Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): The Adventure Continues...


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Chapter 15: The Adventure Continues...

Link was brought back to the town where the guild members met him. They congratulated him on passing his test. They presented him with a ring. They told him that the ring was very special. It warps Link to the town it was given to him in. The ring was part of a set. Each ring had a different color jewel on it. Resembling the town hall sign color. They also told him that every town after this one has a guild house and if Link could find the house he could get the ring for that town. They also gave him a ball necklace. It goes to the set of rings. It allows the wearer to hold all the rings in the set, but it only goes on the rightful wearer. As they put it on Links head it glided down and rested on his neck. They bid their farewells, but not before one of the guild members gave Link a magical map of the Land of Paradise. Even though it wasn't completed it would fill in itself. Only one more part of the map was completed other than the towns of Lang and of Desra. It was the Death Mountain Range. It also showed the city of Cardon. So Link made his way to the city and passed by the mountains. There was an ominous cloud overhanging the volcano. Link tried to not look at the volcano, but he couldn't stop. It was like his sight was fixed on the volcano. Soon, he entered the town of Cardon. The town itself looked deserted. The houses were burned down except for certain parts. There were dead oaks everywhere and the smell of sulfur intoxicated Link to come into the town.

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