aster has the worst experience in his life: battle beginning

Published Dec 27, 2023, 5:28:01 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 27, 2023, 5:28:01 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Aster, the Godspawn, and what led to it.

(banners by @cafekitsune on tumblr!!!) 

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Characters in this Chapter

Aster PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3035
96 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter 1: battle beginning

An invisible hand grazes Aster’s tail.

The trees are falling- Aster wills a vine to catch one and dodges another. He jumps up on the fallen tree and lets the vine return to the ground.

Thump! Goes the tree, and the Godspawn smiles at him with her yellow teeth. “You’re a good fighter, aren’t you?”

“I just wanted to find my sister!” Aster snaps. “I didn’t want to deal with you!” He swings at her with a vine, knocking her down.

“What were you expecting when you went here?” She asks scrambling up. “Were you expecting to just find her lying on the ground?”

“I.. no!?” Aster dodges the Godspawn’s spiked limb. “I-”

“What makes you hear of a place where people meet their ends and think she’d be here alive!?”

“Because-” An invisible hand grabs his ruff and lifts him up, and his wings spread and quiver. “-Let me go!”

“Why don’t I see if I can tear that star out of your chest?” Another invisible hand traces it, digging through his fur to feel it.

“No!” A surge of magic pulses through the star and through Aster, allowing him to grab the Godspawn with a vine and break her concentration. Aster instinctively uses his wings to glide instead of falling, and prepares for another attack.

But how did Aster end up in this situation? 

Well, it all started with rumors…

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