of a lost journys, stories, and tales of how a man became more than just a man. 

    Last updated Jul 1, 2024
    Total Chapters 11
  • Cover for Written Works: Reius

    Written Works: Reius

    Written works for Reius - drabbles or character prompts.

    • Death, hold my heart for just a moment : The moment Reius died and acquired their new heart.
    • Colorful columns and dried petals : Reius suffers in Strata Spires and becomes a houseplant
    Last updated May 19, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Tome of Rathyn

    Tome of Rathyn

    CHARACTER: Rathyn Emberweld
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about an unhinged alchemist who has got pretty weird and specific interests. He's always on the lookout for new thrills and ingredients to craft interesting mixtures. With him around, you never know what happens next!

    Last updated May 8, 2024
    Total Chapters 6
  • Cover for Thorns and Claws, amongst other things.

    Thorns and Claws, amongst other things.

    A duo of mischief, Kal Durin and Misty "King" Azure, star in a collection of short tales. What will behold the two? Who knows! 


    Mostly a character building exercise for my characters, featuring backstories for both of them. It will also contain their typical ventures into the world of Mystery Bloom.

    Last updated Apr 30, 2024
    Total Chapters 5
  • Cover for Independend Shortstories

    Independend Shortstories

    This story contains written works that arent necessarily connected and stand alone as their own stories.

    Last updated Apr 29, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Withering Wolf

    The Withering Wolf

    a young boy named Alex Delle had died, but, Decay now stays at his grave, Decay was lonely, however, that eventually changed, a man named Alan Malkov came by his grave to help him.

    Last updated Apr 22, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Tome of Naedithas

    Tome of Naedithas

    CHARACTER: Naedithas Ambartanen
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about a lonely traveling barbarian, who is seeking for a new fate to call his own. A new family to hold onto, and place of sanctuary and comfort. Hope is difficult to find for a man who singlehandedly destroyed all he once held dear with his own, two, possessed hands ... But maybe not all hope is lost with the coming of a bright light in a brand new future.

    Last updated Mar 29, 2024
    Total Chapters 11
  • Cover for Tome of Istornim

    Tome of Istornim

    CHARACTER: Istornim Baenrat'tar
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about a very charming Executioner who knows his way around people. He serves his city with pride and finds himself in all sorts of different situations due to his pretty special occupation...

    Last updated Feb 29, 2024
    Total Chapters 5
  • Cover for Glass shatters like stars die

    Glass shatters like stars die

    The story of Glass Shimmer.  A nervous wreck at most times, and a bit of a coward the rest.  He finds himself suddenly forced out into the great worlds beyond his own.  Unsure where they are, or how to get back home, they are pushed into new experiences.

    Generally a feel-good adventure, often filled with panic, wholesome vibes, and interesting places.  May dip into darker topics occasionally, but will tag those chapters as such then.  (also maybe fluffy romance at some point cuz I like that.) 

    Pain as well as combat will be in the story.

    Last updated Feb 28, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for the marked mutt

    the marked mutt

    Writings for Kyy.

    Last updated Feb 25, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Tome of Ain

    Tome of Ain

    CHARACTER: Ain A.K.A. "Yi'athrogdhisz"
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about Ain, an eldritch entity, one, curious enough to spend his time along mortals. Mostly to cause mischief, so he can have a good laugh and expand his knowledge and experiences.

    Last updated Feb 25, 2024
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for Tome of Ffamran

    Tome of Ffamran

    CHARACTER: Ffamran "the King" Askarin Malfur
    GENERAL CONTENT & WARNINGS: Medieval Fantasy, Angst, Adventure, Blood, Violence, Combat, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

    Stories about an individual who believes himself to be king and who is on the search of followers to fulfill his obscure desires and dreams.

    Last updated Feb 22, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Beyond the Stream

    Beyond the Stream

    Resident water nymph Avalon looks beyond her precious waters in search of adventure and fulfillment. After years of loneliness, she searches for something her waters cannot provide... companionship and new beginnings. 

    Last updated Feb 12, 2024
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for DoA Trials

    DoA Trials

    Dragons of Aquella ARPG - Trial sets

    chapter names are: trial prompt | aqrion, [guide aqrion], (other arpg)

    Last updated Feb 8, 2024
    Total Chapters 4
  • Cover for DoA Careers

    DoA Careers

    Dragons of Aquella ARPG - Career exams

    chapter names are: career prompt | aqrion, (other arpg)

    Last updated Jan 4, 2024
    Total Chapters 4
  • Cover for Reflections of a Satyr

    Reflections of a Satyr

    Rafael has lived a long life prior to the tales of the Paperverse, but very little is actually known about him or his history. Hopefully, as time progresses, more will be known about his story as he helps an elf find her way in life.

    (This will be the collection of works for written Character Development pieces! Some might be drawn, but others will be written and this is the spot for those written pieces.)

    Last updated Dec 31, 2023
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for sorry i didn't take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL

    sorry i didn't take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL

    Suika and Amity are called to deal with a dangerous situation.

    Char development prompt 55 - Bomb diffusal

    (title is a reference to a stupid old meme clip that will never leave me)

    Last updated Dec 24, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for IoF Stories

    IoF Stories

    Isle of Fangs ARPG

    chapter names are: prompt, keyword | dragon, (other arpg)

    Last updated Dec 24, 2023
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for DoA Trappers

    DoA Trappers

    Dragons of Aquella ARPG - Fishing, Hunting, Coursing entries (Trapper career boost)

    chapter names are: keyword | aqrion, (other arpg)

    Last updated Dec 22, 2023
    Total Chapters 4