Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): The Light Arrows


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Chapter 28: The Light Arrows

He took a growth potion and grew four times his size. Then he took the grappling hook and shot it at the rafter that was peaking out at Link. It latched on and pulled him up to it. There was an unusual chest in front of him. It looked to be very ancient like it had be sitting there for ages. And it had tons of markings all over it. Here is what they said:
"The keys to unlock the doors were separated so that evil hands would not get their hands on them. These keys were given to three holders who had the attributes of a god. These holders had an unusual life span that lasted as long as the gods were still in their throne. If the gods were ever captured or imprisoned those people would revert to the age that they were and wouldn't have any youth or energy thus dying in a couple of hours. These keys were kept fro evil's eyes for a long time until the Great Evil came. This evil had searched and searched for the keys so that it could have eternal life and reign chaos on the world. This evil found two of the keys and hid one of them very well to discourage any warrior brave enough to take on the task of finding the keys. When the evil one found one of the keys he torched the town until he had killed the owner of the key. He didn't realize that when he scorched the town he gave the key to the spirits in which gave it back to its rightful owner and holder. Thus giving him a link between the spirit realm and the real realm. He projected his spirit to the scorched town in hope that a warrior was going to come through on the quest to reunite the keys. These keys were very special. The gods crafted them. These keys were imbued with their own special gem for they opened a different shrine in the Palace of the Ancients. These shrines were dedicated to the gods and were worshiped by the many people of Paradise. This land had many mysteries to which the gods didn't even know the answers. So they crafted many Guardians to protect their respective lands. Link was one of them. So was Knil. They were twins in a way. One was for the spirit realm and the other was for the real realm. They were sent to their stations and peace had been in the land. Until on day when the Ancient Evil arose again. It ravaged lands and threw all order into chaos again. The mighty Guardians were assembled at the Palace of the Ancients. They had the decision of either sealing away the evil knowing that someday it will grow even stronger and break through the seal or find a way to destroy it. Well, Knil was thinking of sealing the Evil away and wanted to be the one to do it. The other Guardians weren't quite so sure about letting the boy do the containing so they sent Link with him to find any weaknesses that the being might have possessed. They went for where the creature was last reported being and searched for any leads as to where the Evil Being was. They found that the Evil was in the location and that it was weak to special arrows called Light Arrows. The Princess of the Gods gave these arrows to the Links. She had enchanted them especially for the destruction of the Evil. Both Link and Knil fought over which one would do the coup de grace to the Evil. With their bickering, the Evil found out about the plan to destroy him. It was going to thwart it at any cost. When Knil and Link finally made a decision as to who was going to be the person to give the coup de grace to the foul beast it had already come up with a counter-attack. It was going to cast a spell to shield it from the attack of the arrows. He cast the spell on him not knowing that the two boys would create his demise because he was to full of pride. The creature had forgotten that the Light Arrows are immune to magic and can pierce through all kinds of armor. Link readied his bow and shot a Light Arrow at the Evil. It missed, but only by a little bit. It bounced against the wall and flung back at Link. It hit him and Knil, but not before bouncing and striking the creature in the process. The creature was killed along with the two boys. Both of them had sons. These sons are living the legacy that their fathers couldn't. They will save this world from utter destruction and will forever be in the history of Hyrule."

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