Legend of Zelda:Stones of Destiny (Past): A Tomb of Death


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Chapter 24: A Tomb of Death

He had disappeared with the flash and revealed the Ancient pyramid. Link slowly walked closer to the pyramid, being cautious so that he wouldn't be caught off guard and killed by the monsters. The pyramid was huge with pillars coming out of the ground leading to the entrance of the tombs. Link entered the temple and lit his magic torch. The numerous skeletons littering the walls and floors spooked him. There were tons of skulls of men and of beast lying on the ground. These skeletons instantly came to life as Link entered the chamber. They went to their victim, Link, and tried to tear him limb from limb. He readied his sword and started to slash them to pieces. When Link stopped swinging his sword, all the monsters' hides were everywhere in the room. Link gathered his courage and searched around for an entrance to another room. He found it in the south wall. The next room contained a trap. This trap was a block that slowly fell to cover the doors in the room. The catch was Link had to choose the right room or he would be trapped. Link carefully looked through each door with the torch so he could find the right door. Each one had a color on it. There were four doors: one red, one purple, one black, and one green. Then Link remembered what the stones said, "The stone that is left will reveal the true path". He went through the green door and the door slammed shut behind him. He chose right as the next room had some doors in it and these doors weren't false, they were the real deal. These doors had two colors on them. There were four doors in this room like the previous room. The colors on the doors were as follows: Red and green, purple and black, white and gray, and blue and gold. Link went through the green and red door and entered another room with four doors, but this time each door had three colors. The colors were: red, blue, and green; black, white, and silver; purple, pink, and magenta; and yellow, violet, and gold. Link entered the red, blue, and green door and entered another room with four doors. Now each of them had four different colors on them. The colors were: red, blue, green, and yellow; black, white, silver, and gold; purple, magenta, pink, and aquamarine; and orange, brown, peach, and mackintosh. Link entered the red, blue, green, and yellow room.

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