Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): A Bloody Guard


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Chapter 33: A Bloody Guard

He went to the far end of the monastery and saw two archway doors. He entered the left one, realizing that they both lead to the same place, a den. The den, however, had an ominous feeling about it, like there was some sort of Dark Magic protecting something. He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but he still continued on into the room. He looked at the arrangement of books and noticed how the bookcases were shaped like stairs. He then saw a fireplace with a stoker standing upright. He tilted it forward and the bookcase rearranged to make stairs leading down. He descended them and entered a dank corridor. He lit his magical torch and walked into the shroud of darkness. He emerged in a room with four torches on each side. If he light one then another door became open. With that knowledge, he experimented until he became satisfied. He entered the door directly in front of him. It led to a passageway that seemed endless to Link. The walls were covered in moss and cobwebs. The air was humid and cold. Even with his determination, he had the thought of going back to the surface because he was chilled to the bone. He wandered down the corridor until he came to the end or at least what looked like the end of it. The corridor turned right and left with no sign of a doorway, until he noticed strangeness in the stones that were inset into the wall. They were going in the wrong direction of all the other stones. He pushed against one of them and a whirring noise arose from it. The stones pushed to the side and made a way to exit the infinite hallway as he called it. The room he entered was stranger than the first one he entered. In the center of the room was an altar with bloodstains all over it. The floor was also stained with the same blood. On the floor also were skulls with black candles in the eye sockets. Link felt the ground tremble beneath him. He fell to one knee not noticing the figure that was rising from the crimson stains. As Link regained his footing, he became aware of the bloody behemoth that was towering over him right now. The figure that rose was made of rotted flesh and decrepit old bones from rats long deceased. This horrendous creature was a blood golem, one of the four guardians of the Ancients. Link was in for an arduous battle with the golem, because he had no means of imprisoning it within any thing as he did with the rock golem from the desert. The blood figure swung his giant clenched fist at the stunned Elvin boy. Link, not able to deflect the attack with his shield, took the brunt of the assault that almost knocked him unconscious. The golem attacked again, but this time Link was ready for it. He deflected the attack back at the behemoth, and went into frenzy, swinging wildly at the creature. Alas, it wasn't enough to destroy the golem as it regenerated itself, thus becoming more of an impossible enemy to kill. After that incident, the battle continued on, with the creature nearly beating Link to a pulp. All the while Link was trying to figure out a way to annihilate the foul beast. "Firebolts!!!" Link excitedly thought to himself. "To destroy something entirely so that it won't regenerate itself, you have to incinerate it." He took out his spell book and started to incite the incantation. The golem, stunned because of what Link did, became a sitting target for the Firebolts as they formed from the body of the caster. They surrounded the creature and attacked it together. "Yyaaaaaaarrrrrrggggh!" The creature screamed with its last breaths as it was burned by the spell. The charred remains of the beast collapsed into the center of the room.

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