Shadows of Resolve: Shadows of Resolve

Published Dec 2, 2023, 3:14:32 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 2, 2023, 3:14:32 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

In this short story, young adventurer Liam embarks on a quest to prove himself against a rat infestation plaguing his village. As he confronts his doubts and fears in the dim light of the forest, an unexpected encounter with the mysterious shark-man, Soulas, changes him to the core.

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Luck PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3618
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Chapter 1: Shadows of Resolve

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the undulating hills of a grand forest, Liam's unease threatened to swallow him. He embarked on this journey to prove his worth to his parents and his village bullies who doubted him. However, now he couldn't help but feel fear and shame that they might have been right. 

His father, a retired adventurer, had warned him that he wasn't ready for such a task, that his sword skills could only defeat the wooden training doll in the backyard of their house. Despite this, he refused to doubt himself, he couldn't, not here and not now when the only things that kept the beasts and monsters of the night at bay were the light of his campfire and the old rusty sword that he had borrowed from his father before running away. 

Addressing the flickering flames, he couldn't suppress the self-doubt that had begun to gnaw at him "What am I doing?" but the only response he got was some indifferent crackling. He knew he couldn't return home until he had proven his worth. And how could he do that? The answer was simple - kill a rat nest. Although it seemed like an easy task, the villagers feared these creatures as they could spread diseases and destroy fields. So, killing the nest would help his town and show that he could do something that only adventurers could do. He thought he was a genius when he first thought of it, but on his way to the nest, which he had found out by pretending to get the quest for his father, he realized how much harder it was going to be.

To avoid his dad following him, he chose to leave at night and hoped to reach the rat's nest before morning. He packed only the essentials- a sleeping bag, a backpack with snacks, his dad's old canteen, and a hastily drawn map that he hoped would lead him to the nest.

"Well, when I become a full-time adventurer I will have to sleep nights like this one so I have to do this" he tried to hype himself, however that trail of thought was cut short when the sound of rustling came from the leaves.

"WHO IS THERE?!" he jumped in a panic, struggling for a second to unsheath his dad's sword with his mind going into a frenzy of the million things that might come out to eat him alive... only for a tall anthro shark with a strange device attached to his face to enter the clearing. Yes, it was still scary, but the being's lanky proportions weren't what he was expecting.

"W-Who are you? If-If you don't tell me, I... I will hurt you!" Liam stammered, attempting to maintain a facade of determination. However, the shark, named Soulas, found amusement rather than intimidation in Liam's shaky resolve.

"Kid, when you try to intimidate someone, you shouldn't tremble while doing so," Soulas chuckled. The shark-man, clearly entertained by Liam's attempts at bravado, settled beside the campfire.

"I... I..." Liam faltered, as the strange man slowly sat next to the bonfire, he couldn't continue holding his sword, letting it fall to the dirt. Though disappointed in himself, he felt too exhausted after the rush of adrenaline, sitting down as well, before asking "Wh-Who are you? Why are you here?".

"Well, the name is Soulas, and I didn't know the forest was your little protector." the shark-man said with a chuckle "But, being serious, what are you doing out here?" he asked, with an undertone of concern in his metallic voice.

Liam took a moment to look at Soulas, now that his nerves had recovered from the shock. He was the tall anthro shark with a strange device attached to his face, but he saw more now, the device covered his mouth with a robotic voice instead of his own, with many tubs and gears entering his neck and gills... it was hard to look at and, if not for the device, his clothing would put him closer to a beggar, as he wore a leather duster, threadbare trousers, and a sturdy workers' boots.

"I... I am an adventurer," Liam asserted, a hint of doubt still lingering in his voice. "I am going to the rat nest; my village is plagued by a severe infestation, and as an adventurer is my priority to help them. You know?".

Soulas regarded Liam with a mix of bemusement and interest, his metallic voice carrying a hint of sympathy. "An adventurer, you say? Facing the challenge of a rat nest for the good of your village? Bold choice, young one."

The fire crackles once more, casting dancing shadows on their faces, with Soulas's shark-like eyes studying Liam. "I've traveled these lands for some time, and I've seen many embarking on quests for various reasons. But yours... it has a certain earnestness to it. So be honest, Liam, what drives you to take on such a task? There's more to your story than the surface reveals."

Liam hesitated, his gaze flickering between the flames and Soulas's enigmatic eyes. A moment of vulnerability passed before he spoke, "I need to prove myself. To my family, to the villagers who doubted me. I want them to see that I can make a difference, that I can be more than what they think."

Soulas nodded knowingly, his mechanical device emitting a faint hum. "Proving oneself is a journey we all undertake in one form or another. But be wary, young adventurer, for the path ahead may hold challenges beyond the rats you seek to conquer. It's not just about the monsters you face externally, but the ones within. Those battles are what makes us strong."

As the night wore on, Soulas shared tales of his own adventures and encounters with creatures both mundane and fantastical. The warmth of the campfire and the camaraderie began to ease Liam's initial apprehension. The shark-man, despite his intimidating appearance, exuded a calming presence.

In the predawn hours, as the first light began to pierce the darkness, Soulas stood, stretching his lanky form. "Well, Liam, if you're set on this path, I won't deter you. But the equipment you have on hand is... less then optimal, I am sorry to inform, your sword will have a hard time even if they are just rats, you don't have a torch and no armor for the bites you are sure to endure. So take this as a present from me." Soulas extended his hand, conjuring elemental magic that made the very stone and earth beneath them to weave a light armor around Liam's body.

"Here are a couple of torches and a sturdier sword. These should significantly aid you in completing your quest," Soulas stated with a smile, his generosity evident. Liam, grateful for the unexpected assistance, eagerly accepted the upgraded equipment. "And remember," Soulas added, "an adventurer's journey is not solely about the destination; it's about the experiences along the way."

With a parting nod, Soulas returned to the forest, leaving Liam to contemplate on everything he had just experienced. The young adventurer gathered his belongings, and even though Soulas had left him a better sword, he wanted to prove himself with the rusty sword, the weapon from his father now held with a newfound sense of purpose.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, guided by the hastily drawn map, Liam couldn't shake the feeling that his journey had only just begun. And so, with each step, he embraced the uncertainty of the path, determined to prove not only his worth to others but, more importantly, to himself.

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