Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): A Trap or a Clue?


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Chapter 4: A Trap or a Clue?

The vision was gone and Link came to the sound of moaning. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a cage and somehow was captured inside the dungeon. He shook of his tiredness and tried to move, but because the cage was so small he couldn't move a muscle. Link was scared; he knew what his fate would be he saw it for himself. As the monsters grunted and snorted Link remembered the sling shot and wiggled it out of his pocket. He grabbed it then found a stone. Then he pulled back as far as he could and released the projectile into the air. It hit the wall a couple of times, but it ricocheted off and had two direct hits to the monsters. Both of them fell down and dropped Link onto the ground with enough force to break open the cage and free Link. Link rubbed his head and ran in the opposite direction because he knew that the noise would attract more monsters that would try to trap him. He ran until he noticed that his sword was missing. He went back to the corridor and went in the direction that he was heading in the cage. He followed it until he found a door. He opened the door a little bit and peeked through. He saw the men chanting and the cage. He was seeing what looked to be a ritual in progress. Maybe it was a sacrifice to a specific and very weird god because of the recent troubles in the land if Paradise. Link then saw his sword lying against the wall. He sidled in and took the sword, but not before alarming the men who started to chant some sort of spell. Fireballs and energy balls started to come out of the druids' hands and they summoned hideous creatures to destroy Link. Link evaded some attacks, but most of them were direct hits. The druids summoned more and more creatures. To confuse Link even further they created illusions and duplicates. Link fought every monster till the last one died and then he drew his attention to the druids themselves. Most of them retreated and left the others to die. The eldest one stayed because he believed that he could destroy Link with his knowledge of Arcane Magic. He eventually died and left Link with a helmet, which was enchanted. The enchantment allowed Link to summon one creature per day if he would sacrifice some life. Link then found a pair of unique gloves beneath some old bones. These gloves allowed him to hold the hottest magma in the land. Link put them on and found a torch. He reached in and pulled out a smoldering piece of wood. He placed it in the slingshot and fired it at a tapestry hanging on the wall. The banner burnt and left an alcove in the wall. Link climbed up and checked out the alcove to see if any treasures were hiding in it. Link found a small key and a magic jar. Link went into the magic jar and was accosted by the old sage.

"Link, congratulations on finding me again. You are doing well up to this point in your adventure. Now you must go through this portal and confront your fear." The old sage said after creating a portal.

"I will old man. But first tell me what is it that must be done?"

"You must face the Guardian in this alternate world and bring me his Sigil of Pain."

Link entered the portal and landed right in a gladiator ring. He saw who his enemy in the ring was, it was a floating head with many eyes. Link took out his sword and ran toward the beast. He slashed and slashed but nothing seemed to work, then the head attacked Link causing him pain. Link, now terrified at the fact he couldn't defeat a foe, almost gave up until he remembered what the sage said. He took the pain that the head gave out to him and attacked it once more. Now the attacks he let out did some damage. He realized that he couldn't be arogant and think that he could defeat every monster in the first try. He had to believe that even if he didn't defeat the monster in one try he could gather enough strength to try again. Once the monster was killed a mask fell to the ground. It looked like a crying face. Link picked it up and found the same red portal that brought him to the ring and went back to the Sage.

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