The First move: Guided Arrow

Published Nov 21, 2023, 12:55:33 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 21, 2023, 12:55:33 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Porter clasped her fingers over her bow, pulled the drawstring back, staring at the oozing mess that made her opponent, She glared at it, her arrow resting pulled back and poised in her drawstring began to be twirled with a small vine, her elemental power taking charge of her weapons, the arrow head was pointed right at the heart of the monster, it drawing ever near. She took another breath, “closer…..Closer…. Closer-” she stared at it, the arrow enchanted with the soul of Mother Nature herself, she was a basic Druid, her powers were hardly anything special, but even as a basic, she felt Mother Nature guiding her in a sense. The wind wafting her hair, the smell of the dirt under her feet, and the sounds of the forest. Now was her time to harness that power, she let out a shrill chirp as her arrow flew valiantly. 


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Chapter 1: Guided Arrow

Porter clasped her fingers over her bow, pulled the drawstring back, staring at the oozing mess that made her opponent, She glared at it, her arrow resting pulled back and poised in her drawstring began to be twirled with a small vine, her elemental power taking charge of her weapons, the arrow head was pointed right at the heart of the monster, it drawing ever near. She took another breath, “closer…..Closer…. Closer-” she stared at it, the arrow enchanted with the soul of Mother Nature herself, she was a basic Druid, her powers were hardly anything special, but even as a basic, she felt Mother Nature guiding her in a sense. The wind wafting her hair, the smell of the dirt under her feet, and the sounds of the forest. Now was her time to harness that power, she let out a shrill chirp as her arrow flew valiantly. 


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