
Tag type: Art RPG game tag
  • Cover for Alex_Eliment


    After getting himself situated with Corda’s help, he was starting to accept the fact he was in a strange land with a lot of strange new people and features to get used to and adapt to. Amongst these was the fact that he knew he would have to find out materials to use in his future engineering endeavors and to help power and improve his power armor going forward. As such he leaves the guild hall and goes exploring the surrounding area to both give him a lay of the land and to help him learn what different plants, foliage, minerals, and other potentially useful materials might be in the area. He also makes a point of letting Corda know what he’s up to now. Without his knowledge Corda decided to tag along unnoticed just to make sure he does not get himself into to much trouble or danger.


    Alex starts to walk along looking around, studying the area finding it rather relaxing compared to the world he came from that was one giant battlefield. He stops periodically and will make note of various points that look like they could be landmarks telling the onboard computer to map out where we go in a 3d map for later use and make sure it notes the various landmarks we find. He stops by a river in the area and kneels down releasing some nanites to take samples of the water, nearby soil, and even air samples. He then asks his onboard computer to analyze the samples as they are gathered.  He stands back up after noting how crisp and clear the water is and smiles though others can’t see this and says more to himself as “no one is around.”  “It is amazing how clear this water is and how lush the plants seem to be. “He takes his time enjoying the exploration and is not in to much of a rush.


    As he walks along eventually a female voice broadcasts using the internal speakers “Sir you might want to look up. We have an unusual phenomenon in the area… at least compared to where we come from.” Alex then decides to look up and notices a large floating temple over his head.  He then replies “What the heck?  Do some of the materials in this place have a repulsion effect on the ground?” He tries to scan it using his sensors but as they are still inoperable due to the big explosion and portal transport, they are not giving any real relevant information currently. As he starts to leave the female voice of his armor speaks up again “while our main sensors seam to be offline the nanites are still able to gather data with things they interact with. Might I suggest we try to use those vines hanging from the island to climb up and investigate? “He notes a pair of thick vines hanging down from the side of the temple and moves to climb to investigate the temple.


                    As he gets near the temple he sees a few para-kats gliding around the area. He looks at them curiously then kneels again releasing some nanites to gather samples of the island we are floating on. He then approaches the temple as he has the armor adapt and turn on the shoulder lights so he can see inside if there is no light source. He moves forward exploring the area making note of the various markings on the walls and the statues and such. As he approaches the middle of the temple, he finds there is a large pedestal with a large orb imbedded in it but it is not glowing. He walks around the thing studying it and reaches forward to touch panel curiously as he tries to figure the thing out as all of a sudden, a bright light flashes and a portal erupts from the orb that he is sucked into as he is so close to it.


                    As he appears on the other end of the portal, he finds himself in a cave as the portal closes behind him just as quickly as it appeared. He starts to look around as he notices a decent size node of a new material, he is yet to be familiar with. He releases some nanites to take samples of the node and the surrounding area. “This random portal stuff is going to take some getting used to…..” He muses to himself as his nanites return with samples of the ore he finds that his armors power which was at minimal power starts to sky rocket. He freaks out trying to figure out what’s going on as the female voice speaks up “It seems the material here is giving off a large amount of energy. And somehow it is powering our systems beyond normal parameters.” She starts to analyze the mineral a moment as he starts to move closer to the ore. The female voice speaks up again “The mineral here does indeed produce a form of energy we can use to power our systems, but by basic math this should not be the quantity being out put normally by it. “The armor starts to glow a bit as it gathers so much energy beyond its normal parameters.  She speaks up “Please stand by while I perform a self-diagnostic and Bioscan on you.” She starts to scan both the power armor and him. After several minutes the voice chimes in “It appears that we have been both affected by the transport to this dimension. The systems of the amor and yourself seem to have been attuned to an energy of this realm that seems to permeate from the plants, minerals and such of this dimension.  I believe this attunement might cause us to be more capable of utilizing the materials from this world more efficiently.”  He ponders this and sighs “This could be useful but will take some getting used to.” He moves to take another sample when there is another flash of light and he appears in the temple again and he looks around perplexed and sighs “That material could have been so useful…” He looks around “Better get out of here before another portal jump thing happens.” He moves to leave and continues his exploration of the area.


    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Favorite Item

    Favorite Item

    What is your character's favorite item they like to carry with them? Why? Draw or write about your character with their item.

    Last updated Nov 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Z'ariel's Home

    Z'ariel's Home

    A description of where Z'ariel likes to rest between portals and how he spends his quiet days. Prompt #50.

    Last updated Nov 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for A Dangerous Glimpse

    A Dangerous Glimpse

    A college professor investigates an anomaly while his student follows him to a portal.

    Last updated Nov 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 5
  • Cover for Alzoru's First Combat!

    Alzoru's First Combat!

    Alzoru fights a slime or two.

    Last updated Nov 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Here we are

    Here we are

    Arael takes Mona to an old condemned lab, but it would appear they aren't alone.


    Prompt #1 - Escaped Experiment

    Last updated Nov 25, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for [blasts you with forearm laser]

    [blasts you with forearm laser]

    Arael is given the chance to preform a 'stress test'


    1. How does your character's elemental power manifest? Draw or write them using their elemental powers.

    Last updated Nov 24, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for And then they didn't get icecream

    And then they didn't get icecream

    Arael takes Maria out to the beach, only to meet an unexpected interruption.

    Last updated Nov 24, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Prompt 50: Alzoru's Home

    Prompt 50: Alzoru's Home

    Alzoru's fancy and lovely sea-cave.

    Last updated Nov 23, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Cottage On The Hill

    Cottage On The Hill

    Prompt 50. Treada heads home after a long day and checks each room.

    Last updated Nov 21, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The First move

    The First move

    Porter clasped her fingers over her bow, pulled the drawstring back, staring at the oozing mess that made her opponent, She glared at it, her arrow resting pulled back and poised in her drawstring began to be twirled with a small vine, her elemental power taking charge of her weapons, the arrow head was pointed right at the heart of the monster, it drawing ever near. She took another breath, “closer…..Closer…. Closer-” she stared at it, the arrow enchanted with the soul of Mother Nature herself, she was a basic Druid, her powers were hardly anything special, but even as a basic, she felt Mother Nature guiding her in a sense. The wind wafting her hair, the smell of the dirt under her feet, and the sounds of the forest. Now was her time to harness that power, she let out a shrill chirp as her arrow flew valiantly. 


    Last updated Nov 21, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The ledge

    The ledge

    Porter fixed her talisman, the opal necklace often itched, however, she never removed it, she was strolling down a ravine, and her sense was well in the lacking, she nearly slipped and did her best to keep off the edge. She did her best not to, but the wet edge was taunting her. Her oak bow gripped firmly, her sheath still wet from the day's earlier rain. She slid her palm and fingers across the side of the ravine, she glanced at the rushing, ruthless waters crashing through underneath her feet, the ledge she was walking along was barely wide enough to walk normally. Her focus was only broken by the shrill and ear-threatening scream. Porter looked over the edge, her stomach already doing flips, the water underneath, crashing and eroding the ravine wall made her feel sick to the stomach. Her eyes darted across the walls, but nothing, she could see nothing, just wet rock, and a violent river. She finally caught a glance of a small brunette elf, gripping the ledge a few hundred feet away, and then she felt it, a small drop of water gently landing on the tip of Porter's nose. She gasped and looked at the heavy dark clouds. More drops of rain fell, light at first but with every step Porter took to help to other Elf it seemed to grow harder. The elf's fingers slipped with the slippery rock. One of her hands fell to her side, as she screamed again, Porter leaped for her, her feet gave under her landing and she herself nearly flung off the edge, if her palms and forearms hadn’t caught her, her chin would have her jaw would be cracked or even broken. The sharp dripping rocks scrapped her skin, she could feel the sting rippling up her nervous system. She yelped and sat up as quickly as she could, rubbing her sore stinging arms and hands. She glanced at the elf, looking desperate with her one hand threatening to let her body go, falling into the raging waters that would swallow her whole, smashing her against rocks, and beating her to a pulp in an instant. Porter couldn’t let that happen. She scrambled to her feet, clinging to the wall as she struggled to draw back her bow, the arrow pointed right at the girl, the arrowhead dripping with rain. She drew back on the drawstring launching an arrow at the girl's fingertips, then she shot another, they sliced into the rock in front of the girl who let out a squeak as they struck the stone. Soon she caught Porter's plan, her unattached arm swung up and grabbed the arrow supporting her weight, her other hand broke from the ledge and grabbed the other arrow, Porter with a final effort launched at her, grabbing her wrists and wincing at her screeching palms, hauling her up the ledge, exhausted, wet and traumatized, the two elven girls sat panting, staring at each other with new affection.


    Last updated Nov 21, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Lost Prince's Dream

    The Lost Prince's Dream

    Avalon had a simple dream before that fateful day. A simple dream, one he just can't forget. A dream of life as a simple adventurer back home.

    Last updated Nov 20, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for What they Wanted to Be

    What they Wanted to Be

    Fox reminiscing somewhat

    Last updated Nov 20, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Fox's Trip

    Fox's Trip

    Their first trip ends up being to Castimeria! How will it go? 

    Last updated Nov 20, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Attack Training

    Attack Training

    Fox did it! With a little guidance from her daughter, but they did it!

    Last updated Nov 20, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Their Journal

    Their Journal

    Fox talking about their journal.

    Last updated Nov 20, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Favorite Item

    Favorite Item

    In a malevolent carnival, Alastor wields a cursed axe with an obsidian blade, hungry for conflict and wrapped in blood-red ribbons, carving chaos through haunted grounds under the blood moon's glow.

    Last updated Nov 19, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Welcome To My Life

    Welcome To My Life

    A series of short writing based around my character, Nebula. 

    Last updated Nov 19, 2023
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for The Staff of Memories

    The Staff of Memories

    A short story focused on the staff Rigmor carries with them most of the time.

    Last updated Nov 19, 2023
    Total Chapters 1