
Tag type: Art RPG game tag
  • Cover for Soulas - Combat Compendium

    Soulas - Combat Compendium

    A simple compendium with all of Soulas' attacks and combats (only counting Solocast)

    Last updated Dec 2, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Shadows of Resolve

    Shadows of Resolve

    In this short story, young adventurer Liam embarks on a quest to prove himself against a rat infestation plaguing his village. As he confronts his doubts and fears in the dim light of the forest, an unexpected encounter with the mysterious shark-man, Soulas, changes him to the core.

    Last updated Dec 2, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Groff's Christmas Misadventure!

    Groff's Christmas Misadventure!

    groff has a weird experience with a present

    (divider by @pumpkincatcarnival on toyhouse!) 

    Last updated Dec 2, 2023
    Total Chapters 4
  • Cover for Short Story #1: Two, Again

    Short Story #1: Two, Again

    A written short story just about the two. This is to expand upon Stella and Käreitär's bond.


    Let me write a short wholesome story with these two because I can't draw everything all the time, oof. Also, I might reveal some canon bits of the two here and there.

    Last updated Dec 2, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Respite


    Alzoru rescues a person

    Last updated Dec 1, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for strength. (leif)

    strength. (leif)

    used for character development prompts!!

    Last updated Nov 29, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Avangard


    Submission for 1st portal quest.

    Last updated Nov 29, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Back to the Real World

    Back to the Real World

    A sequel to The Written Works set after the story has taken place, showing Jordini's struggle to adjust back to the real world. Join her showing more about this written world, and coming back only to realize that nothing in it make any sort of sense.

    Last updated Nov 29, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Holiday traffic

    Holiday traffic

    Noteii navigates the holiday trafffic

    Last updated Nov 28, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for This is really weird...

    This is really weird...

    3. You arrive home. The guest you ordered the present for is due to arrive soon. It's time to spruce up your place and yourself for the visit. Draw or write about your character preparing for your guest's visit. Do they put on a fancy outfit? Or an obnoxiously holiday themed one? Do they bake something delicious? Do they hang mistletoe? Do they notice things nearby where they set the gift... disappearing?

    Last updated Nov 28, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Fighting the Boss

    Fighting the Boss

    Submission for 1st battle quest

    Last updated Nov 28, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Boss Battle - Present Mimic

    Boss Battle - Present Mimic

    Last updated Nov 27, 2023
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for A Predicament in the Present (Boss Battle November 2023)

    A Predicament in the Present (Boss Battle November 2023)

    Prompt 2: The suspicious caretaker is only a little reluctant to hand over your package. As you start to return home, you realize that your pickup has put you right in the middle of holiday traffic! The streets and skies are teeming with travelers, many overloaded with their own shopping burdens. Draw or write about your character navigating holiday traffic. Do they have an air ship that can take them above the worst of it? Do they dig beneath the ground? Do they cast a spell to frighten people out of their way?


    When Bertrand went to pick up his parcel, he didn't quite realise how bad the timing of it all was until it was a moment too late...

    (643 words)

    Last updated Nov 27, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The present

    The present

    On a winter day, Alphabett receives a message saying that he has a present waiting for him at G's place. However, what appears to be a sweet and innocent present is something else entirely...

    For Prompt 1 of the Present Boss Fight.

    Last updated Nov 27, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Holiday Crush: Boss Fight Present? Prompts

    Holiday Crush: Boss Fight Present? Prompts

    Battling a questionable Present might be a bit more than Trigger and Co had in mind in an already questionable time of year...

    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Issac


    A story that follows Issac, a member of the Kemuma race.

    Once a mere farmer now homeless after failing to pay his bills.

    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Character Development

    Character Development


    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Growing Up

    Growing Up

    Alzoru reminisces on old dreams

    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Baal Character Development 2

    Baal Character Development 2

    The creator steals Baal's clothes, and now he has to wear hers. For now.

    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Alex_Eliment


    After getting himself situated with Corda’s help, he was starting to accept the fact he was in a strange land with a lot of strange new people and features to get used to and adapt to. Amongst these was the fact that he knew he would have to find out materials to use in his future engineering endeavors and to help power and improve his power armor going forward. As such he leaves the guild hall and goes exploring the surrounding area to both give him a lay of the land and to help him learn what different plants, foliage, minerals, and other potentially useful materials might be in the area. He also makes a point of letting Corda know what he’s up to now. Without his knowledge Corda decided to tag along unnoticed just to make sure he does not get himself into to much trouble or danger.


    Alex starts to walk along looking around, studying the area finding it rather relaxing compared to the world he came from that was one giant battlefield. He stops periodically and will make note of various points that look like they could be landmarks telling the onboard computer to map out where we go in a 3d map for later use and make sure it notes the various landmarks we find. He stops by a river in the area and kneels down releasing some nanites to take samples of the water, nearby soil, and even air samples. He then asks his onboard computer to analyze the samples as they are gathered.  He stands back up after noting how crisp and clear the water is and smiles though others can’t see this and says more to himself as “no one is around.”  “It is amazing how clear this water is and how lush the plants seem to be. “He takes his time enjoying the exploration and is not in to much of a rush.


    As he walks along eventually a female voice broadcasts using the internal speakers “Sir you might want to look up. We have an unusual phenomenon in the area… at least compared to where we come from.” Alex then decides to look up and notices a large floating temple over his head.  He then replies “What the heck?  Do some of the materials in this place have a repulsion effect on the ground?” He tries to scan it using his sensors but as they are still inoperable due to the big explosion and portal transport, they are not giving any real relevant information currently. As he starts to leave the female voice of his armor speaks up again “while our main sensors seam to be offline the nanites are still able to gather data with things they interact with. Might I suggest we try to use those vines hanging from the island to climb up and investigate? “He notes a pair of thick vines hanging down from the side of the temple and moves to climb to investigate the temple.


                    As he gets near the temple he sees a few para-kats gliding around the area. He looks at them curiously then kneels again releasing some nanites to gather samples of the island we are floating on. He then approaches the temple as he has the armor adapt and turn on the shoulder lights so he can see inside if there is no light source. He moves forward exploring the area making note of the various markings on the walls and the statues and such. As he approaches the middle of the temple, he finds there is a large pedestal with a large orb imbedded in it but it is not glowing. He walks around the thing studying it and reaches forward to touch panel curiously as he tries to figure the thing out as all of a sudden, a bright light flashes and a portal erupts from the orb that he is sucked into as he is so close to it.


                    As he appears on the other end of the portal, he finds himself in a cave as the portal closes behind him just as quickly as it appeared. He starts to look around as he notices a decent size node of a new material, he is yet to be familiar with. He releases some nanites to take samples of the node and the surrounding area. “This random portal stuff is going to take some getting used to…..” He muses to himself as his nanites return with samples of the ore he finds that his armors power which was at minimal power starts to sky rocket. He freaks out trying to figure out what’s going on as the female voice speaks up “It seems the material here is giving off a large amount of energy. And somehow it is powering our systems beyond normal parameters.” She starts to analyze the mineral a moment as he starts to move closer to the ore. The female voice speaks up again “The mineral here does indeed produce a form of energy we can use to power our systems, but by basic math this should not be the quantity being out put normally by it. “The armor starts to glow a bit as it gathers so much energy beyond its normal parameters.  She speaks up “Please stand by while I perform a self-diagnostic and Bioscan on you.” She starts to scan both the power armor and him. After several minutes the voice chimes in “It appears that we have been both affected by the transport to this dimension. The systems of the amor and yourself seem to have been attuned to an energy of this realm that seems to permeate from the plants, minerals and such of this dimension.  I believe this attunement might cause us to be more capable of utilizing the materials from this world more efficiently.”  He ponders this and sighs “This could be useful but will take some getting used to.” He moves to take another sample when there is another flash of light and he appears in the temple again and he looks around perplexed and sighs “That material could have been so useful…” He looks around “Better get out of here before another portal jump thing happens.” He moves to leave and continues his exploration of the area.


    Last updated Nov 26, 2023
    Total Chapters 1